CHILDREN WIL IEAR "MIKADO»p AT RAVINJA Group of Brilliant Artias tetoPre- sent Gilbert and Sullivan Piece Next Thuraday Many bundreds of childreën will have the great treat of their first hearing of, Gilbert and Sullivan' s imimortal "Mikado"ý at Ravinia Thiursday afternoop, July 24. Af ter the sympýhony orchestra, under Eric De Lamarter bas concluded the -first haîf of the- program, the remlainder of the.usual cildren's concert wil1 be.given. over to, the presentation of as much of the Mikado as can. be fitted into the available timne before the stage. must be given over to prepàration for the grand opera of 'the evening. The version to 1e given bas been care- fully arranged to give a coherent idea of the plot with A its hunmor and wbim- sicalities, and to include those m~usical *numbers which have proven most enter- taining to young9ters. Among those to be sung. are "A Xand'ring Minst'el," "Youpg- Man,,Despair .". ..Tbree. .Little Maids Fromn. SchooIý' the trio "I Am niSo Proud," Yumf-Yum's lovely aria "ýThe Sun Whose Rays," the tuneful Madrigal iuartet, the riotous "Here's a HJo\-to-do,ý the,.1\Mikado's owvn song that alas p peals especially to hoys-"Make the Puni- ishrnent Fit the Crime," "Tit Willow,e' and .many 3tbers. * Pronin~ntArtiats The selection of* prificipals lias beeni especially bappy, every one being welt knowvn ini musical circles. on the north * shore due to excellent work in light * opera, cburcb or radioý. The.Nanki-Poo is FtZugee V. Dressier* wbo.bas donetbe role, as Nvell as other Gilbert aùd, Sullivani enor leads,ý in Uni- versity Circle àand.other producti'ons.. Mr. Dressler has sung several years at the. Chicago; North Shore Festival and bis * cburch and radio activities makçe bimi well knowvn ot, oly' o the nortli shore, but nationally. His thorough routine .as Nanki-Poo. enables biim to give a dclight-. .J1iuerr seems to > mave 1LALenum nexLio.L I none. Her hutnorous use, of heavy chese toues brings to mind the delicious effects achieved by Bertha Lewis who sang the (Contntiued on page. .7) PI&yground Childre n to G1ve Draniati- zation at Vaftman Park Wednesday, July 30; Publie Invtd, An outdoor presentation of the legend of "Hiiawatha" %vill bc given by the children of' Vattman park Wednesday evening July, 30 at 7:30 o'clock. The public production is the outgrowth of the dramatic instruction introduced on thé public playgrounds for the first time, this ý summer. and which hias, beén inder the direction of Mrs. Jay R. Brown, 127 Seventeentb street. 'Mrs. Brown lias been giving three mornings eacli week to story telling, -dramatization,. and ina- struction in the funidamientals of public speaking and smaller presentations of plays of theý type of "Tom Th umb's Wed- ding," have been given at eacéh of the, three playgrounds for the amusement of the playground children. But "Hliawatha" will be the first demonstration for the general public. More than 150 children will partici- pate in the legend. ail of them f rom Vatt- mian park witb the exception of dancing girls who will be imported f rom the other playgrounds.. The children -are making -their own costumes to be used ini the play duùring. the hour for their reg- ular handcraft activities, under the super- vijsion~ of Mrs. Alta B. Caldwell. Thc egend is to be given ini the park proper and not on the playground, in order to accomodate as large a group of spec- tators as possilýle. Precediing the twi- light -production, a dress rebearsal, at' whichi the mothers of playgrouiid cbild- ren will be gijests of hionor, will b e held TIuiesday afternoon, July 29. Special re- hiearsals of the principal characters in the play are being beld cadih noon at Mrs. B3rowni's home. Commnittee Appointed to Select Village Manager At a recent meeting of the Wilmette Village Board of. Trustees, a1 commit- tee, comprised of Village President Earl E. Orner .and Trustees WV. V. DeBerard and Ernest C. Cazèl, was appoînted to interview .cand1idates for *ate to the greatest degree possible during the summer season by re- Ifraining from using the water in- sfras is possible during the period of, heaviest ýdemand, Messenger Dr. George D. Allisonl, pastor of the Wilmette Baptist cburch leaves this Week-end ou a tour of England where hal is to convey messages of good w111 to many cities at*the instance of the Com-mittee on Interchange: of the Fed- eral Council of Çhurches of Christ in America. He will be in Great Britian eighit weeks. Dr. Scherxnerhorn Will Preach at M. E. Church Dr, Williami D. Schermierhorn, pro- (essor of Churcb History at Garrett Biblical Institute, will preach the ser- muon at the Wilinette Parish Meibo- dist church Sundav morning, July 20, at Il o'clock. Dr. Scbermerhorn is tak- ing the place of Dr. Horace G. Smith, the pastor, wbo is 'vacationing in Wis- consin. in manyof1 appearing TO Leavs 'flas unday on Exteuded, " Good Wil" Preqiching Tour in Great Britain Dr., George D. Allison, pastor of the 'Wilmette.Baptist cburch, le-aves. the village - Sunday -eveniing, July. 20, for an eight weeks ' preaciing mission through Great Britian, baving been. chosen as. one of the, twelve "Good WilPreachiers" sent by the Committee on. Interchange of. the Federal,.Council of Churches of Christ in America., ýDr. Allison bas received an interest-. ing itinerary, .iincliidin,, Baptist, Meth- odist, and Congregational churclies -in London, N'ottingham and Rugby,, as« well-as miscellaneous addresses., At the great East Ham, Wesleyan Mission he wil1 preach three times on August 10. At the afternoo1n session e is assured an audience of a thousard working men. in addition to preaching, a lecture on "Chcao"and one -on "A'merica's In- ternational Aims" are called for. Dr Allison is president of the* Chi- cago Baptist Ministers conference and lias held many "denominational,. posi- tions.- The Couples' clags of the Baptist church presented Dr. Allison with a guide-book at a steak supper in the Forpest. Preserve Iast week. Last Sun- day cveni'ng Mrs. C. E. Thompson en- tertained a large group at tea in his honor. Yesterday, the Baptist con- gregation liel its Annual Beach party a month ahead of time to give thieir. minister a senrd off at which time a pre was presentdt l.A h Union services .next Suniday ,at .il o'clock in the. Congregational church, Dr. Allison will 'preach a f areWell sermon. Amputate Foot of Youth Injured in Motor Crash are who< pne new the twoi appears.tI of, nine centage, i op.a.g tS't45.. * A fl.* 4 t.**. case. july and january are nionths in which this disease :o thrive, but the present total. is an, exceedingly low per-, it iu pointed out.