Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1930, p. 42

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Box O eesopen 9.30 À. M. util 10 P. M. lDy and 0uaday ITelephone Highland Park 217 COMMUN ITY HOUSE Friday and fSaturday RIN-1IN-TIN ln the story et i Own Lile "A, OG 0F: THE REGIMENT" -Matille Sait.Only-2 ,0 P. M. Mondlay and Tueaday John arrîck, Helen Chandier "THE SKT HAWK" A MasterpIe ( 4 stars) M" Tlnee WILMEI DIRECTION C PETER M. KALL Is at the Varsity Theater "'The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu" is nom- playiing at the Varsity theater in Evanston. The insidious Chinese Doc-1 tor cornes back to lifé and makes things hot. again f or jean Arthur and 'Neil Hamilton. Your neighbors will be able to- banig balts on yourt eyés 1nxost of the timc .and you'll sure enougb get al choked up,àandtearful. Warner Oland is, as befo re, 'something-plus, as the Doctor. He dies again Zand you'llhope: its the last time.' He's too realistie., *The Rogue, Song," - "Notorious Af - fair," and 'ýCaught Short" are the com- ing week's billings. The first is. Law- rence .Tibbett ini one 'of tbe most bril- liant song romances of the year.. You can't, gowrong. "Notorious Affair". pre- gents Billie Dove ini gorgeous clotbes, Basil Rathbone as the wandering hus- biand and, Kay* Francis as the vamp. And tbey don't burst into song. "Caulght ,Short" offers Marie Dregsser and Polly Morat: in 'One great long laugh. If you don't -ache aIl o&'er, we'll be surprised. Thirty-five ye.ars oni stage and screen is the record claimied by Tom Mahoiiey, who conitributes a 'conîcedy characterizationi in 'Ranch. House- Bluies," a Pathe western comnedy,. 'TE: Wvest eru 1120 CENTRAL AVE. iE1eetrIc - WILMETTE Sound Syseni Our Ventilating Syýstçem Nota in Operation MÂTINLE SATURD-AY, STJNDAv, H0LBATS Picture Holiday Matine Phone W~ilmette 494 ONLY Thur.daY Friday JuIy 3-4 s Saturday. July 5 "Matn Huniter" ...... Wilmette "Return of Fu Manichu" ..Varsity "Dog of Regiment" ...... C. ýHouse Sunday, JuIy 6 "Sunny Skies" . . ,Wilmette .1.1 .n .v Monday, Julyl7 Stiiy 'Skies" ...VV.,.-. ilmetté, "The Rogue Song" .Varsity 'Sky . Hawk". C., House Tuesday, July 8, "Prince of Diamonds" .. . . Wilmiette "The ,Rogue, Song",. .Varsity Wednesèdayý, mJly,9, "Nýotorious Affair" . ..... ..Varsity "Prince of Diamonds" .-.. Wilmette Thuraday, July 10 "Temrple Tower" ..i...... ..Xilmette "'Notorious Affair" ....... .... Varsity Fxiday, JuIy 11 *i'enmple 'Ioweër"......Wilmette *Cauglit Short"' Vrst "The Sky Hawk" Comting to the Conimunity House "A Dog of the Regimient and "The, Sky Hawk" are the attrýactÏins listéd bhy Comrniity Flouse.,ii.Winntka. ThIie formier is Rini-Tin-Tinl, reputedly, Îiii the storv of Ii-s o-wN- life, 'The Sky Hawiýk" is ;aniexcellent: war Produictioný an(] lias a charmning love plot. Thiere are somne gooid l sots of an air raid over L.ondon. Johin Garrick and' Heleni Chandler are featured. Friday and Saturday July 4-5 "'THE RETURN 0F rda>r, July Wilmette July 1 " The Man Hunter" is the current. attraction àt the Wilmentte theater. "SunnY Skies", will be presented Sunday ind Moniday, "'Th e Prince -of Diamonds" bas been billed for Tuesday _and ýWed- nesday and. "Temple Tower"i is sched - uled. for sh9wing on .Thursday and Friday. ,',The Man -Hunter" is a Rin-Tin-Tin. production by Warner Brothers. The story revolves around the nefarious ac- tivities. of a gang of beachcombers. The cast, ifcludes Charles Delaney,. Nora Lanle, John Loder and. Pat Har- tigan. Earl Burnett's trio furished the background of nielody for the love scenes of Rex Lease and Marcelene' D ay in- Tiffanys ail1-dialogue, ý musical picture. "Sunny Skies." The trio was tised as.part of the cafe.entertainiment in, a nighit club where nuch of the story'*s action takes place. TIhe film is a farce of college life. "Temiple Tower" is a "Bu-tllçlog Drumi- mond" tale by H. C. MeNeile. Trap doors to swavllow and tunnel walls, to crush'the trespasser a sinister. *rnasikedý stranger. a fortunie in eneraldis, a group of..crooôks battling each Other. to gain possession of the jewels, a grini fortified; estate inu a lonelv part of JEiîgland, and BPulldog hinIself, are the, ingredienIts; *Marceline Dav and Ken- neth MVacKenna plav the lea(s. SPANISH TOWN .BEACH Spanish Court ,and S heridan Roadd Danc.e in the J -Extra- Clark & MrCullough and Lois moran In "Bielle of $amoa"l-Lou Holtz on the Vltaphoué Patite Soind News5 Next Week "6Sky Hawk"-"Lone Rid@er"-"Born Reckless' "Be YourseiPlliMedielne Man" Com ing gSoon--On »the, Level"-"-'Rougb Romhamee" "Hie Mnew Wonen"-"6TheCuos-"tt' on the, Rit"-"*otCurves"'«-Baseball Epic Friday and Satur&Y S JuIy 11-12 "CAUGHT SHORT" Marie Dreler Polly MorAn Corne Over Jean Hersbolt-Eieaflor. Boardman In "MAMBA" -EXTRA- sporting Youth In "elainese IBlues"' C'i 'artoonî Pathe sonnd Nlews Famous for Hof Dogs.

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