JULY- * .à to-- a-reoinvestm ent mnontht..,. T L s hÀonhi whc to tak an inventory of your secur- 'Jitis- to- analyýze.. them and see that they are properly diverified -to re-invest income received. High grade first mortgages and first mortgage real estate bonds have always been preferred investments. They appeal particularly to çareful investors because they yield regular returns at good rat.es, ýsafe from flucutos ad 'becau se they :are founded upon tangilpr- e rti es. This, Bank specializes in selected o fferlings of these ýtypes in denomninations, graduated to, accommodate any investmnent' program. Aý special department is here to serve you and give you full particulars about the very attractive securities, now on our list. Th . FlKST NATTIONAL BAN iK A Trust Company