oi Lake avenue auring the urst Ix teen days of the 1930 season, accord- to figures compiled this week from the records' of Mrs. Margaret Hilton, beach matren. The beach opened on, Saturday, June 21, and, the. figures are based on,11the registered attendance at the popular SLnmrpla.3grounid' up to last Sun- day. The iotal of 13,000 includes bath- ers only, and dots flot' take. inté acceunt, the large number Of persons using the beach, who do 'not go into the water. Sunday I. 1eakDay Sunday, july 6, wIas the biggest day at the beach thus far this season. Two thousand three hundred -and thirty- seven bathers were registered onthat, ýdate, Mrm Hilton reports. This is iii ccntrastto the, opening day 'when the ivater was cold, and the beach was * used by onlyr 142 bathers. The daily registered, attendance at WVilmette beach passed the ont thou- * sand mark four' times in the first six- teen days of theý 1930-bathing, season, as follows: Sunday, JuIy 6, attendance 2,337; Monday, june Z3rd. attendanco 1,4245 Wednesday, June 25, attendance 1,237, and 'Sundav, june 29, attendance 1,44 uring .the first month of the, bathing season last year the largest *single day's attendance was 1,267.. New Ticket Record Mrs. .Hilton reports that a record lias been reached in the numnber of famnily tickets sold for this season. A total of 1,519 of these tickets had been *.sold .up to Monday of this week. The i-.uniber of farn'ily tickets for the 1929 * season approached 1,500. The fine new beach facilities are Ibe- ieved te be at least partly responsibie for the increased. popularitv of WVil- * mette beach. There are, eightv-four d ressing- rôIoons in the newN.,bathhcuse and sufficient baskets to ta kt care of .a crotvd of 2,000 at one tune.. The beach is. somfewh t 'vder this vear, and it s aise longer. some additional space bavin been bought to the soutb of the former limits. Six Life Guards * Jamnes A. Wrenshaw , is in charge again this year. He is assisted b)y six rtoll.r.i.,.. L na~rds. ali oftherm ex- be playedi offDy next Moniay. This year the winner of the tourna- ment will receive a large silver loving. cup. The runner-up will be awarded a smaller cup. F. W. Hoiter, runner-up last year, is one of the entrants in the 1930 tourney.« The pairings for the first round are as fellows: ýF. 'W. 'Holter vs. Bill Gib- son, Marvin Banlta. vs. J. Cicchini,. E. Levinso.n vs. Marshall Dudley, BobMc- Lean. vs. Bradley Fike, Pete 1inneman, vs. J. S. EiMmons, Jr., George. M. Martin vs. D.,D. Krami. J. F. Lawtonl vs. jack Mec. W., F. Brunkow vs. John Moore, K. F. Mcain .vs. R. W.arble, PR W. 'Sim*mons vs.,I.. Langdon, R. J. Adams vs. G. H. Rogers, R M., Brown ,vs. Clif ton Darling, C. E. Rogers. vs. Ed' Lange, 'Allan Fuller vs. H. F. Hender- son, Phil Swabacker vs. Dick Keck and Dean Vail, Jr. vs. Ed. Hahn. Eigbt, of these thirtv-two entrants are listed as seeded players. They are ' F. W. Holter, Bob McIean,ý Pete, Linnemanl, John Moore. K. F. McLain. Çlif ton Darling, C. E. Rogers and Ed. Hahn. 'G. H. iianingam, who manages the tennis teams at Newv Trier High scbool, is aise planning te run a teurnament for boys seventeen years od and tun- der.. Pairings for this tournament wverce to bè madî this week. The winner> and runner-u p ill 1receive,.1prizes. Dr. Ho race G. Smith to Preach Inaugural Camp Meeting Sermon Dr. Horace G. Smith. pastor of the WVilmette Parish. Methodist .ciirchi, Nvill preacli the inaugural sermon at. the Des Plaines Camp Meeting whc opens today. Rollin Pease' cf Evans- ton, who is well known throughout flic northi shore, wilI 1'be the song le'ader at the services .whîch continue threugh. Sunday, July -20. Dr. Smiith is preaching .today i th place cf Bishop Waldorf cf the Metho- dist denomination, mwhc w as unable te attend the opening session. Bishop Janmes Baker, resident bishop in Korea, vvil Ie the camp meeting preacher this Sundav afternoon. 