iii an aaciress betore me uniu'u"- weaitb Con ference at the UJniversity of Iowa. "We have chosen a deriocracy and Our deniocracy must tbhink," judge Bruce, said. "Senator . Robert. M. La Follette used. to saày -Abat tbe cure f for the juls of deniocracy was more Ldemocracy. Wbat hé really sbould have 'said.. was that the cure for the ills of denîocracy was a more thought- fui and intelligent detmocracy., "We are floodcd with ail kinds- of fooli'sb legisiation whichi is passed to please the desires of militant ini.orities or tbugbles ipulsive 'majorities. 'Much needful legisiation is blocked be- cause of the hostility of militant nninor- ities wbose: opposition is feared at the ."The need of today is for ail of us to take goverinient more seriously. In a large measure we have taken away the: üdependence of Our legislàtors and our representatives. If we would suh.stitute our intelligence for, theirs we must ourselves be intelligent. "A stream cannot rise any highier than its source and the problem of Unitedi States senators and our pri- mary election systems. Under the old system, the. political. parties and con- ventions were inclined to elect tîjeir. leaders.. Under our primary election sys.tems. every mian . mns for himself and only too often le who bas, the, niost nley to spend or the mr ,ost 'pop- ular'naiiie or helongs to tlle dominant. race. wins at the~ election. Ve rmust conicede that the popular election of United States, senators bias* favored. the richi man rather than the poor matil or the manl of ahility. for it is only the rich mian* who can afford. the exnense of the primaries and of the elections." Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Piiie returned last Nveek te) their biorne at 2143 Beecli- wood avenuie.fromn a moto *r trip to Bos- ton where Dr. Pi:ic attended, the na- tional convent'ioni of optometrists.. On their. returnl trip t'hey stoppe(l at Cape Cod. and mnotorcil thrmigh Canada. J. C. Crossley. anil bis flatghiteï,, julia of. 407 Washington avenue, are spending the Fourth of july a.t Sister Bay, XVis. There are to be sessions miorning, noon and niglit over a period of more than two. weeks' Bishop Waldorf of the Methodist denoniination is to give thit inau.gural sermion. Mr. and-,Mrs. Hugh Petersen 2 12 Warwick road, Keilworirw a, thentertaincd a f ew friends at'tea at their home last, Sundày eveiiig.. Mr. and Mrs. Peter- Sen .and fanmily are, leaving this week for;the niorthýw.oods,, wheire they wifi. spend the sumnier. a daugnter bunulay morîîîng at he v .- anston hospital. The baby, who has not been naned, is the second. grand- child of Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Case of 160 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, and has anolder sister, Mary Carolyn Miss Virginia*Hays, daugh*ter:of the Clyde Hays of 519 Laurai avenue, bas Ieft Wilniette to spenid the rest.of the summrer in, Los Angeles, Cal.,' as the guest of ber' aunt, Mrs. Rob)ert A. Warren, Announcing. ..,.a new ., ,Miniature Golf Course Tom- Tlumb Golf~ Operated by CHICAGOLAND GOLF COURSES H. J. POrPaPUSS, MANAGING D*gCroa n 0' r1EE is an casy, quick and penne- ilent way to kiff dandeUions, ana and ail weecIs ini ur Iawn. Just put V4of ateaspoonùl of Lewis' Lye on, thie center of each plant-it eats iglit into the roots and destroys them. >Lewis' Lye applied this way does flot spread or injure the soil. Grass seed can be planted 24 hours after apply- ing Lewis' Lye. This plan bas been tried and proven successful. Try it *~1 tri j