Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1930, p. 30

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After weeks of preparationl, opero patrons of the Chicago metropolitan (lis- trict are to enjoy a long expected treal at Raviinia on Mfonday niglit, July 21, Nvhen "Aniima Allegra." one of the novelties announced last May for preseni tation during tîhe current season, is te be-presetited for -the 'first time ini this part of thue country.' There, is every reasoni» to know tlhat tliis moderni worl< by the Italian composer, Franco Vitta- dini, will, find efnthusiastic neception awaitifig it at Ravi:iia, for itî is iii every way admýirably suited te, the geniusý of the Ravinia cast whichi lias heeni chioserf to, interpret its varioüs noies. " Anima Allegra" reflects, a phase of Spanisb life as: it was led ini the homes of the éconservative nohilitv not so lo,îg ago.. Ttis fhot surprising.tatLureIa Bon shouild lbechosei for, the rote' of Consuielo,' first hecauise she h las sung this rote manv tinules witli tremendous suc- cess , and .hecause ht is ' typical Boni argiviîmg this charming prima donna every opportuniity ib display iliose graces of, sin.ging and acting- whieh have so endeared lier to'the. Raviinia public. Con- s'uelo is a Spanishi senorita. of the higli- *est clasos, and so is Luicrezia Bonl. Mario Chamleie, 'Who lias a large fo)llowing among Ravinia patrons, is to appear op- posite Madame Boni ini the role of Pedro, ýa rot-naintic p)art wliich is also nepletc in that, hunmor whh NMr. Chiam lec lias so deiightflilvy set forth ini "Mantot f." Florence MaclbctW -w'Iil lb te coquIettislm. maid. a role comparable to thiat of the maid she .plays ini "La Rondiîie." Vittorio Trevisan will, have one of thiose bhnffo parts for wvhicli lie is justly fainious, that of an ancient major domo, while, Ita Bourskaya ill becbthe countess who iii- sists, uutil almost the hist momient, upon the proper observaimcc of. dignity. Mn,. Papi will conduct. Thje fifthi week af Ravinia 1)e'ins ul day afternoon, Julv 20, 'vîth -the niationial concert devoted bu German iuùsic piayeil 6Y the' Chicago.) Synîpliony orchestra. josephli Vito,. harpist. will lbc s1 lis There ilihi bc pr esent -Mr. W. Schîueller. Gernian conisul Of Ciiicagoo,'ail(l tlîe vice consul, Dr. George Sclîaller. M r. Schueller will spetk. Elisalieth Rethîberg is to sing Elsa ini "Lohen!tgrin" on Sundav e'vening, july., 20, wùth Edwàrd Johinson ini the title rote. Madame Rethberg lias achieved- caLdU.iviL 'pecomuuipaiiy art prepar- ing for the world premiiere of Hamiil- ton Forrest's "Cariiille," sclieduled for the coming opera season. Mary Garden, in lier villa on the Mèedit erra nean, is iard at %vork with lier interpretat ion, of Ithe leading role, and (luring thje sumnnier will lie visited by several of the artists chosen7for .the *"Cainijle" cast Who will, work for brie f pcj.riods w~ith li er. *Mâestro* Emil Cooper is at a coU1ntry lplace not far fromn Paris, andie is going over theorches- tra tion, ,orkingk on sonie of the unusual ProI)lens Ipresented liv the, score. Theý composer is also in France. with 'Ma- estro Cooper. Early in. the-fa!!, Whcn tue Icàst asseiilles- iniChicago, ii 'will bê possible to hegin ensemble rehears- ais on the stage alrno,st inmniediatcly, for tie pirincipals were assigne(l their role last fall. .Here in Chicago thic teclmnical (le- inart..ienit lias completc(l the- gorgeous stage settiiîgs to the last detail. The. secondl scene of,.the second., act is sai4 to lie one of the nîost miassive produc- tiolis ever pnepared for tlire operaticj stage. Ini "Cavalheni>a 'Rusticaiia" 'Madamne Rei- herg w~ill be e heard as Sanitnzza, one -of lier great nfoies, and Arnîaîîd Tokiaiti is to, sing Turiddti, withî Manlo' Basiola' as Alfio. ,Ada' Paggi will I.e LQla,.anid Pliiie Falco, Marna Iucin. Mr. Papî conducts 'both operas. T'le usual chldretn's conIcer-t. aul i t- tcntaiiiîment cornes on 'lthursdav~ after- îioon, Jiv 24, Nvitli a conîcert hy the Chicago Svmpliony orchestra, and enîter- tainmiieti*t consistingl of scenie-é, frn the îîîerry opera, "Thîe MVikado," 'hy Gilbert ani'd Suillivani. h vii1li e presented liy a largc câst iuer dime direction of J. XiI- 1 ins Macy. 'l'lie opcratic offeing for ThnursdavA e\euIiiig, July 24, lis Ma"semit's "M\anlon", wîtli . Litcrezia Boni in m bbc title noIe, Mario Ciamice as Des Gnéix, àimd Leom Rotliier.as..tlie eider Des Grieux. Boîli N[fadarne Boni anmdM. Chamîece.,hîave log eeni famoüs in-thîeir rokes. esire Defrere wvil li eard as Leécatt. Mn. Hasselmatîs conducts. 011 Friday iliglit, jul' 25, Giorclamo's draniatic opera, "Fedora-i" wilIli e pre- ceive its first performance at Rav- ii-ia in thé near future, lias Spain as its locale. The action of the opera, the naine of wliich imeans "the happy sou!l," takes place in the ancestral home of the Manchioniess Sacramento. Lucrezia Boni is to sing Consuelo,. Florence Macbetlh, the maid, Mario Cliamnlee, ]Pedro, and Vittoro Trevisan, the major-domno. The music is said to lie of. tle character of "La Ronditie," that is, it is full of melodies and sparkle. 