of 189.3. Jerb the image of C, the WorId's iýir J an ie medals bearingI Pt ms were most pop- Sg tiieif a silvet ie service frorn cluded ini this 1893. I but àre small 1 Ger of the ost of tneir urne wilDe Pet u1 i I1y.. CIAL Am j ila Our Evanston, ShQP'Presents $50 $.60 $65 $75 atOne Great Cleaârance -Price H-erel*is the North Shores outstanding -Clotbiing event.ý Trem endous selections. New preferred patterns., Values that become even, m~ore convincing wben you COMPARE tbem witb those off ered State end Jackson CHICAGO p~Orrinitonnd Churoh Evanston Sh 'op il Close Every EtPening at 6 P. M.. Dorins Jaly ýand August