Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1930, p. 22

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Meowing Felines and Barking Dogs Enfiven Pet Show. Saturday.morning atiIl o'clock Vatt- man park had its annual pet.show -with the usual barking dogs and meowing Wê hadvariety of pets such as dogs, icats, an all igator, turtle, and, snake. The îintermediate winners were as f ol- lows: "Tippy" thie prize winning dog, which beloiîged to. Dorothy Davis cap- tured first prize "Chap py" a mean r looking bull dog owned by Muriel. Kinney woný second. A kitty belong- ing to Marjorie. Hill won thiird. An Airdale' narned "Jip" Won fourth, ownecd by Dorothy Eisler. The juniors were as follows ..five kcittens ini a wasll basket. won first, owned l)y Caria Heiss. A' shepherd cbow dog named "Nancy" won second. ut was om-ned b>' Suzanne Lyons. Third prize was awarded to an Irish Setter nanmcd "Bob," owned by Charles Mooni. Fourth prize was given to a * black dog, narned "Spot". brought by, * Eugene Field. *It~ was a very inter- -esting'-show and the judges lhad a liard, time deciding. The winners get, rib- bons.-Iucille IHoffman,.Vattmail play- groutid. Central Playgroütïiit4Ir Busy Place,,Says Carol Wild) Uorses One day. mi) f riends and I took. our horses to goý for a ride. ,Tbere were ten boys and myself. We werc going up on the mounitainis to bave our f unlbâtter., One, o f my f ricnds, said. that we were going to have a race. This race. was for everybody. We get in the line al ready for the race., At thât time an air- plane passed by very low. Those horses were wild. They startéd kicking-and, running. My horse started kiicking, and running. He started to run and. jump, around. I couldnl't stop him. I couldn't ride any more. 1 was tiredout. 1 f el in some mud and s tones- and.. broke my left baud. Every olle fell that titne-and ail the boys were tired. We stayed about a week. in .bcd. We missed our, lessons- too., From that time I haven't iiked those wild horses.-George Collias, Howard schiool". Liiiam Thrillecl Over First Airpiane Journey M onbtday evening' to go out to Sky endurance plane ý got about a mile traffic. was so ba, think we could get were glad we coulc teri uiConrada un ini an airplan( Evenyône' at Central is *pnetty busy. ïi'iat -we -,C- ....g. *What with Mn. Stone helping the chul-if e didn' go t dren, with their JUNIOR L[rn articles and the endurance our new instructon, Miss Haven, help-. reachied, the Curtis ing us -' witb oun posters, everyone is ets and went down getting along famously.W were AIl excitt ,We have 'had' a dress up Parade, a .pet until we got Up. show, an O'I.eary contest, and thene are and black.1 It. wz an cc thingËs'to f ollow. plane and very The girls have already bad two kick-. When we got up bail games but the>' have lost thèmin both. like toy town. W They played a gzame %vith Vattmian 100 miles ant bour. Monday.-Càrol "Lipin, Central play-, up' I hope I have ground. ______ __ as I did the first : 1 Howard sehool.' g, our family decided yHarbor to sec the eefuelled. Wbien - we froni the field the ad tlhat we dild iot 't near thc fie.ld. \We Idn't because my sis- and 1 wanted to go e. My father said )up at Curtiss field DSky Harbor to sec plane.;. \,'len we s 'field, we got tick-- ito the landing fieldl.: ted and couldn't wait 'Thc& Planée:was .red ,as a five pa.sseuiger coinfortable .inisidie.ý pevenytbînig looked Vewere go.ixg about The next tire I go Sjust as, mutch full tinie.-Lillian Hoar, "Flaming Arrow" Giýves Fine Vattman Program "Flaming Arrow" came to Vattman parký, Wednesday, june 25, to talk, to the cbildreii, He drew pictures in the sand and sang songs and- danced' for us. Hc is under theý direction of',the Chicago Tuberculosis Instituteè. Hc told a story. n iii Idian signs,,drew pictures, of fruit, the: head of an, Indian squaw, a. Viking ship, and a dlock that said 8 o'ciock and below it lie wrojte, "Goý te bed at tlîis time." He also made an Indian head anid ,'abathi tub with a colored boy Iiii it. and under it lie wrote "A bath a. day kceps genms away."' He sbowed Mn. Davis an Ili-, dian dru'm which he said was lhollow. He proved this bythe little hole ini the side. The Village Gneeft childreli came dowil te Vattman park te see. the Indian and cnijoy this story, lour. with u.