.Cabinet Work. Daaper-and Upholatesg Fabic ANTýIQUES We specialiie ini Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Ordex H', G. LINDWALL Highe8t Grade Upbolatering 08Oak Stroet Eatabflshod 1895 Ph. Woietk-a 145 Portra'iture oF endurir is to bec an elimmiation 'autair. 'l'ue, winnier of the tournarnent is to receive a silver loving cup, and there is to bc an award for the runner.up player. Those desiring to enter the tourna- ment have been advised to register at once at the office 'of 'the course. Pair- îiilgs are to be made inimediately and the eliiniation process put ini progress without delay. WEDDING INVITATIONS OUT Inivitations have been issuèd for the wedding of Miss Lilian Grace His, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.,Arthur P. Hjlls, of 2750. Pra irie avenue, Evans- ton, and William T. Lamner, son-of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lamner of, 1622 >Cenitral aàvenue,- Wil mette. The ceremony will take place at 4 :30 o'clock July 26, at St. John's Lutheran church, I sdtiSF Cýtiofl johnny Weissmuller, world's cham- pion s wiminer,- is to give. an- exhibi- tion of bis prowess at the Wilmette beach Sunday, july 13, qt 3 o'clock under auspices of the- B.*V.« D. Swim club., The, program is to include events by other swimi stars as,-well as conitests for north shore entrants. Suburban Building To Date This Year Is Far Below 1929 Subuirbani building construction for the, first six months of this *vear shows a sharp recession as coml)ared with the volume for the same perio.d a year ago, according to the building survey- department of S. WV. Stra'us & com- pany. The volume for the. period to- taled $17,082667, a loss of 57.9 percent compared with. last year when the total was $40,668,41 1. While the 'falliiig off was general throughout the metropolîtan area, three suburbs reported gains. East Chicago, Ind., distinguishied itself with, an increase of 47.2 percent, Waukega' with, 11.2 percent, and Batavia with. 3.2 Percent. .,Ii the Jurie, 1930 over the Julie, 199 comparis on only two, of. the fortv- three suburbls reported gains, accord- ing to the Straus survey. Lake For-ý est showed an increase pf 141.5 per- cent and Wheaton 26 percent. Figures for villages in New. Trier 1647 Sheriddn Rod At the Lake betwveen WILMETTE and KENILWORTH Telephone Wilmette 650 Winnetk4: June, 1930, $30,050; June, 1929, $95,750. 1Olencoe: J une, 1930, $38,630; June, 1929, $130,600. John Adair of Kenilworth and Ar- thur Landers of Arlington, Miss. saile't f or Eùrope on July 5. Mr. Adair iÎa inst ructor. in. musiç at the- North Shore Country Day school. I