Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1930, p. 51

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EXP. COUPLE WISHES v'ate homne. Best n. s. ref.. 8452 bet. 4 and 9 p. m. 46 F01R RENT-APAI L1I11 VEN~'TS 2 ROOM ýKITCHENETTE APARTMENT, steam heat,. Janitor service, near tratns- jVortation. Ph. WllImette 1800. 2FO.RËNT-APTS. FJRIISJ1ED TO SEPT. 18T.-SACRIPice COM- pleteljr furnlshed> A rooms, In-a-door, elec. refrig.;. r4dio, carpeted floors. Winnetka'. 1 bloek to',transp.. $85. WrIte WtIihntte Lite B-121.1 37LTN37-tfp O'NE ROOM APT., FURNISHED, Pl, August. and , Septemnber. Reasonable rent. Cali Winhetka 2672 after 6.:30 P.'. 37LTlN42-îî,. I8N FOR ILENT-HtOISES% Buyer and Seller have foundthe Want-Ads of WILÊMETTE LIFE. of inestimable value,. Many ôadel nvolving hundreds of olar, hs ee te result. of a Classified ad which cs but afw cents. Classifibd ods w Il be accepted every evening until 9. PHONIEWIL14IETTE 4300ý M OM HOUSE WITH SUN PORCH lx r.MTOth CrrnIs.I Ea.4t Kenilworth. Beautiful.larrp.e yard I $75,a >mo.nth or w-ll rent f.urn. Refer. P'h. KeÏlilworth *4727 after 7 :30( P. l 38L'!X 1-Itc il F I(F T46 F11 SLE..IOISES ATTRAC. 5 RM. AND, GARZ., LIv. .LARGE ROOIM, EAST SIDE HlOME. 14x27. Prots. pref. Witnri,,tý 1636. Opens on to P( rch, >private lavatory. 38LTN42-ît,_ Suitable for. 1 ýor 2, conv.* to aIl transp. - Referencee. Pl.. Wilmette 204. ~ 2-3 OR'5 RM. HTD. APT. WILMETTE____________ 41L4271t î SUCJ-i A BARGAIN ye 37.50. up.As r.hue ac ~ L U .RO O -- Ileat.. Gar. 1805 Chapel Court. North- ET, BathMSUCOHUE NPRFCî broojc. Phi. il mette 497,S. 3LTN42-1t a. hwth shower.Ne19ar 10t. ni.- condition. To be mnoved froni 1109 Cen- p<n. Ihrm W i net a 1 at 10 . ii. "ai Av ., M Wilm ette '. R easonablv pveied. 41 TN42-.lte w'il cnidrofes.MrtinCoort W\INNE TKA SUIBL)-EASE FOI-Fl PENT-'RM. FURN AT 71T 69 Prîatt Ct., Evanston, Unîý-ersity flI'~t'TiUI, OME F SPAISH E-' )]vt for coupfle 4, 2 emlpioyed ladies. Ph. 1610. 64-t , lnti-itli an unursuaîly spaciolis in-, Wliete38 tce1 l4r. I I4 acres <of landscaped and '41 2-t gazrderied grounds. Garage for 2 crl. LiAT OM EST L7. IIEAýs. LD (zj'Yo U7Fef Willing toý sacrifice. For' details ami Meals if dsre.Ph. Wilmette 1184.0 !luointmnent eail 41LTN42-Itc oen on DthCl..eI *b T 'L'HW , eat. A. B. C. 011 bur- 1>AIItD & W RNE , Fort BEjNT FURN. SINGLE Mil ner; ex. lav. and toilet onlst. fi, large (]()l)liM deri 6 rooni D utch 2. loI. N ear 28Davis Street Greenfleaf 1855 lag, ,l orn utbi o 2 'rtgrg nd drive. Oivner has gone ________________ 38LTN42.tfe pinl N.C nt «S le.lh at ad Price is again reduced. WVilnîette 2977.414-t A snap at $14.500. * 1s2(ERRIýY ST. 7 RMS., 2 BATI, .i i2.54 RBBTý1\A F. W.lita. Modeml. I-ed~eNEAR TRANS. FORt1ot 54AM PQsesson.Real1 bargain at,,$100.. per Vta.Wiinnetka ,1921. 41 LTN42-1tpJ ' oJVJ 0 M-0. 1Hi11 & Stone. 543 .LincolpAve l'. iinnetkaâ 1544. - 3NLTN42-îtc IIOOM F011RENT -WELL FIN~E~ REALTORS witlî garae 633 Parîk Ave Ph. 'Wi 40Lnden Ave. Wiimette 68-444 ; OMHOUSE WITH SU-TN POBCH, mette 4990(). 