Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1930, p. 9

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last Frniy ILLVIIIUUIa 4L invinag Green. The program opened at 1:30 o'clock with patriotic exercises followed by thirty races and cpntests for W1l- miette residents. of ail ages, entertain-1 nient for the children, and a baseball game in .which, Wilmette defeated Rogers Park 14 to:6. The progeam was spo nsored by local Legion posts ini con- junction with the Playground and Rec- reation boards. More than. one hundred- Wilmnette, business concerns:andindividuais con- tributed prizes for the races and con- tests. The prizes were flot awarded on the Fourth, but tickets were given to the winners to be exchanged for nmer- chandise of various kincis. Tug-of - Wa Features One -of. the most interesting of the contests was a tug of war betwee'i a teani composed of ten single men andi another team,'cornposed of the sanie nuniber, of married men. The single, men won.. Members . of their team were: Robert Meter, George Brown- ing, Joe Blaha, Bob Youngberg, Wal- ter Hawkinson, Kenneth Wagner, John Black, George Belter, H. 0. Moore and F. Mack. The -first, second and third place win- ners in, the various races and contests * follow in the order named: Twenty-five yard dash. for girls under ei ,ght years: - Virginia Todd, M-\,arilyn Myrland and Doris White. Fiftv-yard shoe.seramible, boys under fourteen-Toni Finlayson, Frank K-)e- Veni. and Dick Mooney. Twenty-flve yard wheelbarrow race, girls ten, eleven and t-welv'e vears old- Loretta Steffens and Dorothy Davis. Doris Patterson and Dorothy Hill, Marcella Bruchhauser and Helen Cot- seres. Tw-enty-five yard dash, boys under eight-Grahamii Fi.ilayson, Charles Mc- Candlish andCgeorge Leal. Fiftv yard das.h.' girls 'eight and nine vears old-Adelaide Kýoenen, Dolores HIillinger and Clara.Thalman. Bail throwing contest for womeni over, twenty-one-Mrs. DeVinny,. Mrs. Wade and Mrs. McCandlish. Fifty yard three-legged race, boys. under sixcteen-Rëx Martin and Colin Filnf ý Ed M T<1 nnp andl Rnhert and Mrs. D. C. Stone. Fifty yard balloon race, girls under ten-Betty Jane Diltz , Dorothy Bruch- hauser and Clara Thalinian. One hundred yard dash, mien twenty- one and,* over-Willianm Anderson, D. C. Stone and lEd Huck.' Fifty yard bailoon race, boys under ten-Jimmy Phillips, Ed Hoffrman and Walter Truesch. Twenty-five yard dash, womien thirty- fve and.over-Mrs. Feanckboner, Mrs. Davis and Mrs.. DeVinny. Fifty yard three-legged race, bus- band and wife-Mr. and, Mrs. E. H. Myrland, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. 'Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Schleieri Twenty-five yard dash, womien over 160 pounds-Mrs. Tripicchio, ýMrs..D.. M. Davis and Mrs. Keil. Twenty-five yard dash, gentlemen, with a waist measure1 of at least forty- three inche s-Mr. Borre, George. Leal and William M.*Wagner.ri Fifty yard sac~k race, girl under six- teen-Ruth Sanderson, Dolly Biell and Virginia Brownring. Fifty.yard dlash, nien thirty-five and' over-Datniel 'M. Davis, Charles Dahncke and C. B. Cochran. SUMMER PASTOR,. The Rev. Marcus Grether, assistant to the minister of the First Presby-. terian church at Oak Park is to occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyteia ch Urcl of Wilmiette thiis summner dur- ing the absence, on vacation, of Dr. Clyde R. Wlieeland, mninister. Mr. and *Mrs. Frank Flanner of Blackwell, s, will visit Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch of 611 Washington ave- nue during Julv and August. Mr. 1Fatch is eéýxpect ed to return- Sunday from ,a fising trip near Boulder Junc- tioni, \is. Mr. anîd Mrs. Harry Roeiuer of 2032 Wimteavenue are againi at home 1after spending th.e Fourth of July. and the. week-end following at the Deils ,and Grass Lake, Wis. Mrs. Alexander Joslin, 240. Essex road, Kenilworth, was hostess to twe.lve Sundfiy Table d" Hote Dinner Served f rom 12:30 P. M. Tii 8:30 P. M. $1.25 Weekdey iners Served from. 5:00 P. M. Tii :0 P. M. $1.00 Noonday Lurcheon' Sered from 11:30 A. M. Tii 5:00 P. M. 50C A la Carte Service in a wde variety cf delicious foods "Thereis. no substitute for goéod food" Free DeêWs At Saider - Cazel Drug Co. FOR THIS WEEK Box Miro Dena Face Powder ............50 $1,5 Miro Dena Compact........... fre Yardley Complexion Cream......... $15. $1.00 Box, Yardley Face Powder fre Boxs Kotex............ ........78 50c Box Kleenex .................. ...f reeý *.... ... .. .. .. 1> Arcy. Fifty yard relay, husband and -wife -Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Davis,. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Stone, Mr. and Mrs., Dave Leach. Seventy-five yard dash, _boys thirteen, Miss Kthleen (Chicago Normal C( 1045 Cliestaut wilnette boue I 'v. 1 Serving North Soe Residents for WiImette e iCentral Aves. - Open Sundaga Until Mor.tbTaO 2 5 Yegl Phones: Wil. 400-401 10:3'0 P. M. $300 value value value

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