the Town of New Trier, have, in writing, filed in My office a statement that a apecial town meeting is necessary for the interest of said town,, setting x forth the object of the Meeting. The legal voters, and electors of said Town of New Trier are therefore hereby notified that a Special Town iMeetinig wili be held at the Tnsi,(. Office,. Village. Hall, Winnetka, Illinoisonthe2th, day of. July, A.D. 1930, ta commence at 8 P. M.* for ! the purpose following, to-wt- TO LEVY A TO1WNSHIP TAX Being the abjectcontained inthsadta- ment. filed in My office. Given under my hand at Wilmette,Ilios this l.4th day of JuIy, A. D. 1930. MARGARET S. Pl Town.Clerk For You-the binoculars 'used by Admirai BYRD- Toloiff Photo Mrs. -Harry G. Phillips, former presi- dent of the national group of a1uminae of. the National College of Education, fornierly the National Kindergarten anîd Elementary college, will head- thé league of Mary Crane 'Nursery school auxiliaries ini the new seàson. Mem- bers aid. the college with its support and directi on of the school at H{ull house. Lggag. Women's Cases $-5.00t'O $ 30-00. Wardrobe Hat Boxes $10,00 up grourids, is niot to kilt but to disable. Major Woldenberg recently conducted a conference on the uses of gas and smoke. He also is giving a practical demonstration at the encarnpment of the 343rd and 344th Infantry regiments at Peoria.' 1He stated that the-chemnical warfare' branch . of the army "would rather disable a mati than to kilt him." "If you .kilt a thousanld,,mci, that's a thousand men dead, but if you disable a thousand, even temporarily, you put twvo or three thousand out* of combat, ini order to care for the ýdisabled," tlhe major said. He told the officers how thé, Germnans during the war caused as many as 21,000 casualties, through the use of gas in the first stages of 'thé war, when the enemy was, unprepared, but howv before war ended the Allies were using ten times as much gas as the enemy and had perfccted. rnearis of combatung the gas. A demnstration of the. new gas -mask w as also made, slîowiiîg its efficiency and. improvement over the war time. mask that necessitated clips over the nose and a. rubber mouthpiece. Wilmette Men Attend Chautauqua at Winona. The Rcv. John A. BoNvman,' and the Rev. Julius Rohirhach, both of. Wilmette', arrived at Wuinona Lake,- md., July 9, anîd are staying at'the "Fels'en:Heim'" cottage. Winona Lake cliautauqua ,thiîs season lias an unusually large attendance.ý due to the new open-gate policy which has been adopted by the board for the first time in the tlîirty-six years. of the assembly's existance. This is the second we~ek of the great Wunoîîa chautauqua, which is ini session now for the thirty- sixth consecbtive season. The chautau- qua will continue for five nmore .weeks and will be f.ollowed by the atitiùal.Bible Con ference. CHRISTIAN SCIENCEý SERVICES *"Life" will be the subject at the serv- ice ni the First C-hiurcIî of Christ, Scientist, ini Wilmette, Sunday morn- .ung, ',july 20, at 11 o'clock. Suîiday school. convenes at 9,;45 o'gcloclk. Aimer Coe & Comç SCIENTIFIC OPTICIA NS 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston Orringlon at Cb«rcb tl>era f or cutfing Iadies' and child:enps haie GANs HIR SHOP re Hotl EVAI Laur- AilPhea6 2 .6262