41L42-Urp1 46L42-lte in, Ea!qt ,Kenilworth. Beautiful large f~ Yard. $75 a nionth. Wililease. foi.i LAGE PI.EASAINT ROOM FOR I OR or. 2 earlàs. Referenres. Ph. Kenilwvortlh 2; aiso front ihsnl e.W 4721 after -é:30 P,.Al. 3RL45-ltc , Tenth St.. Wlite 4T7tt 0F 6 RMS.. SURIIOUNDED- BY BEAU- n~~tr~ ~CENTRAL HO -1()TE, 69MI SRE tiful edm ttees inriest N. E. location. REi2 N . .L\U\T. roollis »Y ay or wek, aIl 1tid -1. W. heat. 50 ft. lot,- 2 car garage. ë le ave at this Urne the lairgest 1.0c- onis, stt-am blea.ted, ]lot or cold waterý. Oniy $11,750. rre.rr>ls. ey at our office. - tion of desirable hoIie., for î'pnt thnjt ...o!..4lL4Rtfe' End "e Linden Ph. reer FOR - ËNT-G IENT..«ARAGE, Ry. ista. $5 pi Wimette 2S45, RM.HOUE, WON )E FULVAlE ome ffor a larger newr one. 2- P.M HOSE OND RFU, V LUE for a Diece Of vacint . roperty. '3- reas. Ph. Wil- ANEW BRICK. SLATE 11O0F. -7îPB-- for a Piece of Income property. 4-for 39L42-1t.i rms., 3 full tile baths. lav.. .1 wood burni- a smnaller home. Call or Write today - ing fireplaces: milsie. recreation anid to- IRAGES br-fst. roon. f ronit andi rear ý;ttirs. 115 W MET E E ,' ,0 . clothes ciosets. oil burner. Friefldaire WIME TU. 1BLK. PROM flBest Hubbard Woods loc. $32.000. Phi REALTOIRS rmo. 629 Park Winnetka 235 or Glencoe U25.. 513-4th st. -h.Wmee19 40L4-lt . 4LTN9-.le .49L N 2-1 Mrs. W. I.. Nel les, with her twvo children of Rawlins, Wyo., who bad been visiting with. ber. mother, Mrs. Charles Brautigan, 725 Prairie avenue, and ber brother, Henry Brautigan of 1509 W ilm ette avenue, a .re u n dlt lier home again. barerndt Accommiodations for6è i=»tk ' . r 5ILTN42r1tc 46 WT». TO R[ENq!-HOTSES F1111.L FURNISHED HOTJSE NEAR INDI.A; Hill district. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, from Sept. to Marcb. Give price and full de- talle. Wite> Winnetka Talk B17 ANTIQUES P IRST FAeM HOUSE east.0f Rand Rd. and Dundee Rd.: Mrs. J. H. Brinkerhoff. 64LTN42-ltp ANTIQUE PABRICS, TÀPESTRIES,. china.' French Provincial furniture. YVONNE SOHN .923 Washington. Evanston Grlf.1 6592 64LTN38-tto Always in Perfect Taste THE CHOICE 0OP SILVER, ARTISTIC- ally designed, antique. period patterns, superior bY virtue of its beauty, Worth and Permanence. Odd pieces restored to, original finish. PAUL DAVEY JEWEL4ER. 1165 Wilmette Ave.. Ph. Wilmette O 64LTN42ýtfc 68 W NTFDB-HO1SEHfOL»Go»S WANTED TO BUY - SECONDfl HAND furnitaire and other household gooda. Highest prices for same. Ciost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans- ton. 111. Ph. Ulv. 189. 66LTN484tfe Oi FOR SALE-ýIISCEII NEOUS FOR SALE--REFRIGE.ATOR, ORIGIN- ail cost $100, go;od as new, can be bought,, cheap., Write Wilmette Lite B-159. 67L42-ltc SPORT OUTFIT, WHITE FLANNEL t! ousers and blue coat size 36. Value $50 new, will seli cheap. Write Wil- nmette Lie B-158. 67L42-Itp,, 15 YDS.-32-INCH TJSED TAUPE STAIR carpet. $8. P~h. Winnetka 2211.. 67LTN42-lte SMART DRESSERS DO NOT REMODEL their furs anymore; they trade them in towards new ones.. We have on hand right -now 58 of these traded. lu fur coats, which we, will sacrifice at a >price. Shown on request only. Ask for. Mrs. James CoMle & Co. Chicagu's. largest exci. turner. 616 S.* Michigan ave., Chicago. 97LTN41-4te 2DOZEN" BOY'S :. FICTION BOOKS. ,es- 9-15.* SellI separatey or ail for $5., Fine>,value. Phi. MWilmette .2152.. 67L42-jte ýl

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