'rIme story. is tlîat the Marchioiness' son, ]Pedro, leaves his gloomiy motlier and lier -pompous. major7doîio, and . seeks a freer life with lus companions.1 XX'Ien lie conies home lie fiîîds everv- tinig chaîîged, for a cousin, Cotîsuelo., an'd lier coquettisli miaid have arrivedJ foôr a visit,. and have entirely clianged the, atniosl)lere inito one of gaiety anîd life. Pedro succurbs b lier charm., and finally the old Marchioîîess' and lier niajor-donio capitulate too, wxhen1 thvlearn tliat Pedro a'nd Conisuielo -ire iulove. Society Makes New Rules for its Coming Contestis The qociety of Ainican Mu\Itsicians lias announiced that -Bertha Ott. noted imipresario, vvill cooperate withi it next sesl.spoiisorinig two recitals to lie tivenl for artist studenits on inuenbers of thie society. Coîîpetitioms for iinstrtî- n ients.atnd voice vvil l e luelcI in Jau- aryV, andl necitals mill take place oil Spn(ay afterniooins iii Febnuarv anid 'Mardi. A chiange lias beeîi nmadle iii the mtii- inigs for adnissioni to' thiese coilte.sts, so thuat liow studenits of teacliers whio are inueîiiems of the Society ileed niot have sttudied m-ithi bleir teachers i11 the inîniediate p)receinig seasoni as weli, b.ut are nequimed tlo have. stn(iied, for. tlirb--five-we eks iii, aîîv pneceding seam- son as fan back as.,926-27. Thîis, is expected bo attract antist studetîts Wlio niav have appeared iiipuiblic luthe The socie- s also been caiied upon Miss- Isabel Cliineo(f Kenilworbh, who lias been in charge of the entertain- mnents for the chuldren's programns at -Raviinia park on Thursday âfteriioons, for six. years, with lier coininittee, told, about tlhe hlih iglîts of this suninien ' scliedule. Tlircugjî ail the trials' andý trib)ulations that. inevitably :.corne dur- ni association with templeranieintal theatrical troupes,, dog and pony cir- cuses and what-not, sîe. lias snîuled and clieerfully 1icked up tlîe pieces or re-, arranged lier, prognaîîîms at the lasb. -minute in oncler to give. the cliildren the bestStlat could lie sectîred., Tlhe first lialf of the children's pro- grain is given by% Eric Iel,atiarter and the Chicago -Synipliony orchestra, and tlîis lîalf is, eduicatioial, but theé latte.r lhaîfis "the frosting on.the cake," sai(l 1Miss Chuie w'ibl a Smlile. "LIt is purely for anmusenment, and just to 'givc the children a lauigli, but We try to niaike ht as' higli cla ss as possible," sle saîd. No one but miss Chune cani realize thîe difficult 'ies she encounitens in' boo>kig acts, for. s6ié of. the best ones cati oîîly Ïbe secnred a' week ie fore tlîey coîne on. Chîicago .is the place wlîene, tlîe vaudeville teams wait over a week or two before clîanging olîto an cast- cmn circuit. Miss Chine. lias tfokeep -in constant 1touch witli agencies. The teams- have always liked Raviiai, and. almnost ',witliout exception actors have asked to corne back. Tiiere are, lmow- ever, few repeats, becauise "Miss Chille likes 10 give the chiîdren a glinipse of iliany featuires. Th'e actons say tliey find tlie chiihhren so respotinsve. and( therefore tlîeir w'ork beconies fi. Sele'ctions froiii"The M\ikaido" bT Gilbiert and Sullivan, NviIh be giv'en by J. Wýilliarins Mcy and a compllany f roni the Nortliwestern untivers-ity sclîool of s)cl-on Tlîursday, July .24. -The. fol- lowjng:Tliursday, JnlvN 31.-m-ill be Car- nival clay, aiîd the Arnîy. aid ýNavy wihl gvi e the'same sont of programi as they gave hast year. This prograrn, is ne-- peated l)ecauise Miss Chuec recelved so -maîîy nequésts for it. 'Tle fiùll Arny' and Navy bands will be at Ravinia, ai d 4J, muut casts t-nat always bring capacity Chicago. hoùses. In '4Pagiiacci" Queena Manio On Suinday night, JUIN, 27, "Aida" wilI .wiIl appear as Nedda, whilç Giovanni be given' witb the famous Ravinia cast, Martineihi wili be Cauio, one of his out- which includes Madame Rethbeng, Mn.s standing noies. Ginseppe Danise wil 'lie- Mantinelli, . Madame Bourskaya, Mn. i Touiio, delivering the famons "Prologue" Basiola, M. Lazzari, Mn. D'Angelo and . afid George Cehano'vsky',will bie Silvio. Mn. Cavadore. BARRE HIILL IN EUROPE Barre Hill1 has saihed for Europe to speud the summen coaching -and study- ing. Rumor bas it that Mary Garden i$' prepaning him. to sing Pelleas with lier in, "Pelleas et. Melisande." Coe Glade, Helen Vreund, ' Con- stance Ebenliant'and Fonrest Lamont u~f the Chicago Civir Opera compauy, and Herbent Gould -of the liglit opera wing, are at Cincinnati for the aniual season of open air opera at thé Cin- cinnati Zoo. The ,season is aýain un- der the, direction of Isaac Van Grove, Chicago musician an0ocifrel with tlie Chicago Civic. Opera forces.

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