f In planning yqur week-end tours and holiday vacations this year, why iiot get acquainted with soi-e of the at- tractive lakes and drives ini your owni stiate? 'In ail the United States there is no state with more natural beauty and' historical interest, that bas been as neglected by its own people, as has. I1.linois. Today, with more paved hîgli- ways withinh its borders than any other state, Illinois offers to the autoist the inost, varied '.scenery, in1 the United More, is known, perhaps, of the Antioch and Fox Lake region than* of *' ma"y other points in .the state. ILn the accompanying log, The Automobile Club of Illinois, in cooperation with this newspaper, bas selected a circle * .*trip to this famlous. northern lake country. For the return trip the route fol- lows along a gotad paved road. from Lake Villa to Fox Lake, then south over a -good country gravel roa~d to Volo where 111. No. 20 is taken tbrough to McHenry. Leaving McHenry U. S. No. .12 and Ill. No. 22 are, folloWed to Dundee, whjçre Higgins road is fol- lomwed sottcast ijuto Chicago. The de- taile(1 logfoow 1 At «Michigan avenue and Jackson b)oulevard1 go north on 111. No. 42 and ,U.- S. No. 41. TQOVNS 'MILES wilinette.......... .......... Kenilworth ..................... A7 Winnetka ..~. . ......1-8 G.lencoe...... ............... 21' Highland Park..... ........... 26 Fo)rt Sheridan,...............2 Lake Forest.. ................... 32 Lake Bluff ..............3 Wauk-egan i.(Take Grand Avenue)...40 ('urnèe................45 Lake Villa (Take 111. No. 21)....... AINTIOCH............5 Return TTip ANTIOCU................... Take country road west junction i 1. No. 59 ............ V on> . . . .. . . . .. . . . . ... .. > (Marked detour available between Fox road, is thé only gold star mothér froin Lake and Volo on account of pavlng> Wilmette to sail next week for Fra.ace. Take III. No. 20. west McHenry (Take U. S. No. 12 south)... 20 She will leave Sunday to join the Junction 111. No. 22 ....... ..... 28gru silnonteUS..Hrdg Take 111. No. 22 south op alnonteUS..Hrdg Duindee .... 38 and wiIl be gonie a month. Bob'n Mac A-N;NOýU.NCE The ThIrNw Service Station THE QIL WELL formnerly WiIrntt. FiIing Station INow Open for.,,Business., at thé' New' Location MAIN and L1IDEN. OIL GASOLINE GREASING' ý,WASHINGý Phone WiImeHfe,3334 car witb' only 9,600 miles of service; 6 wire $2250 Cal!iLihe Useti Car De>artinentandst Arrange for a Demonstration PACKAIRD MOTOR CiRCompANY 0F CHicAGo, HURBARD WooDs BRANCH Winnietka 3070 .9Z LINDEN AVENUE, Greenleaf 6M.'.