is a good Urnlle for the prudent invstor tob0bnd. This statemeént by AndrewMloSc retairy of the Treasury.. is as truc today as it was last fail wben it was uttered. Many bonds, now available combine a high degree of safety for principal and good yield. They represent attractive values at present prices. Good reliable s ecurities will be foundo our >present list. These bonds have been- selected to meet.the requirements of' in- vestors for varying degrees of yield, mar- ketability, maturities and diversification., We shall be pleased to supply, upon re- quest, detailied information regarding any of these issues or to accept orders for'.ex- ecution at the prevailin g market. "Nowl is a good time. to, buy bonds" "n avise Evanston 1 . 1E at