Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1930, p. 43

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by its adoption as th-e dsgn for route markers, is to be displayed along state highiways ini the farn of embossed cast iron plates in, place of painted boards, Frank T. Sheets, chief highway en- gineier annouriced toclay. * More tham, 15,000 of the road signs ar e being cast in t he foundries of thc> Illinois state reformatory at -Pontiac, by- the ýboys incarcerated there, wh-c are attaining useful knowledge of the foundry trades through service ine the prison nustries. The, established style' of routeý * markers-the white background, set oA ivit h a, heavy border and the num erals in black,, will be retained in the enidur- ing type of signs, that the department of public welfare.is proaducing for the (lepartnent 'of public wvorks and, build- ings. The plates ta be erected alongside t le slab outside. the city limits will be eighteen luches ln height overaîl, with the length of the state, from Cairo ta the Wisconsin ine, 15 inches, alloWing for a border. Where state highway.- traverse .city strets, th.e signs willî bc reduced ta three-fourths of the size tised in the country., The caunitrv nliarkers wiIl bear the'route nuinbers li * figures three and.,one-half inches iigh.i and thue çity signs -ývill be miarked with. tliree-inch 'inmerals. The spacing and' the size.-of the numibers wl varv( slightly, depending upan the numiber ý of digits in! the route iiuimbers, and anec 1.number of routes indicated. on oqe1 sîgn, where tw,,o or more rouites over- lap.t It will require 6,093 of the sinalleri siîgus ta mark the way throughi cities. and 9,070 fori- the routes,. outside af. carporate limiits, a'ccording ta a comn-f pilation 'made ini the highway division. office. .Tests Prove Hudson. -Great Eighýt Model, Is Not: Gas Eater Iii a notable efficiency-economy tests coniducted by Willits Hudson-Essex, lAst Thursday and Friçlay the remark- abl- mileage obtained with a niew con- *The once important precept, "Caveat Emiptor" or "Let the Buyer Beware," is now definitely a relic of the' past and the persan whio purchases a modern standard article of mercîxan- dise, whether> it is a, kitchen. 'utenisil' o r an automobile, is confident thatý lie will receive, a.fulli neasure' of value, from the money he, expends. Prabably tlhe latest example' of this prana.unced teiidency ta favor the pur chgaser is- shown in the, new and. ex- tended automobile guarantee that ;s beinig-inauguýrat.ed. hy the Marmon,,ac- cording. ta the M'ersted Motor CUm-ý pany, north shore 'Marmon dealers. Because noa other, product is sul)- jected ta as liard use and so nîuch abuse as tlhe automobile and because, therefare, the mator car niust be anc of t'le world'q mast rugged products,. this guarantee marks another distinct steJ) forward ini favor of the bùyeér, Mr. Wersted'points out. New Hiup Moüdels Made to, Thwart Bandit Work Petty 'trafflc bandits, the curse o)f innocent mlotorists who are stop)ped on the hîghways and relieved. of bathn thei1r valuables- and car, will have a dlifficult timie in PlYing their, nefariouý trade on nlew. Century Six and Century Eight Huprno1bile oQwne rs in the future, it is explained'- There is a theft-p)roof p rovision, o insid e doorars, consi.sting Of a sp)ecial iliside o ck 0on bath front doors, whereas inost cars have inside locks only on bath rear doors and on the left front doar. Although this sp)ecial inside ock ivas added ta. hoth doors» of tlie driving conîpartment. the riglit front. doar eau a so be Iockedj on the out- side with the key, when parkiga he ýcurb: kn .a Wlîen driving, bath fron dooirs miay belocked. on the inside by raising the handlès ta the -locked position. Whenu lea-vitigthe car by' cithier.door, how- ver, the lock is automatically thrown iff when the door is c[osed fromi theý 1: F Il e c ~*UJJ ~JAdA~. V £ ~Lv i A V A Iucoepoeqeeel EVEP.YTHING' AUTOMOOILR NE VER. CLOSED The Repair Shop in Wilmette A A GIorteus A grand and glorlous feeling in- deed to know your car is in good condition and Teady to go through. the. Sunmur's driving season. Wc'd. b. glad to look it over and pro- nounce it 0., K. (if nothing is needed) or to suggest what should be don. to put it ini A-i shapeè. W. speak of this nov, because Winter lu "tough" on cars and probably thre are some tbipgs you ought to see us about. Wiltnette C. ?hOei \\ ~. C. SLOwN A. B. VAN DEUSEN I J Il P ekVisit Our, Used Car seco '0 tests test, 2( ;t 1. Tis seems to deinonstrate that new Great Eight Hudson is by uleans a "gas,.eater." Cali the Used. Car Deparimentu:and A rranvge for a Doeusrauu., PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPÀNY 0F CHiicAo, HUBBARD Wooris BRAW4oe Winnetka 3070, 925 LINDEN AVENUE Groenl.af 6M3 01 A. a. vi4r4 Dàûmr-J

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