Central TeamHas Birt/zday Part y; For! eits a. Game. Wednesday afternoon of July, 9, the, Village Green wâs to have a kicçkball gaine. with Central ýplayground. WNe were waiing for quite a ývhile but no. one showed up.'F.inallv about .2 o'clock Mr. -Davis camne and said Cenitral went to a birthday party so mwe ou 1 forfeit. WVe were. slightly disappointed that we couldn't play the gaine l)ut in a way we were glad we had w%%on. for we offly.lost one gaine., The players' on our tearn are catcher, Gladys Schmidt; pitcher. Bessie Costo:-. first base, Marion Mitchell; secondl Ybase, Edith Rawley; third'base. Marie Meéyer: shortstop, Doris Stanco; short- stop, Elaine Angelbeck,; left field, Rose Toscani; center field,- Frances Schmiiitz: right fleld, Elsa Carlen. Homv'(10 ou like that for a teain? The gaines we ha'd playedsofar~ were very exciting and I hope the following gaines u dl be also. 1 hope we- will win aIl our games too. If iye aIl the playgrounds.-Frances Schnmitzý do we'> will win, the champion ship, of Village Grçefnplaygrounld.. Plays Goc Samaritan to . Dog-Harried Bird. One 'Saturdav moriiiing 1got upprather early and decided to go ouitside. Looking' out of the iido\ I discovcred a (log 'on our front l'awn shaking sornethiig red. 1 ran out of the hotiqe and scaring the clog 'away I went to' see wvhat lie had heen shaking. 'To my surprise, 1 saw it was 'a woopecker. Because of the rouigl treat- ment by the dog. the woodpecker .had Iost a 'few feathers out of Ill$ win.g so' he cold not fly. I -gave hum somne watcrý and put hîm in a basket linied with cottonl.. I4ter in the, morning I %vent to see lîow hè Was getting along and found thebas- ket -deserted. .He had goýtten hack, his' strength and hadflown awa.%ýv.-Cathéri':.e Munro, Stolp summer school ln Which George Avers and Rose Toscani; fourth. 0f the inter- mediates Virginia Tobin, first,, Josephine Costo, second, third and fifih; NMargaret Backstron,, fourth. 0f the juniors, Vir- ginia Sergeant, fi rst, third, and f ourth; and Elaine Leis, second. and, fifth. The posters' of these girls *are allentered in the. Village-'wide contest. Present "Tom Thumb" ini Central Drama Program The Central playground, under' the direction of Mrs. Jay R. Brown, dra- miatic instructor, is giving: the play, "Tom Thumb,." The scene takes place at the wedding. The characters are'as follows: 'Minister, Marie, Piefe r, jride, Jenny June, Catherine McDaniiel,. Best Man, Robert Lifton, Maid 'of honor, Jbin . Co,1Il i e r,, Bridesmaids, . Mar- garet Chcsborough, Ruth- Sanderson, Tom Thumb, Louis Melchoir,, Brides' Father, Albert.,Carpenter, Flower ,Girl, j ean Burpee. Guests, Old X\oman ini the Shoe, Marjorie Temple, Humpty. Dutrpty, ýFranîçes. McDaiel, Old King Cole, Howard. Molding, Mary Mary, 'Alicia Haake, 1,ittle Boy BIeé,: Sheridan Crumlisli. usher, W Nilliam Moody.-- Eleanor E vans, Central playgrounid., Swimming for WB ®rkehg, But GJad it', Over Yesterday was qu4te a dloudy' day for the beach but there seemed to be quite a crowd. The' watç'r; was 66> degrees, wvhich was quïite warm. ýThere were quite a lot of, children who wanted to swim foôr the ir 'WB's and Mr. Stone said we could if Bill Holmes, the Hf e guard, would watch us.' Hé said. he would and so We started. in order to get a.,WB you have to swim 150 yards without stopping' or touching botton.1 CGvaerally there is a life boat that goes along with you. Al'that tried that day .succeeded. There were also a nuin- ber trving for 'fish, in 'which you have to swin'i two lengths of the rope. I.suc- ceeded in mak'ing my fish and WB 'and amn every glad ils over wt.Mlrd Haughi, Howard school. Not so' Hard to Win .WB at Wilmette Beach. Thursdav, ýJuly 10, Lois Cote and- I decided to try for our WB]3'sat the beach. XVe had just corne out.of the water and' Lucilie .Haugh told us 'she had just -made herls. , Ue'thought we could make it 'ifý she cQuld. W~e' wvent up on1 the beach and rested for, awhile because we had just corne f romn the second raf t and were quite tired. After 'we' had rested awhile wee went to tel' Mr.' Stone we w~ere ready tO try for o.ur WB's. He said to go out and tell the life guard liaugh, Htoward summier school. HIGH DIVE - POPULAR The high dive is up 110w and it is usually quite crowded. The water bas beenl quite wrm. Once it got as high as 74 degrees., There is also cite a, number of people 'trying for WB S Caddy Business Perks Up Over July Fourth Holiday, Friday, the Fourth of July, 1 went to caddy., I earned a dollar. 