Four priîiinary sketches for a new Presbyterian church to be erected on the site of the edifice at Ninth street and. Greenleaf avenue wverc submnitted to the contract and plans ciommnittee last Friday night. The present churcli \vhich %vas., ie-: stroyed hy fire 'iast, Decenîhler wilI be * cmpltel wrecked, according. to pres- ent plans. and the- new. church crected inàs , splace,,IDr. Clyde Randolpli WVhéeIal, pastor of the churcli., stated this %%eék. ~We pla to huîdalequately and bIeattll3,. but .without alrcnon deht," said Dr. Whecland in discussing the conteinpllated structure. The cost' of thene church lias, not been inade.non as thé tvpe of build- ing hati iot been (lecided tpon dleiiiiitely earlv this week. t Nvas stated, hw ever, th at the architecture %vouldl be either the classic colonial or the E'nglish Xthic type. There \vll' bc noôlasenent rooni. but the'Irlninr plans caili or a three-'h story edulcationa1l ullit to supiplliit Le Church auditorium. Aimong thle attrac- tive icatures of this uniit will b Cconîo dIimn ns for the uise of the womlens organizations of the church and for the priniary.-and heginners' departi.ents Oï 'the Sunlday school. It is expected that a contract N illb loet witin the near. future for the con-1 ,,,ructi ii of' the liew% church and that wvork %v'11 tic started on the ne\\ building inTlmdiatcly after the contract. is awvarded. Since last Decemnber, Mien fire wreckcd the. chuirch thie services have been héld at the W\ilm-ette Wornan's club. Standing Room Only At Public Hearing on -Paving Pro ject Oiilv standing room was, availahle Tuesdiav nlight in the council room at *teVillagye hall whena public hearing % vas, held 'on thec proposed paving o!. streets in -the section of, the Village *west of Ridge- road and north'of Eln- wood avenue. Property owners o! that" area argued %vletiher or' not concrete paving or the conuntleshordes t lJi 1î1ui'4UW, it : explainei. 'The stormn sewer catch basin, whvlichi holds water, is founid'ho 'bé one of the' favorite 'breeding places of the Culex or 'dornîstic miosquito, the type wlîich g-ives an impressive accout Of as -presence, f roinmnoivunhil frost. Thousàrnds of inosquitoe.s can be pro- duced ini one catch basin if no- at- tcnîpt is made to kilt the rigglers.. 0f the 12,000 stormn seieer catcv b)asins wvhich hold water, located ov tie north shor.e, mi1ore, than 5,000.ý are' founid in Evaniston)i. Formlerly it required. miore tlian ai. fuît, week to tliese catch. hasins,lbut hy the develcopnient of a newv nîethod and specialized eqiip'- nient the \vork lias been so, speeded 1111 that tl^.ic tinte'required to 'cover Ev- -,îton lias becti rcducc'd to five davs To make surè' that the work is ef- fective, tw iJinspectors are eiiployPý'. wtinEvanstoxi on thislphase of hie work aloxie. I o ictnis lappens tlî,p t i romn one cause or'anotlier, ýa basin 'wîll l)e iound breeding. TlVien tlv: troul)lc squad arrives post hiaste and îîrecauitin¶îs takeni to see that 'thie. a-I ci(lCit does uiot happen -again. lI several Instances thiese ' ctc basins are. locatediin private voet Thiese propcrtv owvners arc ad ised tliat tlîéy cati secuire îîîosquito freedom anid lîelp thieir frienidsý and, neig-libors bv 1pouring hiaîf a cup) full of 'kerosene o, furniace oil down catclî basins onCýe ecd week. A teleffione request to tt'c district hiea&îultarters, Glcuîcoe 314, ~i!l bring an inspector tç> demlonstrate ho this work is doue. GIVES TEA FOR CIRCLE The Northwest circde o!f tie Con- gregatiôxial church Met 'ast Friday for a tea and social. meeting at the home of' .\Irs. E. UI. 'Goodnman of 703 Park ave- nue. 'Mrs. Conrad T.. fryknian i -S' chiairmian qo.te circle 'for thée conîingW year. Mrs. Wharton. Clay* of 419 Ninth street and her son, XVh"Iartoni, Jr., and daughter, Sylvia, have rotored to Boscobel, a hown near Prairie du- Chien, Wis., for the week-end. to the Village board this week l'yc the Wilmètte Chamber of Commerce. The Denmpsey tract, triangular inr shape, is the' sole deterrent ho the com-r pletion of the Main street wvi'dening, or the., ast inik'in ilnmette's share off the through, hraffic highway -vhich is to extend f rom lMcCormùick road. on the south to Green Bav r9ad at. thet Glencoet northltnits. ;The. tract lias heen ini litigation for several. ears. the Village having cndeavored to ob- tain it by condenination.