ter of Mr. and Mrs. Uarry J. Luebke 'F 328 Hazel avenue, Glencoe, and Mýr. Browning is the son of Mr. and Mrs' Roy H. Browning of 1239 Cherry few intimate,friends and, relatives at the homeý of the bride's parents will follow the ceremony. tre, Wjtea Ariec-eti b Miss Mary Louise Hays ot Wilmette, iadof honor, Miss Jean Watson of Gleincoe, Miss Jùliet Schuster of 1)eercParkfiss Elizabeth Néllegar of Kenilworth, and Miss Brownie Mfiskimen of Hoopston. Ill.;. the bridesmaidsi Attending Mr. Browning -ill l)e -roId Browning, his brother, as best mani, Robert LÙebke, TFheo- (lore. Reign of Chicago, Wailace M-Nur-. rav of Glenco.e, and. jolîi Pope of Glenc oe, as1 ushers. Recent affairs iii hionbr of MNiss L.uebke have includeci the apron show- er..given I)y M rs. William S. Neil of Highland -Park, the bridge tea 'and 1 bitlircom showNer at which Mfiss Rose Flentyr of NVinmettc vas hos-te-ss, and the (iiner dance for the bridai party at ILxmoor Country club given bIn- Miss Eli7abetlW N'1el!egar Of, Keniilworth. Miss. Mary Louise.Has ente.rtained N Monday at Exnîoor at an unique elec-. trical shower and on W\ýedeès.dày after- Xon iss.JulietSchiuster gave a glove * slower at lier homne ini Deere Park. Thie sanie evening 'Miss' Browvnie. NI skimenentertained the edg îarty at, a'supper dance at the Drake. and' on Thursdav afteriioon Mliss Jean; \Vatson %vas hostess at a luncheon ami, bedrooni shower at lier home ini Glen- * Mr. and -Mrs. Rov Browniing are gîving the bridal idinnier this evening at tlhe Edgewater Beach hotel. String Trio Next on Sanda y Musicale Pro gram at Skokie. Tlhe Chicago String trio.will kive "t jrogranî, of music ini the liglter v ei;' athe, Skokie Country club -on Suni-l daJulv J3, at 4 :30 o'clock, f'or ieun- ]',ers and firends of the chlb. >T'le trio is c o mposed of Ainiada Bierv. Jo1Ues. * Violiu, Hilda Hinirich, 'cello, andl Carme! 6«v, ctbnor rac. he flloingneElmy raKnig "owles, and Mrs. John Mc- nlemersere întrducd:~es..woo avnel . MisshunOf.i2o0sals 1vaine will be opened to the public. dames H. E. Pine, H. B. Ingersoli, today from New York for her old lMaurice Bocithe, J. E~. Harris, .E. home in Aberdeen ' Scotland, was pre- Mrs. Charles Evans of 2822 Black- Johnson, George Mitchell, J. W. Pear- sntdwith a gift. She will be away hawk road has been visiting.her mother tson, George Steiner, M.ý J. Sporer, f rom Wilmette about six. months. in Saugatuck, Mich., for the past week.. EflOy NATUTRE HavieYour Clothes MI RACLEAN ED Summer days are here. Nature is calling. On the links-on the courts-n all of sport's, playgrou'nds -women are ta be found, gaily2 and coolly .attired. And Miràclean does its > Share in, keeping these'. summer- frocks always ready for instant wear-. spotlessly cdean, whole- sornely fresh, cool and *comfortable. Try Mira- dlean yourself'. See how. rt removes -ail dirt, ail and ôo.r-,h.ýow ;± mâkes gar- .ments as Clean, fresh and. ý:wholesaome as a breath. 'af- Spring-how it.frees the fabric '.'ore"o-f ail im- purities, aliowing the air to penel-rate your garments and bring you cool enjay- ment.1 Send ail vau r Enxjoy SCIECE. i i --- - .... ..... . . .. .M C 1 1.1 Allegro Grazioso .. ... CorteIyoi. -Alrmada. Biery Jones -11eody .... VI ù o ýk Melod.y...Tscheioik WVaitz, from *'The*Sleeping eauty" ... ..... ....... 1. 1.....chakowsky Trio Mr., and .Mr s. Frederic. Troy Of Scarsdaîe, N. Y., had as their din,ûer Jguest Monday' evening of.,Iast week, James Reinhold of. Wilmettc. ~can ai'a DreatI~ oJ Jpri~uj ý p-