1 had a ve'ry. nice player. .i catinot, think of lis niaie. That* in"ight I Went to Evanstonl to. se.ý the. fireworks. .I was' going to buy a t icket but I goï in f ree.. A* copper took me by the, a~m. and said I could go, in. I was very surprised. XVe enj'oyed thein very much and I -Wag'gla(l, I did nlot have tô buy a ticket. Saturday I did not decide to 'go: to caddy, but "Mac," or Mr.. MacM.ýoran,', called me up and said* he was short on.caddies, so I'.vent Up. Iearned $3.50.. Sunday afternoon I wveni there too and earned a' dollar and a haif. I,earîïfed $5 during the week-end, and, Monday I went back to summer school.- Frederick Kaspar', Howard school'. Doll1-Making NoW, Important Business at Village Green. Monday we start rnaking doils: ai the, playground because this is dolI-mak- ing week. We have been. making. posters forý the_ past, week.. We have* quite a few;posters., Five-post ers will be chosen anid these- ill. be entered in the Village ,ide- contest. - We have been making oil.cloth cats and dogs and' cowboys and Rappers. There s" lot to. do this week hecayse we are tryinjg to get very many dolis. We have been bringing dolfs and dressing thein as rose petal dolis. They' are very pretty w~hen they are fin-, ished. There were different sorts of 'dolîs. Next' week wve will start basket iveaving of different colored raffia. We have the ralia,, reed' and needies no w. -Josephine Costo,' Village Green play- ground.: Wrens and Canaries' Are Objects * of Clo se'-Study Ini the bird house -ini our back yard %ve, have two0 little' wren's. E7very ýmorning one of thiem flues aroiind in between the buishes and runs up the tree in search of ,something tô eat. These, Nvrens are very sinaîl. They are. brown and when they ruri up' the trees you cati hardly sec thiem as they go up and down for NOT 50' EASY Thursday, july '10, 'I decided to play on one of these golf courses, but it surely' was' hard, because there are so rnany odd things.' People, who have .never trued one shoutld do' so.-Herbert., Meyer, Hoôward summ#er school. Vattman Park Girls Beat Village Green in Kick bail Clash The Vattmii park girls had a, kick- hahl game witli:Village Green Wednes- day, j 'uly 2. It Nvas played at the.Vatt- mai playground., It was' a cool day and the Vattman girls. had lots of pep. -In, the first three inn-ing.s'Va.ttmil was, ahead, but, the Village Green soon caught up to us., It -%vas. a tie f or several inn- rngs. WThen the Village Greengirls had their'last raps they. were ahead ýof us but wvhen we had ours wve heat them, with a score of l7 to 14. Mr.> Caldwell wvas umipire. It wvas a. vcry exciting game. N\,Te,,%ere the first playground to beat the Village Green. Our next gaine ill be at Vattinan ýpark. 'e ,are practicing liard so we will Win. 'The lineup for Vattmiln was as fol- 'lows: 'catcher,, Dorothy Davis, itcher, Loretta Steffens; flrst base, Babe WVal'- key; second base, Rose Meyer;' third base, Kathleen 'Holway; 'right short'stop, Kate McC.ônnhie: left short stop, Lucille Hoffinan; right field, Mary White; lef t 'field, Kathleen Meyer; center feld,' Geralîne Hoffmàn-Lucille,Hoffian, Vattman Park.ý Free.Swiiming Lesson.s Go With Beach Ticket Dow n at, the Wilniette beach in th~ afterhoon they give f ree swimrning le sonis if you have a ticket for the heach.' The swimming,gjessons 'are for beginners 'and advanced pupils. They also' give f ree divinig lessons. You can go down 'froin morning till .night at the beacl . At nighit they have huge searchlights 'tur-ned on the Wvater.. They give a fish to one Who swims three pos ts or tNvo len gths1 of..- the life line., Youget a WB~ for1 swim- n-ing, 150 yards, Mr,. Stone said. Two, girls in our room got their WBs this week. TFheir nain 1es are .Mildred Haugh and ,lillian Hoar, and Miîdred's. sister, Luùcille, also. got one.. Barbara Behr in our. room was the flrst ýto get her WB. Shie gets . extra 'points for. that. -Virginia Hluettel, Howard scboolî sLAixti m1i1 va Y LLII4II eciueu ro get Dusy and miade six runs.' Village Green caine uIp in! the last of the sevenith and nmade two runs but that was' flot enough to beat Vattinan park so they won seven. to. five. The, last two gaines have been close.ones, rnakinâ'the gaines ver .y excit- ing. - Sanley Cochrane, 'Village .Greeir playground.