Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1930, p. 28

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Perfect in balance, representative o 'the best music drama the world ha ever known, each succeeding weeklç repertoine of Raviniia opera isso broad ini scope that it is bound to niake ap î>eal to every musical taste. Mr.Ec stein bas long had the bappy faculty a knowing exactly what bis public wants* and be fulfihîs that wa nt,- at the samo time keeping the Ravinia standard t( the higbest peak. The third week begins on ýSunda3 afternoou, july 6. a concert by th-, C-Ia.cago Symnphony orchestra und"e: the direction of .Eric DeLamarter. The program will be Amnerican in scope coming as it 'does two days after In- dependence day, -.with compositions by Deenis Taylor, Rossetter Cole, Victoi Herbert, Lea -Sowerby,. and Mn.1 De-m Lamarter's composition, "The Betroth. al Suite." Felix Borows'ki's 'Youth' wili be played- and the composer wi!J conduct it. joseph Vito, harpist, is the soloist, p!ay-inig Liszt's '*Liebestraum.' Hasselmauàsý "Valse de Concert". and Beiiota's «'Inpromiptu." There. is no charge 'for seats in the opera bouse for these concerts. 1On Suntday niglit the season's first performance of *'Andrea Chenier" will be given '-wd-4lsbt~Rtbrg as Maddelena. and Giovanni Martinelli as, the poet Cbenier. Giuseppe Danise bas an outstanding noie, that' of Gerrard, the- revoiutiouîarN-. Ina Bourskaya. Desire Defrere an(] other prominent stars are cast. "Andrea Cheni'er" offers superb 'pportunlity for unuiisual singing and act- ing for it is lîighivy draniatic, havig ciaught the colorful spirit of the French revolution. Gennaro, Papi w~ill conduct. On Monday night. julv 7. Mse~' 'celebrated opera, "Thais" wi.iIl be the offering with Yvonne Gall ini the tille noie, Giuseppe. Danise in. the principal masculine rle, that ()f."Atba,îael, and Giuseppe Cavadore, as Niceas. This opera was added '.to the, Raviinia reper2 tore 'when MdaeGal was. first brougbt here f rom Paris ;where she had long been famtous linthîs part. . Hasselmans w~ill conduct. Fiotow's tutnefulî romlan tic opera "Martba" ivili h)e' given for the first time -this season on Tuesdzn. no'ht .11.1. "l xusep .IUJv~-- 1.There will be a i-J featurecI, and M'r. HfasselMals Will con duct. "La Ronidine" will be. repeated oi >fFriday niglit, Juiy 11, with Lucrezi; S, li again in theý title rôle, and Edwani l 0johnson as Ruggero. Miss Flo .renct o Macbeth will be Lizette and Arman( Tokatyan, Prunier. The ballet willb aspecial-f eature of this opera, whicl bas somte of thé best tunes, Puccini evel rwrote. Gennaro Papi will' conduct. e Onie Satunday nighi, July 12, Vendi'5 "Te Masked Bal," which forte a five seasons bas been a favorite with Ravinia audiences, will,be .ýgien. This ris one 'of the few operas having Amierica as its locale, a nd true. to. the Verdi tradi- tion it is fi lied with melody and dramfatic action. Madame Elisabet-h Rethberg 1 will be cast as the beroine, with Giovanni Martinelli, lu the principal tenor - oIe. These noies'give Madame Rethberg and 1Mr. Martinelli every opportuilfty ý for bgreat srngiiig and acting. '<itse'ppe Danise has oue of bis outstanding noies, lu wbich' bis bel canto voice is used to tf ull advantage. Miss Florence Macbeth will bave a cbarming role, that of Oscar, and Julia Claussen wili bc beard as, Ulrica. Others in the cast include Mr. Lazzari, Mn. D'Angelo, Mr. Oliviero and Mr. Cehianovsky.' Genniaro Papi wili conduct. Metropolitan Opera Adda Deoins Taylor's New Opera The Metropolitan Opera conipauy us to add' four operas to ils repertoire xext season; thnee of .whicli wiil be comuic. The fourth will be the niew opera Decius Taylor lias. been w\%onkiing on since' he coinpleted '"The King's H-ecbmiian;" It' is anpolinced to be -Peter Ihhbetsoni."' ivbich was 'fi rst 'a novelI by George Du Maurier, then a play, and fiii'y an op- cratic libretto put together by.Conistance Collierý and Mn1. Taylor. The Music is said to tue finishied, and Mr. Taylor is. now at %vork onchestrating it. Trhe, other three works to he given will bc "Le Preziose Ridicok," a olie act piece. after the Moliere. comedy of. alinost t-he ia ci h w ui nclude the overture to wener's "Abu Hassan," Laicombe's "'Aubade,": Tschaïkowsky's "Capriccio' Italien," G-rieg's "Solveg's Song," and Saint- Saen's "Mil itary March." The first three numfbers are- u namiliar o>n'es on the- '-hildren's' programs. The idea back, of these concerts is to educate the childre!.1 anusically, giving thein a bakround of, music by, the masters, and repeating the, numbers from year to ytd.r so that the 'children become thoroughly familiar with the main themes of great composi- tions. . Begiuning