1 The home, to which the Wilmette unit contributes annually toward a Christmas party and other specia! funds, bas always been of high interest to the members. Especially bas this been the case since Miss Ednia Zini- mernian, state superintendent of :child W elfare, appeared before the 'niembers at their April meeting >and told of th2 organization and' equipment of ýthe home. Dr. Beatrice Hawkins, presidenit of the Minxette Auxiliary unit, and Iead-, i.ng spirit in this venture, will lead the 66caravan"ý to Normal, ýwith Dr. W. W. Hawkins serving as escort. Cars will as- semble at the H-awkins residence, 1006 Seneca, road, at 7:-30 o'clock Tuesday miorniing.. Amiong those who will.make, the journeyl.are Mrs.. Randolph Mc- Candlish, rehabilitation chairman; Mrs. D. C. Leach, incoiniing reh abilitatior chairman; and Mrs.. E. V. Cullison," child welfare chairman of the Wilmette unit., Those Wvho intend to ýdriv.e their cars have beeii requested to comnmunicate withi Dr. fleatrié Hawkins at Wiltnette 3260. Authorize Attorney to Revise Kenilworth Code At, its regular monthly meeting Monday night the Kenilworth Villag e bo(ard passed an ordinance authoriz-, ing Thomas. A. Mýatthevs, attorney forý the Illinois Municipal league, to revise the Kenilwerth code. This action was t4ken upon recommendation of a spe- cial cemmittee appointed a nonth ago te study the miatter. Richard C. John- ston wvas chairman of the cemmittee. T2he purpose of revising the code is te bring it up te date. C. of C. Secretary on BT.Vacation in Michigan Cla rk, .s ecr et a ry7fthe Vilmette Chamber cf Commerce, and.-Mrs. Clark are spending a brief vacation at Lake- sidée. Mich. They were, there over the Fourth. '.\r. Clark planistobe back at hbis desk next Monday. next SepteffDer. Thne turnover wiua not be large, bowevér, and most of. the teac hers wIIQ were here last year wihI returfi. Mrs. Stella Maber's place as mnusic supervisor - will be taken. by Miss Mary McKay., Miss. McKay bas had seyeral years' teaching experience. During the school year just closed she., taught at the elementary_ school of the University of Chicago. Mrs. M aber who was superviser of. music in the'.Wilmette schools for eighteen1 years, bas retired. Âdd Gr&&es at Howaad Two .other, new teachers are Miss Elizabeth' Evans, and Miss . Edith Franks., Although the1 arrangement of teachers bas net been comfpleted, Miss Evans probably will have a fifth grade 'at the Central, school. and Miss Franks a fourth grade at theHoward school. Miss.Evans bas been teaching in Iowa. Miss Franks, a,:graduate of North- western University, took praCtice teach- ing ini Wiln'ette last year under Miss Moore's supervision. 1Two new grades. wîll be added. at the Howard school next fali, a second gracie and a sixth grade.' There wil be a niew teacher for the second grade' and the new sixth grade is' to be ta1 ught by one of the older, members of the faculty. Onle vacancy remains to 'be filled,9 the kindergarten position at the Laurel, scbool. Mrs. Virginia Thompson De-, lana* bas resigned.. The Wilmette Publice.schools faculty next year w ill number about seventy- five. The enroilment is expected to be about 1,650. Last September the eniroilment was 1,617, according to the records at the school office. The nor- mal increase per year is about thirty.. Board Considers Pleaof Residents.' on. Traffic Subway A petitioni directed. to- the Wilmette Village board under date ýof June 25, 1930, asking the board to refuse ap- pro.val of the, proposed nTortheasterly extension of McCornxick road on Ash-1 It's dIVE PICNIC FOR CHILDREN> The Protestant- Womnen's. Service club held a picnic. June 28, in Lincoln' Park, under the direction cf Mrs. Wil- liam Lowitz, child 'w.elfare' chairmnan. The picnic was given for the children, the club is supporting. trcm nîm early tuns Week 1tatU a lie was at Niagara Falls.. ON VACA!riON August Herbon, a memiber of the. Wilmetite Fire departnment, bas beerp. on' vacation since July 1 CatI WiImtI. 4300 Circulation Department ly by the Cook county comntîssloners at the suggestion of the Chicago Re- gional Planning association and the Chicago Association of Commerce. The Evanston council bas officially opposed the proDpositio-n it ie' tatéd.