* Question a,; to ti.te fair valuie of the.,property lias 'deferred settiement out.o!' court. it is. sta ted. DAt present it is necessarv, hecause (if, the Dempsey propertv obstruction, that north)ounid trafflc..leave, Main. street. at Elm'%vood anid continue north on Fifteenth- street into, Kenilworhh, or or arw streets etrl i1n.1dequate for tlhe' volume of traffic over tliis route. In its requcst that thé Village pro- cred vvitlî thec îurchasc of the -tract, tlie Chanber of Conmmerce. also, sug-7 i~s5that the propertv he devoted to piark pirPO(ses in iiie xvth sinilar irn- provemnts along thie highway now ap- Trilved bv Kenilworth' ani Win:netka. \Ves..t. ailroad avenue ini Evanston, tlîu southerta ink betieu McCorin.ick <ro'adand Main street is now being pre- pared for widening aând. paving. Ken- rieadv hto conmplete its portion o!tlthe 'highwav ini the near future, it is' stated. C. of C. Asks Publication of Village Finance Reports 'A communication from. thie \Wiinet"e Çhainber. of' Commerce calling atten- lion ho the fact that an Illinois statute requIires the pubilication at regular in- ter ais of the receiphs anid disburse- nients -of the village and requnesting that sucli pub)lication he niade in the futulr,,e 'w as read,'at the mîeeting of lte .Wilmette Village board. Tues- day, night. 'The Wilmettre Cham- ber o!ý Commerce. is. constantly l)eing> asked," thé letter ..' statedl, Il hv the, Village ,treasurer does not pilish,' according 'to law, ail rece'ipts and dibursements for the~ fiscal vears.". o! last- year, the ani3ual ill~age Aip- propriationi bill, adopted ah the regular meeting of the Village' board on Tues- day, July 1, entails an estimated exc- penditure of $392,900 for the current' fiscal year. Last year's figure of $325,9W0 was $1l,500 less than that o! the, previous year, so that the proportionate increase this y-ear is not so great as it at first appears. The largest single item on the ap- propriation. bill for the, current ýfiscal year is, $90,000 for the cèonstruction, repairing, opening and exteiiding of, streets and for the construction, and - repairing of alitys, sidewalks and cross walks, and the cleaning of streets and alleys of trees. Anlappropria- tion o! $( 0,000 ,was made for' similar 'purposes last year. Summary of Biff This year's appropriation bill may be briefly sumnmarized as f ollows: L.. For construction and, repairing of streets, alleys. sidewalks and cleaning o! streets, alteys îand sidewalks and care of trees, $90,000.- .2. 'For opening and re-pairiîig drains and repairing sewers and water mains.. and tlîeir connections, $14,000. .& For heating and lighhing Villagè offices, for sta;tionery and office su'p. Plies, court. and legal expenses and costs,' election expenises and other necessary incidentaI expenses, $18,000. S4. . For supplies for and expenses of Street lighting and' incidentai expenses in connection therewith, $36,000. '5. For paying salaries o! the officers and clerks of the Village, $40,00 $22,M0 'for Fire 6. For operation, equipment, support and maintenance of the Fire 'depa'rt- ment,: $22,OM4. 7. For paying salaries o! police offi- cers o! the Village $52,000. 8. For' paying the interest on bonded indebtedness and tax warrants of the Village, '$13,500. 9. 'For a sinkilng fuîîd to provide for the liquidation of the- bonded'indebteçd- ness of the Villaige as t1e same ma- tures, $3,500. 1-0. For a library fund for the an tenance 'of a free public library, $169000.~ 11., For the operation'and mainte-"- nance of a w ater pumping station, &Ar% TO HAVE C. D. G. TOURNEY Illinois Golf club will be the scene; during the week, beginnîng Julv 28, ji o! the Chicago District' Golf Cham- pionship tournament for woier. Wmen from al, clubs in thie district 'will be entered in the matches.' Mr,-. tdward Ives of Wilmette is prèsident o!, the .-district. Know what's going on back honte. <Just cali our Circulation Deparhment-say when, and > Whereý. They'i1 do the rest.( The irst day will be .36 noies nmedai $.,UUU. play and thirty-two will qualify for the fliglits on the following days. A ýIN NEW HOME gold niedal will be àwarded the win- Director ' of Recreation Daniel M. uer o! the championship flight and a Davis and Mrs. Davis have changed silver medal will be presented the run- 'their residence f rom $20 Park avenue ner-up. There will also be a prize for to 920 15th street. They took up 'resi- -the. losers'in the senii-final rounds.. dençe in their, new- abode ,july L.