on July. 17, the Chi- cago Sympbony orchestra, which is led by Eric DeLamarter on Thursday af ternoons,, will take op one mnovement each week of Dvorak's, "New World, Symphony,". Critic Is S r risd W hileSeeing "Manon". From the Second Row, Louis 'Iasselmaus is not as steru' and forbidding as the great stone face wbeu you see hi f rom the second now front and ceuter, at Ravinia, and the chorus is lot couiposed of Sappbos, Helens of Troy or Cleopatras: Two surprises of 'differ- I~tnature which we discovered wbile heaning Massenet's "Manon" at close cpaters iast iveek. Previous acquaintauce had been made f roui different sections at the rear o-f the opera bouse, or f rom tht2 f ree seats ont under the trees wbere the cye gracefuliy gives finst place to the ea'r.' Such- exciting details as Lucrezia IBoni's finger. tips,' which were, as rosy and deélicately . fornmed as a new bo-rn çloud of 'a sumnmer dawn had go-ne tin- remiarked before. We fouind tbe ex- pression of bewi ldered terror on the face 'of onxe of 'the "voyageuirs",, delightfully ridiculous, and wve thouigil 't Chamnlee's. costu me i n the first act looked more than ever 'like: a -le.. tuce. salad gone. astray, but bis,,cos- tumies ini the otheracts *were evenl moret sumpItuou 1s than we had guessed. Bon î ook our breath away witb bier siver zown and silver. bain in t he San Sulpice sceuie. 'Like herself, it wa's too excinisite Mainner i.,Conscert By Rutheda L. Pret..1 Frederic Jencks, young Detroit bari- toue, won new laurels for himself in bis concert at the. Skôkie Country club last Sunday afternoon, when lie opened the series of sumnier. musi cales. which. are. arranged by Mrs. -Dwigbt C. Orcutt. For lseigto music in ideal surroundiigs%, Ne recommend the club, wvhere one may lean, back in a cornfortable chair on. the, porch, and'dream:with the music as geiie summer winds are wafted through the roon. Music that can ,be dreamned aboLit while, it is bèeing sung is'a*ssuredly ful- filling ail of its purposes., In a programi of' wide variety guar- anedto appeal to .such a mûsically minded audience as he had last Sunday.' Mr. Jencks ingratiated hitnseif into !e esteemn of ail. He would seem to have ail that a singer needs, a remnarkahly flexible and responsive voice, a wvell-knit techulicai background, a personality 'which immcndiately takes hold of bis ,audience.. and intelligence., There is the ring of gincerity' back of ail of his songs, beL-, cause he so aptly fits bis voice and his whole self to the mood. In the sustained phrases of Handel's love. song, "Wberc'er You Walk," the toneý was poured' ont surely and smhootbly. There was1 plenty of breath, -and always a* fihie *qpality 'in the 'tone. ýMr. 'Jenck's voice is dlear and resonant, true of pitch and moulded into perfect, round toues. A group of old Englisb songs varying in mood. four cowloy songs, negro spir- ituals, a Verdi aria f rom "Otello" and a group of miodern compositions made up' the prqg'ram. Eacb song bad been cane- f ully thought out, a'nd the result Nvas 5ometbing 'as *comp1ete and poetic and firely executed as an etc-hing. Mr. Jenjck's .voice' seemed capable 'of expressing any ~Motion, whetben it was tbe, sturdy birava- (l' of the cowhoy. the. delicate ecstasy for old lanes iii," Nocturne" by. Olds. the ofeliness and' wearineéss oôf%,the darky, convict in ".Waten- Boy." or the pure lyric* melanchoiv of Somnerve.1j's sett-ng o Poe's "Annahelle'ý Lee."' He lias. newv and mo.r-2 artistic interPretatioins. for iamiliar sougs,' giving them f reshne.s and' ioignancy. Ail in ail,. le is an artist. William l'ester 'gave bum excellent and sympatbectc. accoulpanimeuts. "Play Turne Frolics" Children under twelve y'ears of' age are admitted firee, TO HAVE FESTIVAL, and seaus in -the opera bouse are free to A five day chamber music festival will ail. -).e held in the James Sinmpson theater at On Thursday night Halevey's. colon- 'te Field Musem beginng Sunday, fui opera, "La Juive",.wili be, presenied October 12.. under the auspices of Eliza-, for the llrst tàe. this'season with Elisa- ietb Sprague -,Coolidge. OnYIwoPeofleWno dna watch 'the drowned o-ut, a f act whicb we know f0 be z-onductor and these were Boni and hn-tnre ewr mrse ytete lee.' me hat n ru pewerofe nim ofd oterte- The draina is more intense if one is singers, and the rigorous demands miade sitting so close to the stage, but the mnusic tapon thêni. Flawiess voices and flawless loses.' If is impossible to catch théecf- performances. No wouder there are so fect, of the ensemble, and at finies it few great onès. So f ew as great as seems as if the, voices are enfireiy Bon aand CbamIee I '4

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