2:30 o'lock this. afternoon at the Wil- mette beach. The beach days are held weekly and consist of races, novelty stunts, and races using the various. strokes.> Win- nerls in the various events are awarded' Points% which, count toward, the gold medal and. ther prizes awarded, at the enid of the season to the participants who, have attained 500 or more points dur- ing the summér. Besides the beach day programs the contestants have the oppor- tunity to. gRaini points by swimining speci- fied distances in record tme and for completing a given number of miles i the, 20-mile channel Swim, ivhlich -lasts the entire stummer. The prograni for this afteriiooil.is:- 2(1yard' dasli f i.ee style-Boys 10 and under. 21-yard -dasli free syi- Ios10anil(1 under. 25-yard, dashl free style-Boys 11, 12, 13 years. 2 5-ya ri]d;tdah f ree ti-I iris, 11,ý 12, 13Î years. 50-yard das-h free yl- ys 14, 15, 16 years. 50-yaird (Lislilf ree ty1c-Gifrix 14, 11.7, 16 yen vs. Hi'dý(le rac-B1oys 1 4 and under. Olie. Amlirc-Grs14 and undtr. .1xtder 'Water raé-oy 1 and under. Dc-)ad M~an's FLoat f4ili itneGii 10 and under., 'Waternwelon Grab-ýBoyiM 1 4 and unde'r. Change. Meeting TiMe for Women's Golf Class8 The Xonian's Golf class meetinýg has been changed f roni Tuesday morining- to Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Village Greeni, Miss Joe Skidmore of the. recreation staff annouinces. l'le chjange ivas made because of Tuesday's beixig ladies' day at rnost of the Golf clubs. There are a few vacanicies left ini the class and applicants desiring to enter may dIo so by reporting at the Vil- lage Green. at 9 :30 o'clock iîcxt Wednes- day ,mnornîng. . D. H arvev of the Community. Golf -club 7is ,the .instruictor. SPORT CALENDAR Sunday, JuIy 13, 3-:00 p. ni. Exhibition Swiniming. j o hn ny Weissmiullei. Wilméttel Beach. Monday, JuIy 14 7 :15 p. ni. Playgroun.d Bail. Men. Village Green. board will lie played on Tuesday eve- ning on the horseshoe courts at the Vil- lage Green. The games start at 7 :15 o'clock and will bc played according to the following scheduie: Tuesday, JuIy 15 Baptist. vs. Men's Gymi Class Schultz> & Nord II vs. B3ruins 1 Schultz & Nord I'vs. Drains Il Howard P. T. A. ve. Hess Motor Serv:ce Tuesday, July .22 Baptist ,vs. Schultz & Nord If Schultz & Nord 1 vs. Men's Gym class Iloward P. T. A. ivs. Drains 1 Hless' Motor Servicee vs. Druins, Il Tuesday, JuIy 29 Baptist: i's. Schultz, & Nord I Howard P. T. A. vs. Schultz & Nord Il M-ess Motor Service vs. Men'a Gym cîass Drains Il vs. Býruiný I Tuesday, August 5, Éaptist vs. Howard P. Il. A.1 mess Motor Service vs. .Schuiltz & Noird I, Bruins Il vs., Schultz & Nord Il llruins I vs. Men's (lym Class 13aptist vs. He ss 'Motor Service. Druins Il vs. iloward P. T. A. Brains I vs. Schultz & Nord 1 Mn's Ovnýii Class. vs.. Schultz & Nord II. Tuesda4y,. August 12 Bartist vs. Bruins Il Bfains I1v". MeýssMotor Service Men's Gym vs. Howard P. T. A. Schultz & Nord 1Ivs Schultz & Nq.rd If Tuesday, August 17 Baptist vs. Brilins 1 3lýen's Gym ýCa-ss vs. Bruins.Il fless, Motor Service vs. Schultz& Nord 1-1 Schultz & Nord I v's.. Howard P. .-T. A. Coile]#te Firqt Round4 The Be ginners Horsýeshoe leaguie ini the. Playgrouîid and Recreation hoiard schedule finishied its first round ot play last Thursday . eveingi( with the Baptist and. Bruins fi rst teani ticil for first place ini the, chamiploishilp race. The eiglît teanis cotnposing the league start the second round robin next Tuesday eire- ning and the tie will be played off Mien the new teailàs neet under the newv qchedule, Teani stanidinigs for the first. round were: '%Non Lost Baptlst................ Brains I........: Bruins: Il.......3 1i Schultz & Nord..... .2 2: Lyman Service...... 2 3 Hless, Motor Service . .1 2- Howard P. T. A... 1 3. Ridge Confeeotionery . . 