Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1930, p. 7

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Betty Barry, a june graduate of the iMalhinckrodt Highi school, %von a gold * medal for her record of four years of perfect attendance at school. During. the entire course she was neither late .. nor absent. Miss Bettyl heId the saine record during :her Iast tWo* years. at the Howard sc-h9o. With ber par-ents, Mfr. and Mrs. Frank Barry of* 1537 Centrai avenue,, she Ieft. Wilbnette Wý\edinesday-, June 25, to make ber home iii Seattle where she will attend the Cniiversity -of 'Washington.- GIVE SUMMER TALKS Lecturers of Note Present Series for School of Speech Philos ophy,. science, literature and 1istory will be the varied subjects. of the. lecture series presented by the Northwestern nuniversity school,of, speech, during the summer session. They.wiIl be begun this. week witI± Dr. Ernest Frernont Tittie, pas tor of the First M1ethodist church, as the speaker, it is announced by Dean Ralph Dennis. The apartnient leased by Mr. Dunbaugh wvill be occupiéd by.bis mother, Mrs. Emma J, Dunbaugh. R. R. Marquardt of 218 Woodbine avenue,bas returned f romn Denver wbh'er.e he spoke atthe national con- veéntion- of the- American Institute :Of Banking. Mr. Marquardt was 'thec guest. of bonor at a banquet given by the Chicago delegation When he was preserited: with a gif t. Mr. and Mrs. H. .BÈ. Pruden -f Orlando, Fia.,. fornîerly of Wilffiettc, are. guests of* their son and daugliter- in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Bradlee Prudeti, 1014 Noyés street. The Prudens ex- p ect to be.at thé Oak Crest.-during the sumumer. r The American sportswomen proserves the Amerîcan tradition in maintanng a boa uty: on. a par with ber ability in sports at the De Nelda Beauty Salon, SOFT DÊEO -PERMANENT WAVE FOLLOW1NG THE CONTOURS 0F THE HEAD MIRALAGO BU ILDING DR ESSES, For Golf Pur golf dresses are very neatly made of sturly plain tan and white linene materials. The b e 1 t contains, ioops for :tees an& extra halls., SHOES I WILMETTE SWIM SUITS For Ail The newest thing ini swim suits cornes fron the loorne of the B.V. D. Co. They are the kind that are w o rn and recommended by Johnny Weissmuoller, w o r 1 d famous .swimming cham- pion. B .D. swim. suite are quality .g r- mente, firmly knitted of ail :wool yarns in new and pleasing cobor Coin-, binations. Prices range. from $3.75 to $5.00 to Ti Iet 1123-25-27 Centrai Ave. Ph. Wil. 1914 .at me sonooiAU -t

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