2:130 to 5:30 o'clock, a et ehr 'of. v E R A M E G Q w E N 's in the, routine of à summer's. day .. a dainty, deIicious' mrid-aft.rnoon rmpast. By the way, have stopped et 514 Ma y ou ever dn, St. for before 'a telv amily friencis and rela- tives. The bride wore an organdy dress and a tulle veil, and carried a showet bouquet of te a roses and valley les. Miss Rutb. Meierhoff of Wilmette,.%vho was maid -of honor, wore a greeni or- gandy dress and carried pink and laven- der flovvers. M orley Readng. of Evanston wvas the best nman. :A buffet supper ýyas served. aftêrtbe edding. Mr. and', Mrs. MacGregor now are touri ng Wis- consinon their honéviioon. Raleigh Cli Blake,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Blake, 1712 Highland avenue, who bas heen niotoring in, the 'West since early Fehruary, left .1,s Angeles last week for his returc. trip. home. -He ivili take, nearly- a month as 'he intend.s to visit niany places, of interest including the Grand, Canyon .ofArizona. About the middle, of August, Raleigli will. leave WNýiI- mette ag'ain for a motor trip to'E$y. Mintu., and froin there wil rtagý> to the virgin forests of Canada where lie will stay for about .a week or teli days. E.RMA ENT (Fernand de Gueldre Photo) Mrs. Harry C. Holloway of i5 Sheridan road, Glencoe, a m-emiber of the, board of directors of the Womien's National Republican club, was cba;r- inan of the out-of-door picnic lunicheoni given_ by the club July 25, at "Villa 'Puricum," the estate of Mrs. Rocke- feller McCormick in Lake.Forest. The luncheon was attended by nearIy foumr hundied worneti. Amiong ber commit- tee mienibers wére Mrs. Lloyda Sniiiti. Shaw, co-chairman, Mrs. Uarry Hart, Mrs. Harry Atwood, Mrs. Waller Borden, Mrs. Clyde Day, Mrs. Folkert Posthuma, and Mrs. Carl McGregor pf Evanston, who is the north shore chair-* man of the club. N 18 and 19. There .wiIl be niorning and afternoon sessionls each day in which it is expec .ted over two 'hundred horsts will compete in the thirty-five classes. Among those who have entered borses are Major. General Frank Parker, -Brigadier General Casper H. Conrad, Jr.,. Laurance H.. Armour, Miss I damay Minotto, 'Ralph J. -Hines,- Miss Gwendolyn Boweén, W. H., Wildes, Miss Jane Darling, C. S. Rider. Major Sumner Waitc, Lieut:- W. M. Burgess, Capt. Hans Nachtigall, Major R. B. Nôrdheimer, Miss, Theo Winters, Elias Mayer, Capt. C. W. Fake, and- [<ieuts. John Bethel and.J. T. Keeley. Amon1.g. th *e featuredclasses will be th Oympic Junip. the Fort Sheridanx Offic "ers Club Challenge.,cup, and t he 193,0 Grand, Hunter ChamipionishIip of teNorth Shore Horse Show Circuit, open to ail the blue nibbon winners1 at the, 19.30 shows, of the South, Shore' Country-,club, Lake Forest, WTbea.on, Oconomowvoc, Milwaukee, and Fort Sheridan. One of the outstànding attracttins of the show will be.the appearance of the Army Olympic Horse Show team con- sisting of Major H.' D. Chamberlain. a;nd: Lieutenants Gordon Rogers and, !Eanl Tbompson.,, These officers witb. their. dozen nationally known fiorses will give. riding 'and Jumping eçchibi- lions each day of the show as well as taking part in the various sweep.stakes-. This teamn will exhibit such horses a ,s Huron Girl, Miss America, Hindustan, Susanne, Proctor, Muskogee, Joe Aie- sbire, Tanbark, Dick Wariing and St. Pàul. Mrs. Charles Weeks of Winnetka bias returned froni a sojourn ini Flôricia and is now at the Orringtoôn hotel -ini Evanston. $14 MAIN ST. Suite 222, Carson IBuilding' 636 CHURCH ST.,, EVANSTON 1UNIVERSITY.9700 EACH and GEILS CANDIES I