-Marjorie HUlI, Vattman park. Virginia Hears Songslers Warble Song of Gratitude One morniiing when 1Iwoke up 1 heard a bird singing a most beautiful song» I weit downstairs and it was stili. singing on the electric light wire. Ii knéew it wasni't singing the song justi for- fun so 1Iwatched iim until he flewg awvay atnd 1followed hlmii. He flew back of our garage and sure enough hie and' his mate wvere'sitiing on the perch of thé new bird bouse daddy had just built and put 'Up the' night before last. 'They werc ittIe w'rens and as' soon as they saw me they started to 'sing again as if te say. "\\le tlhanký, you very, very nimutcl for the Iovely bird 1b ouse," an-d *with that 1 went l)ack 'into the house and got somie crumbs and Put them1 anound the bird lhouse-.-Virginiîa'Huet-1 tel, Howard, schooh Enjoys Books Loaned. Puipils byr Our Library >r he Wilmette' Public library loaned some books to the school for thé sum-1 mer scbool cbildren to read. There were manv.'interesting 'hooks. 1 am Present A wards at A nnual Pet Show on Village Green Thursday .afternoon, .Village .Green, had its pet show.- There was a great number of dogs, and a variety of other pets such as cats, pigeons, birds and gold' fishi. Mrs. Fanckboner gave - nb-* bons to the small dogs.and large dogs separately. ,Slie also gave ribbons to the other pets. The judge was Dr, Erwîn. The, first prize of the *big dogs was awarded to Marie. Meyer's big -cho w dog named', "King Tokio."1 The second prize was given to Mlaine Leis': dog, a collie lnamed "Laddie" The, third prize was given to Alice Mleyer's. dog, another chow, named, "Joy Low." 'fle prizes for the snîall dogs were: First, "Binigo," Billy Fanckboner's dog; se c o n d , "Spotty," Blanche Kreusch's dog; and tliid, "Bidd who 'belonged to Dorothy deVit't. 0f the other pets, 'the' prize winners were.: First, Thonmas Meyer's pigeon;, second, Patsy, Welter's bird; and third, Virginia Sargents' gold fish. After this was finished there w ere three ribons gi Ven to the th1re pets that. were the bes.t of ail. 'Marie Me.y- er's was first, Elaine Leis' second, and Billy Fanckboner's third.-Josephin.e Costo, ýVilIage Green. Vattman Park Garners O'Leary Test Honors On Tbursday, July 3, there m'as a village-wide O'I.eary contest. It was lield at Vattmnan park. The Winners wcre: Seniors: Fiist placei, Lucille Hoffman; second place, Kathlyn,.Haollway; *third place, Ruthi Sanderson. 1Initermediates: Fi'rst plae Kate McConnhie; sccond, place, Kath- erine Svmons;',,third place, Lorietta, Stieffenis. All the, winners were froni Vattman park, with the exception of Ruth Sanderson, who is from Central playgrouind. ln the senior group, Ruth :San derson, Marguerite -Gaston and Gladys Schiridt on with our lessons. FIREWORKS STAND EXPLODES Last Sunday evening about 15 'minutes to. 12 o'clock the fireworks stand located lcm Ridge avenue and Central street, Evanston, mysteniously caught-onhlAre. The' approximate vialue, was $3,OO.- Fdwin Lauce, Howard schcol. _______________ ti am w o uI1tIIr scnooui 'ruPlck UP gu1es. Une was witn Vattman andi ini the subjects I am n ot very good in.' the other withi the Village Greenu. We AWAIT REPORTS* The>' are history, géography and read- have 'a pretty good tearn but we We are ail anxious to get our re- mtg. In summer school 1 will make haven't . had enough practice. Village ports from summer school. We have up the work 1 do not know. We only Green has a very good teamn. They waited almost three weeks and have bave a haîf day summer school so 1 have won every gamethe>' played.' We hadý a lot of-fun in summer school. don't .mind it much and I gxpec t hope to win at least, one game this. We have -a very nice ýteacher, M rs. -to learn munch.-ElÈeanor Speredes, season.-ýE1eanor Burpee, Central pla- Jones.--Lilfian Hoar, Howard schooi. Howard school. ground. Lt [ i.," Lt T 'T j-I

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