Wilmette Scouts Win New lon ors; Receive Recruits ,Oscar Anderson of Trroop .4, Wil mette, bas received his*five year veter an certificate.. Oscar lias heen a nien ber of Troo P 4 -for 'six, vea rs, haviir joined the troop February 23, 1924 He becamne a Second Class Scou March 23, 1924, First Class June 23 1924, Star February, 12 12 ad i March 16, 1928..iHe lias earned eighiteer meritbadges. Eagle Scout, John B. Fowler is noiN Assistant Scoutrnaster of Troop 4, St Autgustiine's church,, Wilmnette. Jobl bas, been a meinhr of the iroop s inct March 5, 1924. H-e became Second Class Junle 5,.1924, First Class August 15, 1924, Star April 15, 1925, Life Apnil 3, 1926 and Eagle Mlay 6 1927 and hias twenty-nine menit badges to bis. credit. He was a Junior Officer at Camp 'Mar Ka-Ja-Wan last summner and isa Senior Office? at camp this summiner. Eagle Séonit Robert C. King lias been made. Assistant. Sco-atmaster of Troop 2 of theé Wilmnette. Congrega- tional church.. Rob>ert joinied Troop- 2 June20 1924, passing lu is Second Class Septemiber 1, 19?4, First Class March- 1, 1925, Star Febrularv 19, 1926, Life De- cemrber 8, 1920. and Eagle..January 1, 1928. Pobert ivas on the Junior Of- ficers staff -at Camp MNa-Kau-Ja-WNani fast summner and tis year serving as Senior Officer. ICarl D. King, Jr: , Scotitniaster of Troop 1, Wilnxiette, lias -tii assistant to help Iim manage thie troqp1. \Wil- liam Fox, 1317 lmwniood' aýeienu, il- mette, is the flew assistant Scôutiias- ter for, Troop 1 and, will attend ýcamip for the second session wlit the Scouts of that, troop as their Leader., Troop 40 of WVilnette lias enroliled a new scout,: Anton Engels of- 2403 Gienview road, XVilnette, :There. are fourteen boys ini this troop'and C. E. Palmer is serving as Scoutiiaster. Th e troop *meets evenyv Tbursday niighit'at the Cross Point .school. Scout Lee Blaylock of Troop 8, Xi- ,mette lias joinied the Sea Scout Sliip 43of Wilmette. J e THE INSPIRED REPORTER Camp Shawnee has a L-reat chance to win the horse sloe contest, ac- cording, to Pete Wie He also mientioned .that the food is a lot better this year. Chuck. Simpson expects: to have the camp radio set (short.. wave), now located ini the northeast cor- ner of thle mess hall, operating. by Wedniesday. or .Tintrsday. He, is waiting for batteries and govern- ment license.. Ha ve pity on the waiter! "Any waiter who turns i sloppy silver- ware -must wash. it h-imself, says Dick Wichmnan. Dick is the cheerful fellow who tells you wihen flot to do everything when yu a a waiter. According to Ar., Mehlren, Pauil Urion asks too. many. questions atý the table.' Mr. Kreulsçch,,camip engineér, says that lie lias sotne true stories -to tell if anyone ivili believe themn. The Honorable, John Betak ex- l)ressed the opinion that a. certain ijistrel - show at . camp ire last nlighit was a. great success. Pauil Urion hopes to mnake the, Or4ler of the Arrow wliile at camp. this suînmiier. According to Leslie Robinsoni, the '~?"is a very fine newspaper. Mr. -Moulton, otie of our visitors in camp toda -sas thiat lie belie" we have a. ve ry' fine camp. Shawnee Camipera WiIl These Scouts Get Construct Welcome Arch a TkriIl Right on Under tbe leadership of M.HiIandOw JJot Sh r Pete White, the Sbawnlee canipers. propose to erect an ar ch of 'rustic tl)e On, last Saturday niglit at 5 o'clock Mother Nature saw Troop 37 on its that will welcome ail visitors to Camp w-ay to the Sand FMats which are -north Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. It is plannied to mfake of Waukegan. Wben the Scouts got tiis arcn of natural rnrcn ana mte de- signl Will include the Word "Welcomei" and be surmnou.nted by a reblica of the IMa-Ka-Ja-Wan design'als used on the honor camper's badge. The arch wili probably be built oni the, dock and will be. Camp- Shawnee's volunitary. camp improvement -for the first period of.I '1930.I Off icers--A ttend A dvan-ced Camp to 1Make Preparations Starting