Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1930, p. 40

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Vattman Parkers T/,rilled by'Visit of Flaming A rrow Fiaming Arrow attended VaIttman park, June 25. He camýe from MexIco. He'efltertainie( the children by model- iiîg differexit things in * the sand. He -oxdoutline everythingiibacad fil thie inner part with different colors. He made, a papoose ini swn iming. He. said that the papoose did niot have a bath tub but'they bathied in the lake. He made a coiored boy in-the bath- tub. He miade a buncch of fruit. The fruit was bananas, an orange, 1ear an apple and grapes. Tbey were al ini colors. He also- wrote his nane Iby nia king an arrow after Flaining. Hie colored thîs'red. The next thing lie did was dance and-sing. The.very interestinig.thing o .f ail was a story about thiree children, a lady and a mani. The mani was sick 'and the doctor canme. The Indian asked hinm a question. It was, "WiiI1 die?" The doctor said that lie mould if hie did nôt go to a sanitariumi and get well. The three chljdren danced and sangand the motlier was happy. They were gay ever after. The story hie made ini motions. There m4ere .a lot of clîildren and ladies to watch humii. He was. very iniresting. 1 withli e Uniit come agalin-Cath- erine Syîiionds,',Vattmnan Park. *Charle Reports on Hi. Tripto Detroit, Cana Two weeks ago 1 went to Detroit. We stayed at te Book Cadillac hotel. -The îîext day. we went around town, theti my father .said we would go to t Canada so we went. to the Arnbassa-ý *dor's Bridge. It, is a mile long and ê' hlad to'pay five dolars. Tlien we went across the.bridge and were in,'Canada. First We wefit arounld the town. WXe went to. eat inia'Caixa<lia-ii restaurant, tiien wel wenit home. 1 hope you alf have a îîice trip like that-Charles Spinner, Logan sclîool. 1ji Prelinunary1 Friday at Il o'clock the intermediate girls of Vattman held the tryouts for the village-wide O'Leary contest. Lor- etta Steff ens won first place anld, Kate McConnlohlie woii second place.. The third place has: not'been decided. yet ýas two of the girls tied, so the decision will be, made on Mo nday when the girls will compete. Friday aiternoon at 2 ocokthe Senior girls hleld their con- test., The resuit was Lucille I-offman, first place, Kathlyn' Holway, second place, and Marguerite -Gaston, third place. We al hope for great 'success for the viliage-wide meet ilext Thurs:- day - Marguerite Gasto i, Vattman Park. Summer School.. . K., BiD Lehle Declares The summer school. classes at How- ard are now closing their secon~d week. A few children are dropping ouf of the classes for they only had a littie bit of work to make up. A new teacli- er, Miss Franks, lias just enroiled ta t>eacili LOne of; the lower grades next fali. She is also *ini charge of the Grani- -iar d4epartmenit at suumer school. ,Sunimer^ school1 is flot as hiard as it's cracked up to be. We have a recess frorn 10:30 to 10:45 o'clock every niorif- ing.-Bill Lehie, Howard school. Matheniatics Is Fun, Says Sumntur Pupil Suimier ss4iool work ini mathemnatics is fun. Last Friday those wlio got 100 in division of decimials should sit in the first roiv and start to work on multiplication of decirnals. Thîis week aIl of those whio are still working on, di.visionii of decim-als -were quite anxiou to get 100. After you'gçt 100, you get to start multiplication anîd after. you g et 100 in miultip)licationi you shouild start mprking, on Multiplication of' fractions. Wednesday, June 25, every onie got' throtîgliî wih division.-Vir- ginia Miller, 7B Hoivard Central Kickbailers Succuînb to Vattmans Wednesday, June 25, Vattman hiad a ganie with Central ini kickball.' At first it-looked as if Central was going towin but as spoi, as we saw aý few of their 'kicks we were7sure of Vattman wimîing. The.