Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1930, p. 15

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rection ot Eric /ueiamarter. In tne evèning Elisabetli Rethberg and Ed- ward Johnson will have the principal roles in this S'eason's first presentation of Wagner's opera, "Lohengrin." The orchestral program includes works by * Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahmis and Wagner.' Joséph'Vito, harpist,, is the soloist, The, French musiciaris thronged'to the park last Sunday in celebration of Bastille day,'the national French holi- day, which fell on Monday. The park took on.- a: foreign aspect, wxth- mem- bers od'French societies dressed in na- tive costumes 'giving away the special *French programn printed for the -occa- Sion by, Le. Comite Central of the French societies, and French-Ameri- cans of Chicago. The, dark complex- irined French men and- women moved about the park, conversing in the soft, nasal tones of their language. After the orchestral program more Frenchi people arrived to take part' in the games and 'attractions.' Short. talks *were scheduled' for James Hmlo Lewi1s, Robert Coiibe, and M. Feiirv de *Fontnouvelle, consul of France, after supper on the lawns. The orchestra gave a spirited per- formance of music by Frénch compos- ers, beginning with- the overture to Masene's"Phedre." The high point as Milhaud's symnphony, "Le Print- emips," which -is short and a particu- larly good examiple of nmodernity.. Mii- hauid has written it. in three brie f * movemnents, "allant," "chantant," and "et vif." There is vit and delicacv ini the composition, and it seetns to be full of' the fresh charmn of an earlY spring morning. Judging froin the ap- plause, it. needs more than one' hear- ing, to be justly aippreciated. Debussy's colorfmul "Fetes," Chabrier's well knioiNn and just. as, colorful "Espana," and Saint-Saens'* "Rondo Capriccioso", nuade up the group. John Weicher, violinist was soloist in the latter numn- ber, and was,.called back for an en- core, the "Meditationi" from Massen- et's "IThais." Leon Rothier came outf and sang forcefully and thrillingly "La Marseillaise" while t-ie audience stood. After an intermission, La, Chorale' Francaise of Chicago sang songs of (Photo by Baltou r)' Mi-s. Maxwell Roberts Rù.st, untîl lier marriage )une 28, was Miss Lena Catheryn Rapp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rapp of 1125 Elmwood avenue. Mr. Rust is the son of Mr. and Mrs. -Melvin Rust of Chicago. had expert guidance fromn Mr. Lagour- gue, so that the tone was sustained and pleasing.- The 'songs were exe- cuited with grace and finish. In the evening the group attende a fine performance of. that deligbtful opera, "Marouf," starring, Mario Chamîce and Yvonne Gall. C. D. A. TO MEET QOuilmette court 848, Catholic Daugh- ters of ýAmerica, will hold its mnonthilv meeting Monday evening, july 21, a~ Odd Fellows hall at 8 o'clock. Mr. and, Mrs., Claude !E. Fitch' of 1033 Elmwaod avenue returned Tues- day morning after spending severai days at the Michigan North Woods club. near Isphenîing. Mr. and Mrs. Max Zabel of 1247 Chestnut avenue THE- SEMIANNUAL, Coureou IniviualAttention ~Suite 222, Caris..s Building 636 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON ",reou, I .UNIVERSITY. 9700 to men anid young mon. Corne in todayl THF MENS ROOM-'SECOND FLOOI

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