a week early, an extra large 3taff of officers went to Cà,mp ) Ma-Ka- 1Ja-Wan ihi, order to set ut) caip for thle lirst period. ýNearlv hrt-fieof- ficers' were at ýcarnxpsomne.tîmne during the advanced. perliod helping *Nitlx the setting Up of camip whicli includéd cut-. tmng out soine virgin forest. for' space, to build neéwflooritig for the new caffp.1 units of whichi there are tîvo this year.: After leveling off the groiiiid enough to have the floors reasonal)ly level, the crews brouglit on the floors wliichb bad been mrade.up separately. A fter. fitting themn togethen tliey were blocked in position and nailed for the wext step ,which was the tent setting. Even with this organ.ized as finely as Possible, unden the icircunîstances. it took very nearly a, full day for the last section, wbich'iwas put' up af t*er the. reporters [2 SotsNw odel aioskinds of cleaning up a 125 Scouts' Ntiw Lddà, i noýaîoùcluding setting ul, the quar- at C-r*t1ip Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan 'ten-mrasiers' sýupplies which 'are in Oîue hnded ndtwety-iv cap-charge of George Bersch, Tnoop 4, rst ah ndroed adttvmp Macam-, Wilmnette. The camp boats were also Van for the first period of the 1930 la e, p tid a d pit . By a- tiiere,, lcu uy. M'r., VVUICcka,the Scout- mastr, a ire was built and supper wvas I made. Te best part of making, the supper wvas making the baking powdc'r biscuits, thus enabling some Scouts to pass thein second and first class cooking tests. After supp .er an obser- vation hike was held. Mir. Walecka, seein .g that somne of, the Scouts were getting drowsy, sug- gested' that we pitch ou pup tents ani turn in for the night. ..The tents were up in aý jiffy but the Scouts. did nQt, turn ini tili after a marshmallow roa st Out of one, tent cani,- the sweet strain)s of, harnmnica mnusic played by Ray' Fii, out. 0f aniothier camne the sweet sîniging voice of Ralph Sou th-; erton, alid-ý out- of a third, the lowv sound of false snhoring. Soî silence reigned thle camp.- Trhen, with 2 o'clock Suinday miorni- iig came lightniing, thu,îdler and raiii ivhiçbi poured down upon the teiits. WVaterproof were the tenits and whiat could keep the Scouts more safe' Nothing. .Soon the mun arose and so did the Scouts. Breakfast ivas cookèd and a hearty. nueai was lhad by ail. 'After an bour of restinig the Scouts m-ent siin- ming iii an old, swimiming hole' IR»e - freslhed by the dip the Scouts came back, to wash thedishes. After-tbe, dishes 'were- .done. the garbage' wasý bunied benieàth the *ground, and,~ra t.hat was left oiver Was, strewii on the tree tops 50 a.s to. feed the birds, the Scouts went out lookiîîg for cactus planýts. A plant 'ias, found by every, Scout. Somie S'couTts took them home :0 ,replanit. After the 'great cactus bunt,ý bhe tenits were taken do.wn and every-' thing was pack.ed upo and soon .the. -1 -_ es Du wnn e te fliws . writing ini theirdiie aliproves or. rejects the suggested rat- gaine u atsxoetegigws migbt easily be able to let us bave sonie Caniper s sould 'weàr shoes while ings, iii this way discussing only those very much easier." It is believed that of their writings to publisb in the "" going to and fron the' waterfront fr on whicb tbere'15 some doubt. In this this is the first tie -that any one lias Evenybody likes to read a naper, but it swimming. Feet are' easily burt if thi% *way. less time is taken to dispose of gone completely around the lake this. seenis to be bard to write for it. We precaution is flot taken and a' camper the ratings than before a9df it 15 be- summrer. In the memoies of several need the news and others, will appre- unay be in the cýamip ospit,-l for somne lieved that patrol members can rate old campens,' there lwere somne who .ac- -ciateacac olanwa' o time if he does not take proper cane a scout more accurateîy than the en- compihdtietls er n n ni othen at of tecm.Hl of bis feet. tire troop. . yot was one who, did this.'usut