u. vyculco-- ards of thàanks, obitu- Sor other affaira where riod, wIll be charged at Grade Separation wil Save life Lts have immediateacin Stonles dlon't grow. Plants, animais, comn- ninnuties, an(1 schools dIo., Dead> things don't grow ; living things do. OuIir commlunities Hh cholgrow in size. Our high -ihSg côol sehl grows 11ni nu rnt)er of Expansion pupls. To, accommodate this increase the hysica si ze of Our' high scliool. must also increase.. With, tbese f acts in n mmd our high. school, officiais and trustees have drawn up, a two- vear plan'of expansion. The two outstanding f catures of this plan are. inicrease of sliop s pace and equtipnent and(1 increase of classrooîn facilitis. -The realization of- this plan catils for an expeli(iture Of about a million dollars, wichel, will be secu>re(1 bv a bondlý issue., 0 1u the basis of h1istory 'of pupil-increase in the past dozen vears it isý estimiate(l that-ini about six y'earsý the hiiglh sehool student popu- lati.on vill 1w 2,500). 'TO meet 0the needs of' t1is 100- a year growvth the phvysical govl 1i11st 1,)e prol)ortioniate. Iii our hiigli scliU)l there is takin, place an- othier gr-owtlî, whicli is not so obvieus as the 'growtlî i. ntlmlers. A close observer will notice a gr-iowth iniiniethods of adniistration1: * and teaýchinç.g, anim iiprovemen tt f ar mlore 11n- * portanit'than -the plysical imiprovýenenit. Thie care and(l irttire of young adolescents is the. * mst ificul]t* undertaking tbat. the schools niust nieet. J3ovs and, girls froni 13 to 17: are: in a. transi tion.-l)eriol. 1To guidle therni saf ely and, correctlv tlirougli this, period is the mo.st difficuit <of. ah enterpri ses. May we suiggest to thei high . school author- ities that just now is an excellent time to take stock of the school resôurces and 'also tg examine the entire plant, physîcal and..intellec-. tuai anid moral, to discover flot only defects throughi the saine mediumi. Andi wflo cani doubt that there are miaiy people ,who talk so littie that were it not for the kind services of Lncle Sam tley woul lose al means of expression ? So we are ahl in(lebted (ldeeply to our post- office roun d the corne r. \Veýé help it and it. hielps us. Our patronîag~e lelps, it to grow. lis growtliinales, it mnore serviceable to us. *Community cooperatioi is good, verY goodi Whe people iii a conniunlity. work wvth (>1iC another and Nvi thl village officiaIs, ini ,furtherance of Inter-Co m manty conîmnitity wî Cooerti a r e th e individual iiienibers o.f that: coiuiiunity are nîuch nmore ikely to live h1appily thanl if thev did,*not so. cooperate., Ini(ee(l it is liardto exaggefate the bleefits tô 1w (deriveà fromn conînuxnility -coopération. * -ult ve- elieve that thiere is a second kinid *of coolieration that cornes, later Ili civic de- velopnlient ,anid that is produicti've f addi- tionlal 1) eniefit.'Aind tl.àt is iinter-comnîun.,iiitNv cool)ratioul. Cities, and countries co-op- crate ii the: preven ition and 1)lishntlent of crinme. .Ex-tradit i, l~s-ke criiminals" * froiin evading puii"shuînt.-lien on citv 15 d lvast ate(l )Vsoinee natural catast rci}he, lie arhuae rtire, uther cîties lhellp ,iii hIe workof rebuilding and reviving Likewise ,we lwlieve IeartiIy ili thle co- ol)eratioui of norîli shore conîînuniiities. Suc . ooleration ilee(l not prevetît fr*indly- rivalry in! good m7oùk. It nîav even 1toniote stîchi rivalrv. SUcli spirit as -%vas shlownl by the T-initer hIovs tow'ards their defeated *ri.vaIs is. higlv comniiiendabie and Cali bring f orth only 3wthe, best re'sults,, just. as, its p opplosite -%vill cranv engenider bad con-- sequen ce 1s for al concernied. Civic pride-is lharîîîoîîous mitli înter-coniiîunity coopera- Work done by thé Regiotial PlaniiîîgiE Coli]niis sion is an exaimplé of beiieficial co- Luill o-- LL- -_ (ilicludiiug ourseif) were content bO just sit ashore and try to breathe. This brief speli of relief froin the torrid heat mwaves of the street proved productive of reflection,. n.iamiely, concerning the parking facilities, if any, for cars in or reasoflally near. the lake front park areas of the north shore. villages. Washington park in ilmette mnakes 'the best provision of this character on a hroad expanse, of landl directly overlooking the lake. H-ere oneC finds. ample space f or. 1hundreds- ofvehlicles. and Saturday. fournd the area muchi in demnand. It is notk fair, to nearby home owners that the streets near the- lake be jamimed.. with cars.' Yet it is also unfair to residents in, other .sections of Our communities to hbe subjccted to the. aiiioyinig task of filding a parking place that .isn't înriàked. -No Plarkinig." Just try and find 'em. The only* luil solution to this problemn- and it seems to us. a problemn-that. suggests itself at the. momnent is the provision of ample parking places, - under pro-per 'restrictions- rigit' within, the park areas. Thiesýe could be made to appe .ar not at ail unsightly. Blend a: little utility, wit., beauty, as il were. *The're shlid be the effort .also, on th-e part ý of+ officials, ustially rep)resenited to the public iii the gri) of the failiar blue- coat and star, to cô-. o1erate rather tlian restrict, lest we ultîiatelyr col- laàpse comi)letclyv under. the. ever-incçreasinig ava-ý lanche of "thiou ,shaît nots." Reeeneto-.the parkingý facilities in WVashing7- ton Park, Wilmhnette. recalîs to mind the rather remiarkable automobile 'provinig grounids e xtant tiiere_. Signs along the M-indcing roads, flash the grit. wariiing "spee(l hijit 12 miles per hur"And ~hemoorngPublic resprond(s: "Just try and (1o iC UndouhtedIly the worst stretch, of p)ublic road 'on- thc niorth shore, anvwhiere. Add to tliat a none too friendly attitu*de of -a burly kliaki-cladj minion of the law anid any day, warm or othierwise, is by way of being utterIy and completely ruined. - etý us play xithout too nifcha restriction. Es-_ pecially wlien it's so (1---d hot! Kili ha Lait PaRragraph Joly 13 (wrhiclî is Sunday) l)car. Friends, inclu(ling Mique. I hlave read with mingled pride and pleasu1tre' the results of your efforts. -Before Me sitting as 1 ani .-lu my car su.rroundçd-.by3 fresh, air, birch., trees, and silence, excçept for the beating- of- the waves on tl-iiéa1pr.-hIv shore. ies ýa i nwof vaîr, ilt.us- TI-ere it stands in the heart of o'ur village,- receYving and delivering letters, post cards, papers, packages, regularly and promptly. For two cents it, will take for us a message to the remoîest part of the Uuited1 States andý even cnuna. %v%,e i eau uî a sack race, a411U Ui a LIII - legged race, and we know that we are, adults. le couldn't take part in such races even if we cared to. And honestly and truly we don't care to. When we pick Up the program again. and rcad thedescription, of a rolling race, we... drop the, program anad taàke a nap. » Just learned from the Chica passenger cars, trucks and bu United States traveled a gran miles in 1929. Probably inlui tours into' Kentucky creeks. Hope youý enjoy your vacation.:' Motor club that in these glorious otal of 168 billion ig our recent de- -MIQUE,