Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1930, p. 14

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Shore F Giant Daily News Bellanca Arrives at Cut~riss Field t.anding at the Curtiss-Revniolds air- port last Saturday niiorniing after à fast tnip of six hiotrs duration fronthe factory field at Newv Castie, Del., the Biue Streak, huge Bellanca sesquiplane (plane :and, a hiallf) built for the Chi- cagô Daiiv ,News, Nwas -this, week being carefully grooned and put through* a seriesof test flights. Under Îhe eves of a cotitniu'o'q j stream of. visitors, which included avia- tïou experts froiniail parts of the inetro- polian aeaPilot Shirley J. Short' and his crew were giving the «giant plane, i T»EF gentleman wearing the fur- ined pilots helmet and the broad gri;î is noue otherthan Capt. Charles Kingsford-Smith, 'commander of thfe word-girdling Southern Cross .which receutly paid a brief ViSit to Curtiss- Reynolds'airport whiléenc route. from New York to California. Dale "Red"~ Jackson and his flying "Sons 0' Cutis", wto held spectators speil bound during the Pageant of Aerial Progress Nwitb their s',unts, are ail "bound up4'ini taking off in the iev at the upper, left.ý. Seeif you eau find th e thirty foot length of .,white.rope wbhich links ,the planes together., The huge twenity- two passengerj Condor recently re-, cently received at the local airport is taking on a load of passengers in the picture at the upper right. The Tan- Hold Model Plane Meet at Curtiss' Ajrport Sunday An elimination meet, preparatory to the niodel airplane contest. to be hield at the Curtiss-Reynolds airport during the National Air races, will be con- ducted at the Gletiview airport -this. Sunlday morning, JuIy 20. The mieetis openà to aftyone h does not belong to any,model organito conducting an elimnination meet >or who cannlot get into any other elimination contest for the Chicago National Mod!e; tilt. Any boy, therefpore, who has a model airpian .e and who would. like to enter the meet may do so. for Race Programn The greatest armada of airpianes ever assembled will flock to Chicago~ 1early. this fall for the. National Air races to be held at, the Cuttiss-Wr ght- Reyniolds 'airport from. August 23 to September 1, inclusive.. For ten, days a nd nights Cook county will :hum with every etype of..airplanie f rom' tri- motored, transport to, tiny powered gliders.* The races, themselves are. ex- pected to, attract morethan one-fourth of the' six thousand- licensed 'civil air- Planes ini the United States and this number will be augmiented by hun - dreds4 of planeés fromn Armny, National Guard, Marine and Naval .-bases. LU ghiter-than-air craf t, the giant dirigi- l),le Los Angeles, aîîd numerous blimps wîll. participate, FortY-four events. ranging f roin un- limiited horsepower to liglit-plane races, adincluding parachute juin1ping con- tests, and a score of novelty events, have been scheduled already. Cash prizes exceeding $ 100,000O are 'posted. This numnber does not include five der- hies, cross-country races i which the participants will race f rom coastal cities to Chicago. Two o the five derbies1 are for wonien. *In.the one, liundred horsepower c lass, the girl1 flyers will take off f roui some eastern: city, fly south along.the Atla ntic 'sea- board, and thence .up the Mississippi valley to Chicago. The higher powered planes will race f rom *Long Beach, Cal. Men's derbies are in Iwo power classes from both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The climax to these events will be the men's non-stop air defrby from the wvest coast. Planes in this contest will be required to leave the starting field andi proceed direct to. Chicago without Ianding. Entrants in this event will conpete for $12,000 cash prizes. Se.veral innovations in air racing will. be . ntroduced this 'year to miake the sport more fascinating than formerly. One of the reasons why airIplane racing, has not taken its place. among other major sports is that the manner of starting resulted in a. comiplete loss o visual contest which. is vital to any- P. van Schaack of 614 Linden avenue, Wilmette, are- student pilots at Sky r Harbor airport. The van Schaack brothers were enlrolled in the flyînqg school about three weeks ago, and',aie jforging ahead rapidly., tUA ior any uo thsiucn t ue graduuting classes of American colleges who are a faced with the question of deciding a, in what field to make their career, c« because it bas developed after twenty- c( five years of pioneer effort to the statua of, a full-fledged industry with itude for 'specialzed work which Mr. Coyne was-one of three student b e suited to an opening in pilots who featured in the opening ýrcial aviation.1 number of the dedication prograrn of ied. from the outlook of the.man the Curtiss-Reynolds airport last year. (Continued on, page -18) He attended the Universt of Chicao

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