Report of the Condition of The ,Wilmette State, Bank located at WVilmnette, State of illinois, at the close of business on the thirtieth day of -June, 1930, as mnade to -the, Auditor of Public Accounts. of the State' of, Ilinois, pursuant to. law., Resources Cash,. Other Cash Resoùrces1 and Due fronii Baniks.......... $ V. S. Governnient J Svestme .t . Other 'Bonds and Securities.... Loans, on Collateral SectiritV .. O0ther Loans......... Loanis on Real Estate:.... Overdrafts ............... Stock ýili Federal 'Reserv-e ai.. Bianking House, Furniture and Fi-ttures ................ Other Resources........ W.- W. BUCHANAN B. F. LEWIS, JR. 5759325.38 335,808.29 741,752.46 697,p653.99 325,209.20 5860 1501,000.00 Il 018 21 Liabilities8 Capital Stock ........$ Surplus................. Undivicled Pr*ofits (e).... Reserve Accot-nts i)çinalidDeposits Tiîue f)eposits . Djidicends 11n1)ai(l Other Liabilîtie 200,000 28,312077 57,574.11 i 1,p6429203.90 1,359,900.81 89000,.*00 l'otal Liabîlities $... 394969973.23 1, W. D. Leary, Vice President of the Wilmuette State Blank, ido solenly swear that the aboye statemient is true to th1e best of, nv knowledge and helief,' and that the items and a mounits shown above correspond with the'items and . amount s shown in thé report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of, llitiois, pursuant toIaw.ý W.r*D., LEARY, \Tjcer President. *Sitl),cril)e( and sw%.orn ,to before niie this first dav of Jullv,. 1930) C. W. SCHAFER. *Notary Public. JUDSON F. STONE - President W. D. LEARY Vice President W. B. ROBINSON,,JR. Assistant Gashtier and Assistant Trulst Off icer JALDEN SEARS: Vice Presidenit and' Trust Officer C. E. CLIPTON, JR. Assistant Casiier D irec tors LYMAN M. DRAKE PHILLIP HOFFMANN FRANK. J. SENG C. N. STEVENS 'HENRY TAYLOR, JR. S. A., WHEELOCK J. ALDEN SEARS JUDSON F. ýSTONE A RUSTCOMPANY Totlal, $3,496p973.23 St ate of Illinois , S Couinty of Cook5 PHJLLIP IIOFFMANNxA Vice Presidenitý F. D. ANDERSON. Cash ier 1 1 A TRUST