Village Maniager shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the >1 Board and.,shall be required to file a Z1)011(1 satisfactory to the Board. Duir- nig his terni of office, the village Nian- a ger shall be a resident of the Village of Wilmette. 4. The Village Manage r shahl be di- 1 rectlv responsible to thie Board o f -Trù for theý supervision of the Public Works Departnîrent, the. Police. Department, the Fire Departtuint, and, the He alth Departinent,. the genieral office of the: Village of XVlmette and shall, e. responsible for their efficient administration. Tom this end, the 'Su- perinte ndent of- Public -Works, the Chief of Police, the Fire Mairshall, and the Health, Oficer shall report to the .Villàge Manager *and be responsible tu hirn for the proper performance of tlîeir duties. Powè-r to.Appont and Reniove. S., Subject to ajproval of the Village ~\ Board, the Villag-ýe Manage hhhv Sthe Power to appoint for an in'i ffnite period and to remove from office the' ..Superintendent of Public Works. the Çhief of Police, the Fire Marshall and the Health Qificer and to fix the. sala-ries thereof. 6. Subject to the approval of 'thie Village Manager and subject to gen- eral mIles of èmploymient approved and adopted by the Village Board, departinent heads shaîl have power to ap)oint and remnove ail subordinate enpfloyees in the , departnients for which they are responsibie and to fix thxesalaries and wages thereof. 7. The Village Manager shaîl act as the business officer of the Village of Wî%"lnette under the. direction of the - Village Board, in cooperation with the Village Treasu'-er, the Village Collector, the Village Clerk, the Village Attorney, and the Village Engineer, and .ýo this end shall have charge of the accounting 'e systein and financial, transactions, of elective officiaIs. & The Village Manager shalh handle through the Village 'Office, the purchase of supplies and equipment for ail depart- mients of the 'vilI2oe. p diiipri"4 such ~ ~ ~ ~ ýJUL: ite sma ernîlp i hini by ordinance or resoluto, to the end that the policies of the Board -of ýTrustees shall be faithfully and efficiently àdirinistered. 3.Thi orinance shail take ffct and, be In, force f rom and aiter its pas sage, and, approvaL. Ilage Manager shallperform Miss Dorothy Campbell, daughter of Mr. aiid Mrfs. H. S. Campbell of 121)() Greenivood avenue, has returned, frorin visiting Mgrs. Edmund W. Burke (Mis Margaret Knight of Evanistoni) at Byvron, Ill. Mrs. Dan G. Stiles of 1019 Sixth 1 I street basreturned f rom driving lier mother, Mrs. Charleý Buton, and her daughtgr,- Miss Hielen..Stiles, to Trot Lake, Xis., where they will -spend the sunime r. -h- -- - - Mrs. Thomas Coyne, 240 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, entertaitied sev- eral guests at dinner at ber. home last Friday evening. Mrs. Coyne enter- tained ber luncheon anxd bridge, club at fildian: Hill club last week. *Miss Ella C. Dewey of La Grange is visiting. Mms J. A. Nourse, 1137 Green- wood avenue. over the weekend. Miss .Dewey and Mrs. Nourse Were scbool- mates at the old Central High school. iiChicago. qLEUM Il CEICAGO: STATE 8481 'I _________________________________________________________ I Al BA-RGAIN 125Jud&mAv. Ravumi 2 Bibs. North. 1 I~Eu fro,. Stationi For Particulara CCali ERIGELAN» pâaEK les j' 4' Portrditure of enduringSdtisfaction 10: The Village Manager shall each mionth prepare and present to the Board of Trustees a statement showing the. lexact .financial condition of the Village, at thée 'end of the preceding înonth, in- cluding 'a statement. of current assets and 'liabilities and a sumnmairized state- 164 7 Sheridan Ro ad At the Lake between WILMETTE and,.KENILWORfH Tlephone W.ilmette65 ý ý :, . - ý IIL 111