b)er more than one hundred.Aon the most important changes in the New *Trier teaching staff for the corning vear are the' followng: *Kenneth S. Bnnie and -Miss Kath- leen Locklev, two teachers from Eng- ]and who hÉave taught in 'the social science departmentý at New Trier dur- igthe 1ast year, will ret'urn to their native country. Rowland Wehr, with. .%hom' Mr. Bininie exchanged, will re- turti to the' social science departnient -at Newv Trier this faîl after a year oi, tcaching in England. Hlis wife, the former Floyrence Canning, wiIl also teach ini the New Trier social science <epartiiéent. Severàl Leave School Miss Emnelyn Xaltz, also of..the socir'l science, departmnent, has been granted c a vear's leave of absence,.. She wîî. spend the finie travelling ini the United States. Frank Endicoft of the commerce de. r partmnent leaves New, Trier for. Eve- leth. Minn., where he will organize the 1' personnel departinent. .Miss Aveline Kent of the Englislh de- partnient, vvho is. no%\ Mrs. Jamnes S. Butler-, willmiake lier home in St. Lous. he wasmarried last week. T wo therteachers who w ill nôt, re- tnrn to New Trier next fall are Mfiss Elzbt erill and Miýfss, Elizaleti Baker. both of the 'hyscleuato (lepartnient. Miss Baker will l)e- ac lier home in Hot- Springs., N. C. 1 Mrs. MyINrtle WVarner. one of the a3- sistants ini the highi school office, V1ill nîot 'be back 'next vear. Slîe will live at Lake Mills WMi's. *New Science Teacher 'Mfiss Marion Hamîilton, who b-a3s *tatight at Mt. Vernon.'Ill.. vvill be one *of the niew teachers at X.ew Trier next: vear. -Slîe. N-111be connected w'ith thlc social scienice .departnielt. Miss' Lonise Hain'iiltonli of Keni.l\wortl;i wildl teach ini the Engklish departincnt.: She lias hadl pr evious teachin-l .ex- perience >at. Harbor Springs. :Micb.. .1. W.RoNw lilleconie ainiemher of the commierce departient ýstaff. fie ha s becn taking 'graditate Nvork at N'orthwestern univ er,.,it, mieani1ie doing snl)Stitute teaching. C. 0.VJWaters. newtPeher in~the which,' becau'se- of inacequate pro- hibitory state laws, are sold promis- cuously jus't beyond the confines of the village. SAlreacly, with Fourth. cf July still a weekaway, several accidents' bave been reported, aIl attril)utable to the bandling of ftreworkcs. Even tbougb ýyour child may be prevented f rom purcbasing or accepting fire- works, there reniains. the extreme danger. of contact with persons who. are handling firework s..11 Playing. with fireworks is îîot inerelya law violation, it is a very dangerous practice., Please, guard:'your cbildren!. Wilmette Opti.miats Holdi Golf Outing Last Tuesday The Wilmette, Optimîst. club held a golf 'o0utinig at T elip ,Eield on Tues- day, Itune 24. Winners of"-the various events have been announcéd as fol- ltv:R. C Klehm, lom, gross.; D. J., L., Xater, second low gross; B. L. Kcelèr, lownet, 1)utch" Aldrich-a nd' hF'. I. Kerr, second low net; blind. ho(- gey winners-C.' Colegrove, first; Ar- thur. Lee, second;n C. H. Bach, third;; Clare Brauni, fourth; D). J. L. Malther. fifth, and Marcus Mick, sixtb. More Whooping Cough, Mumps. Arrive in Town Four' new cases -of whooping cougi". and one new case of inmps iWiI mette mvere reported by the Wilmiette Health department for the meek end-. .mg Wednesday, June 25. There are also, six nid cases of whooping' cough, nine' of chicken pox and four of -scar- jet fev er still active in the village, ac- cording.to the healthdepartmient's re-ý Stanley Ï M. ?eterson was appo'inted building commissioner of Wilmette at a meeting of the Village board last week to succeed Howard Bowen who died in December. Mr. Peterson lbas lived in WilTnette for seven years. He is a graduate of the Armour In- stitute of Techinology and hias been a registered architect in Illinois for eigbt vears. His business address is 616 Chuirch street, Eva.nston,,where, under thi firm name of Peterson and, Markel, hie is in partnership with Charles I. Markel, an Evanston architect. Mr. Feterson is a inmer of the Amnerican Ilistitute of Arcbitects an'd is secretary of the Evanston-North Shore Associa- tion of Archiitects. Postoffices CIosed on JuIy 4; No Deliveries, The. Wilinette postoffice will be closed al day next Friday i observanlce. of the Fourth' of 'July, Postmnaster Josepi' E. Shantz announced this vveek. Trhere, will *he one collection of mail' in the' îafternooný but no deliveries, witb the Scouts, Junior H-lkers and Camp Fire girls, the Wilmette American Legion Drurn and 'Bugle corps and the- 25- .piece Chicago Boys', club band will participate. Decorated vehicles -of al descrip- tions, es well as .comic, entires, will ad d to the color of the, parade. There' are to be prizes for the best decorated bicycle or* tricycle,, for the best decora'ted vehicle other than a bicycle or tricycle, for the best costumed, boy, for the -best costumred girl, for the best. comedy, entry and, for the best child U'nder five years of ýage.' Parade. Lime of March. The lie. of 'march of the' parade~ bas been announced as folIo ws:ý from the corner of Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road, wbere the procession will formi, north on Warwick to Mel- rose avenue, west. to E sseîc road,' ssouth to W.oodstock avenue, west, to Ab- botsford * road, -north b oKenilworth avenue. and west to Fountain square. Harry Ohi and Harry Williams will l)e the parade marsbals. Mrs.. Hugh. Foresman, Mrs. Herman A. Brassert and Mrs. James Snydacker will be the judges. Tbe prizes will be awarded iinmediately following the flag cere-, mony in the park across from th-e, Kenilwortb club grounds. This cere- miony, which will include the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner" by the audience and the salute and, pledge of allegiance to the flag, led by Ken- ilworth Boy Scouts, is scheduled to take place at Il1 o'clock. Kenilworth residents, botli young and old, 'are looking forward to the big progranm of atbletic. events and stunts. planned for the, afternoon of July' 4. Tbese ev-ents will take place at the New Trier Higb scbool campijus" l)eginning at 2 o'clock. Ribbons will be awarded for ýfirst, second, and tbird place i each event and. medals for the .bighest -point winners in. each ' class. The events 'will be for ýKenil-_ worth résidents only. Special events bave, been 'arranged for children ini the 'following group- iiîigs.:.boys and girls six' vears oli and New i rer gradiuaLes. 'Mrs. C. B. Langford and bier son, Jack, are visiting here froiniBlen- heim, Ontario. They are to stay two weeks with Mrs. Langford's sister, Mrs. David F. Hall of 809 Centrai avenue. 'a re guliar' f eature. rried as weekly ~1 Tacdiues de la Chapelle D. S. Campbell, Frank1 Sanders aiut Wal'ter Knç n1 mLar, iAllen, :David