-girls on, the Central -teamn were, up flrst. Vattmanl was ahead ail of the time. At the Iast part ýof the seventh ihninig Mr: Caldwell. said that Vattman did ixot« have to be up got their. last raps as they were ahead and it Was such a hot day, 'so6 Vattmian Won by a score of 31 toý 9. That proves that Vattmnat lias a good kickball ftear. as we have won iail but one. game.-Ruth Sutherland, Vattmian Park. Mothers to Be Guests at. Vattrnan Park> Lunch Every Tuesday we have our lunch with Mrs. Caldwell. Somne Tuesdav we are going to invite our niothers. \frt4 B3rown came this nîorning and next Wednesday she Nwil -come and give us, Our parts for the play-and tliose on the costume committee are Kate Mc- Coiînolie, Catherinîe Sytuons, Kath- lyn Holiway. >fhey will be outdoor plays to teach uis not to be afraid or, stiff and so we are flot afraid of peo-- pie, because somc of us are afraid. This . norning MNrs. Brown gave us somie exercises.-Dorotliv NVs at mani Park.Nys at Charles Eujoys Ride in Yacht "Red Moon" Last Wednesday when a friend and 1went down to the NVilmiette: harbor we saw a pretty good sized yacht 'Ili the hiarbor. The naine of it was, '"The, Red Moon." Weil, my friend and I were walk .ing past' it whenà the man ini it said if we would get a piece of ice 'fronm under the bridge he 'wou'd give us a littie ride and *show us aromnd the boat. Well, we did and lie showed uis around and had a littie ride. There- were four berths on it and it had a 1)1,à24- cvhin der, engi nie.---7Çhlarle s Klein- ofen, 7B Howard. l three girls are f rom 7B. Froin 7A work their own îîame. The colors of ment at Vattrnan park at Il O'clock. there are six, two girls and four boý,s. the squares are pink, white, and blue, Thursday nîorning Mrs. Jones toid the IMPRQVES The eighth graders are .from 8A, both and various colored thiread. Whien they children we woul go to see the'In- - Mrs. Jones, our teacher of eighth and boys. The other boy bas bis diploma work their own n.aine and they are ail dian at Il o'clock, Friday morning. The seventh grades, in the Howard school, but has corne to summer school so that donc we are going to sew thern to- front seated chiidren said it was Wed- bas just removed the bandage from. he will know more about it ve he gether and Mrs. Caldwell wili have a nesday, so.we lost, an entertaininent ber right eye' afterý wearing it for gets, to high schoo.-Fred. Herr, How- nice quilt-Kathlin Holway, Vattman but so did Mrs. Jones.-Frederick !Kas- weeks, sutfferi'ng from an' infection.- ,rd 7B. Park. par, 7B HIoward. Ray Ford Mann, Jr., H!oward7 school. Adnnounce Schedule for Competition at Local Playgrounds Here -ire the playgroïuiid kickball. anid basebali sciiedules annouiced this week by the Recreation board: Playgiround Bail 'Schedule Tuesday, july 8-Village Green at Vattmian lursday, July 10-Vattmnan at Centra Tuesd'ay,> July 15-Central at Village Green.il Thursday, July 17-Village Green at Vattmanl Tuesday,, July 22-Cenitral at Vattman Thursday, july 24-Village Green aât Central Tuesday, july 29ý-Vattman at Village Green Thursday, Juiy 31-Vattmi at.Central Tuesday, August 5-Çenitral at Village Green- AIl gamies should start prýomptly at 2 o'clock. The directoî, of the playgrotxnd wiîere gaine is played is in f ull charge 'of gamie. The game should be -rcported , at office flot'later than the day following thle game-Daniel M. Davis, Director of Recreation. Kickball Schedule .Monday, July 7-Vattmian at, Central, Wedniesday, July 9-Central at Village Green Monday, Juiy 14-Village Green at Vattnîaii WVednesday, Juiy 1&-)-Ceiitral at Vattinan MUonday, July 21-Village Green 'at Ce-nttmraa WednedayJuly 2-atnna Village Green Molnday, July 28-Vattmi .i at, Centfral. Wednesdav, juIy à30+Central at. -Village.. Green, AIl games shiould start p'romptly. at. 2 o'clock. Tlîe director of the pflayground: where game is played is ini full charge of gaine. The gaine slxould be réported at the office flot later than the day following the 'gamne-Daniel M. Davis, Director of Reéreation~.

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