1 5 Ail games are played at thie Green courts. Percen t 800 500- *400, 3.33 250 167 Village George Williamns William Kollie Walter. Seott Victor Rader Earl Carlson Art Voungberg Dannemark Electric4 Kelly Steffens Bud XMay ('Iharles Jo1hnson Peter Schopený Bernard Johnson Tom Brady Leroy Steiner. Fritz Steiner George Proclinow, Alex H HlaroldJ Hubert Frank (S) Joe Lymaân*s Tex acos (1), Eddie Bleser Leroy SeIxer E dward Seyler John Hoffman Adam, Bernardi IHubbard Marquette E eorge Schopeti Joe Lyman Andrewv Thainîann Art Borre Drains (7» S chtiltz & Nord (10) Rasscfl Quigley Robert Evans Harvey Kiander Richard Huck Erîvin Bremer James Hîoffrnan C'laude 'Hill ]Xldard Hartmann <'anl Nordberg William Huck John Moore Edwin 17del Paul Jones Edward Huck, AI Berol George Huck James -Iverson . Ray ,Hoffnutn Ilarry Sieren 1 acolb Hoffrnui4I Paul Bluser JÔhin Schneider Max, Reimer Edi Schildgen Gleorge ]Braun ltobent 'Steffens W\en*dàllPhiiips Ed Bleser' Adam. Bauen WVon Schultz andci Nr(l......... Ridge Confectionuny . . .. N Sciineider Bo)oter . .......7 Hess lotor serlvice .......5 Baptist .............. .... 5 ,Villiage Çiçaners ..... Bruins. .. . 4. Dannemnark. Electric Co. .4 State Bank.............. 3 Joe Lymnan's Texacos -3 Ridige Plitracay..,....... 3 Men's (GYmn Class..... English Ltitheran....... State Bank TIony Varhey Joe M.arshall Lawrence Roth, AI Kremer. George Martin (Charles lKremer' Ray Steffens RaIl li Hoff man Lost pet. 0 10001 1 888 3. 700 425 4 5 553 4 > 5 . 444 .~ 444 .5 375 6, 33 6 ,333 6 2.50 9 -000 Men's. Golf Class New Play Boar d Enterpirise Preparations are being made at the Playground and. Recreation office -to start a Men's Golf class in a f ew weeks., A number of registrations have already, the fifth annual playground track and field meet, characterized . y Daniel M. Davis, director of recrieation, as by far the biggest event on the summer play- ground prograni. The mneet will start at 1 :30 o'clock,' and the playground, children will> attend ini a b.ody., Each playground is allowed three participants in'each event and.there are events for every age, thus provid- ing opportunity for'each child on each playground to paricipate in the ineet. Ribbons will le awarded to winriers of first, second, and third places in. each race* or field event and the playground aggregating the -largest nuniber of points during. thé meet will be allowed ten points toward the loviiîg cup m~arded to ilie ivinning playground at the. end of the-season. Ail other, Playground activities and l)cacli activities will be called off on Thursday and the ,entire recreation staff Nall l) on duty at the track meet. The schedule of events for t he àafter- noon are: 40-yard da.sh-Boys and girls under 6. years. 40-yard dasi-loys and girls 'i years. 40-yard dasli-ljoys -6 years ýold.* 40-yard dash-Giris .7 Years 01(1. 40-yard dash-Boys 8 years 01(1. 4.0-yard dash-G iris S years. old. 40-yard das-Boys !) :yedrs old. 4 0-y ard dashl=(,iris !i years oh]. 40-y,,ard dash-Boys. 10 -years oh]. 40-yard dash Girls 10 years oh]. 40-yard daslî-Boys Il years old. 4(1O-yarrd dlash-Giris il years oit]. 40-yard dash-Boys 12 year-s old. 40-yard. dash-G iris 12 years old. 5-yard dashi-foys 13 years old: 50-yard daA-G(iris 13 years old, 50-yard dash-Boys 14 years old. 50-yard dash-Gîirls 14 years oit]. Standing broad jumip-Boys 8 years old. Standing broad jump---Q iris 8 years old. Standing broad juni)-Boys 9 years old. Standii.g broad jumpl--Girls 9l years old: Standing broad junTýp-B.oys 10,years old. Standing broad jurnip-G'rl-s,10 years old. Standing broad jUmI p-Boys ilyears old. Standing broad juiip7--GIis, il years .old. Standing broad jumip-Boys 12,yeàrs 01(1. S tanding-broad jump-Girls 12. years old. flunning broad. jumnp-BoYs 13, years old. Runriing broad jume-Girls 13 years old.. Running broad jump--Boys 14 years old. ,Run ninro ad jump-G-ýirls 14, years old. 30-yard hopping. race-Boys. under 8 years. 30-yard hopping race ~G irls under 8 years. 30-yard hopping race-Boys. under 10 yeftrs. 30-yard hoping race-Girls under 10 .years. .0-yard hopping race-Boys 10 years. 20-yard. hopping race-.--Cirls 10 vears. 7:15 p. nm. ME lage Green. Horseshoes. Vil- niors' League. Friday, Jily 18 7:15 p. m. Men's Playground Ball Village Green. I' Biruins-vs. St.Johns-1I 1. 0. 0. F. II vs. Wilmette Grocery .Thursday, JuIy 31 1. O. 0. F. I va. Congregational Bruina va. Men's Gym Class .0O Il vu. St. JQlns I Wlletie GQroeery và. lit. Johns II madle byc Wilmette with any staff. ng the recrea eor by comi nber of the clusive ni ratha wor< and sanc motleling. Betty May Dodds, 720 Prairie ave- nue, celebrated ber tenth birthday by entertaining ten little girl's at a garden party at her home July 2.