man ot the local unit; 3 , incoming rehiabilitati and Mrs. E. V. Culli! e chairmnan of the Aux ANNOUNCE A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Sunday Afternoon, July'20, 1930 At 3 :30'oI'clôck James- G. Row'ell,ý C. S. of Xansas.City,,.Mo. Mtlembr of thie Board of Lectureship of 1.11-4~~ Church of Christ, Scienitistý in Boston, Massachusetts- The Lecture WilI Be Delivered ini the Patten Gymnasium - Sheridan Road at Noyes- Street, Evanston- You and Your FPriends'Are Cordially Invited ta Be. Present, LORLYS ii chair- mi, child iay MissNncy MýcCioud, daughiter of Mr.. and Mrs... Befitley Mccioùd, 338 keniilworth avenue,: Kenilworth, has gonie to Ludington. M ich., to spend a week.with Mr. and Ifr s. James Guinan and faniiiy. Sununer Clearane Sale Closing -out odds and ýends of dresses, coats, hats and. accessories at about- hait Prices-to finish u p the, seasoni's business. You'I find some unusually rare bargains ini the better quality apparel.. unique Style Shop 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone WILMETTE 24Q3 FOUNTAIN SQUAREf for, the homne boys. Y . Borre imacle his 1930 debut on the* bill and curbed the enemny's cqf- 4 f ensive, eff ectiveyï until the seve th, when o1& maîi fa- tig u e overcarne "Scwatz"Bore hurn and he, was r epl1a'c e d b*y Philli Ps. Theé plunxp th'iird-iaseuan aIlowcd offly' three blows ancl -a pair, of runs whii ehé perted WVilnette baniged th e old apple for fourt een safe smacks. Borre and .Baker cach. grabbed three and the rest, were pretty weIl distributed clown thelineup. Tile losers put up a game fighit but were hanpdicappecl bydthe absence of- sone. of their regul.ars. They bunched three of their quartet of blIows .in two innings to garner tiieir count. Singles by janetz, Kassel. and Baker and a circuit clott y Christ nan :gave the~ locals. a three-run lead in the first.. Nord' scored in the fourth. He clou- b)led to left andi came. home on Borre's' safetv to rgt. Singles by G. Lutz andl Tlïipïoll, aidecl by Nord's error and a wilcl heave by Borre, gave the visitors a brace.of tallies ini the. fifth. Tihe home haif %vit- nessed. another score. Se'hroecler,- wh hacl replaced Kassel ini right field,:, singlecl with two out. Baker's drive to center allowed him to count. XVard tripled for Deerfield ini the six-th ancl reached the plate aft-er Sey- art's sacrifice fly to Janetz. Borre re- trieveci the run in, the home- haif. He reached second- on a tw.%o-bagger -to right and- finïslhed *his - work for . the ,day by crossing the pan on janetz' slap to center. Schroeder's. double inthe sevexnth- and Baker's single accounted for an- 6ther home mnarker in the seventh. rhereafte r the scoring ceased and the game, ended ini the clusk. RaIph Bellamy Leading Man in Eastern Company Mr, and- Mrs. Rexford Bellamy and Mr. and Mrs. john B.! Seyler of 2249 Riclge avenue, Evanston, announce the birth of a daughter, Marilyn Adele, Tuesjay, July 15, at the Evans- ton hospital. Mr. Sexler is associateci with the Snicler-Cazel Drug Company in Wilmette. Trans ferred to'the ThIlift Basement For Sale Beginning Thursday!,- 1,500 Prs, Women S.