mani paris leader.' The Village Green players were as follows: Rose Toscani, and Gladys Schmidt. of the senior girls, and Josepih- ine Costo and Blanche Kreuschi of the intermediate girl s. Vattrnan won first and lsecond ami Central 'won1 third iii the senior girls, *and- Vattn'in won first, 'second and third of «the intermiediate girls. - Gladys Schmidt,; Village Green playground. Virginia Enjoys Thrills of - Chicago'sà; War Show Onie day -1 Werit, to the War. Show .down, iii Chicago. The first thling on the program. three, stunt planles did tricks, Theîî the. ground work he.gan.. Soldiers came out riding horses dressed iii white l)aIts, yellow shirts and bine tains. They did.aIl sorts.of tricks on the hôrses. Trhe best trick w~as'rnaking a- pyraniid of themnselves'on the IorsesIwhitey were going. An observation balloon wvas above the stadium during the whole prograrn. The last thing &"was' another observation ballo6n rising over the lake. . A f ew' minutes latér the miapin th de basket sus- pended ýto the halloon jurnped ont with a parachute ai-d theilthe' honbing pflanes dropped a bomh on the- balloon. and it went up' into' fla'mes.-Virginia Green,, Vattnuan .park. VATTMAN WI;NSý The Central-Vattmatiihal game vas liel(l at Central, J'uly 19. Two' of the Vattruai boy wlo re supposed to l)e umpires llaved andl they too old to play. At the end of the gamie ic score w-as 10 to Ilnin Vattmian's f avor- 'Ruth Sanderson, Central playground. PLAN POSTER CONTEST Almost everNoîîe at Central play.,round is gettiîug ready for the poster contest. AIl posters are due Friday, July 11. Cen- tral is anxious ýto gt soirne prizes in the *Village Wide competition., Ruth Sander-_ son. Central playground. W*IY 1 AM IN SUMMER SCHOOL I arn coming to summer school so 1 rnay be >prepared to meet the standardi of high school. 1 expect to review. some of last year's work includingt Arithmetic. - 'Frank Mav, ffowvard school. crasned on nîs îett wing. Thie ambulance~ weitright out. In a littie while they broîùght the pilot into the hospital. 11e was.tinconscious and he had several cuts. The pilot's name is Lieutenant Fekirnan. -Lowvel Peterson, Howard. Current Events Clans Learns About Aviation When we settled down and wvere ready for worký.Tuesday morning we-,-were greeted by Mrs. Jones, our' summer school. teacher, wi'kh, "We're going to. have current .events." -And inaturally, not knowing that we wveré to have cuù- rent events, som-e of the boys. and girls weren't .prepared, so, .everything was about the-, endurance flyers.' Although sorne weren't prepared. they wvere very interesting.-Erî Shaper,, Howard sehool. PARADE 0F DOLLS' Last Thursday we had a parade. All of the Juniors and Intermediates brouglit lieira dolîs and we had a doil parade. I took., rny 'brother. He tot)k his teddy I)ear aid iny sister's rag doîl. Mrs. Caldwell put a red piece of paper arou-id his hecad and lie rnarched in the parade too. AIl of the people laughed' at us because we wcre rnaking so much noise.. -Betty Todd, Vattrnan park. GOLF BUGS BITES Every Thursday eveiîuig 1 play golf w\-ith imy father. We go out to Mount Prospect wvhich is' about 15 miles f romn Wilmette.- Dad hias .a golf lesson firs:, and then we 'go around three holes, somne- timies six, 1 alwvays. look f orward to 'Thursday because. I, amn beginning to like' the' game. Dad sometimes asks me' to count rny strokes but 1 arn sure it \%,ould' be an' impossibility.-Pearl Lud- ford, Howvard; 'TW A SA GREATDPAY We were'ail looking' forward t .o the Fourffh of July. It was a great day for everybody. Up at the Village Green thbey had races, Punch and Ju(ly, a base- hall game, and other activities. At night wNe watched fireworks f rom the stadiurn andI tlipv wteire vrv retr y~*rtv- 1wa- r "Better Pictures Better Values" Ail Children Smnile for Bernie THRE.E.1 Bgeautiful, Buif s5.oo Regular Prioe, $ 10.0 BENIE STUDI 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston Tel Univ. 8998 Bridge prizes that are, different-.' Wh*e.'à thelairubb.r's over à'md the -winners. are busily cradkhng tissue pap.r. tbere'Il' b. exclamations of d.light if. the. prizes are from Tatmnan. Every day frorn France- for ,bridge or we re unpacking nvlies-mrfostly -rwhcb are just the thing fo give r golf. The Royal Taulors, mc., .1641, Ave. 51? DAVIS STREET EVANSTON 625S N. MICiGANo~ Avis. CHICAGO