Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1930, p. 16

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I PACKINO MOVINO Chairs and tables for rent for ail occas io ns 521 MAIN ST. A 1) WILMETTE 32 1 IERK i an 0* asy, quck and pernma- nent way to kiff dandehons1platain and al weeds ii yor 1i awZ.Justpu hY4of ateasponfu of Lewis' Lye on, the center of each plant--it eati raght into the mots and destroys theni. Lewis' Lye applied this way does not spread or injure the soi. Grass seed can be planted 24 houri after apply- ing Lewis' Lye. This plan has been tried and proven successful. Try it atid he that nehevetn 01n me iiali nv thirst' (John 6:35). Among the citations which comprised the lessonrsermon wvas the following f rom the Bible: "Create in me a dlean heart, O God;ý and renewv a righit spirit, wiithin me. 'The sacrifices o.f God are a-brokenl spirit: a broken and a. contrite heant, 0 God, thou wilt ýnqt despise" (Psalms 51 :10, C). The lesson-sermon also included the followimg, passages f rom' the Christian *Science textbok, "Science and Health With Key 10 the Sciptures,"- by, Mary Baker Eddy:, "Love is not hasty to de- liver usf rom temptation, for Love ýémeans that we. shaîl1 be tried -and purified". (Pl 22). Mr. and Mrs. Robent McNeil Burns, 614 Essex road,, Kenilworth, have re- turned to. their home after *having spefil .two and one-haîf'rnonths in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Burns visited France, England, Italy, Germany, Switzeiland,. and other counitries.. They sailed for *Americfroin Southam-pton and an-. rived on the Steamer Aquitania at Newv *York. While in M unichi, they attended a performance .of the Passioni Play. * Mrs. Evan Leslie Ellis of 100 Broad-, way avenue, and lier two çhildren, Betty Claire and Bobby, lkft last Fni- day to spend a week or two at Lake Gee-a, \Vis. -eOJtdoojm r.ýI. ÉL. we 1 tion comipany began air-rail, opérations, %with the Chicago and North Western lake- side station in Milwaukee, Wis., as the trans fer point. The new air-rail service links Chicago, Milwaukee and two, Michigan cities, Muskegon and Grand, Rapids. The proximity of the North .Westernà station and the Maitland airport on Lake -Michigan in Milwaukee make it possible to combine the two into aunified rail-air terminal, the first of its. kind ini the, United States. The time required ini transferring f rom-train to plane is ,re- duced to a f ew minutes, thus. eliminaîting one -of the. bugbears' of air-rail connec- tionis in large c ities, where. the long time required to transfer f rom rail, terminaI to air terminal ofteni destroys'.any ýad- vantage obtained- f rom the use, of f ast_ rail or air transportation. North and eastbound, travelers f rom Chicago wii.ltravel to Milwaukee. hy fast trains on the Chicago and North W estern', step f romn train to plane, ly across Lake 'Michigan, and arrive, ini Gýrand Rapids, three hours and -25 Min- utes later, thus cutting two hours or more f rom the ordinary time between Çhicago and Grand Rapids by the old, arounid-thc-lake route. Three flighlts east a-nd threeý flighîts w~est. with imrnedi- ate train connections. in Ililvauikee, Nwill be made. daily, wîh speciaI Service on Wilmette College Men to Tour RockyMountains Two Xilmnette youths started ont Wedne-day of this week to engage in a rather initensive survey of the Rocky Mouintain region. Tliey arc. Edward. WValter, a student at Lake Forest col- lcg'e, anid Frank Lyser of Northwesterin. 'llie trip wil! l)c hy nmotor, the itiner-_ ary including. Yellowstonie National parkz.. alnd Glacier National park. -They ex- pect. alsô,, b c liinh the celebrated, Mt Ramier. Approximatèly sve thousand miles Will be traversed by the pai r, includ ing a tour of the West Coast and a journey throughi the Great Desert, .with a stop at the Grand Canyon. They will visit friends at Seattle. K~FinUEIVE Stop suffering from constipation. uaa Chew a Rexall Orderlie at night. Next day, bright. Cet 24 for 25c today at the R N nearest Rexali Drug Store-IRnueckla WAV' Drug Co. detemn

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