REF,,ýjIED COL. WOMIAN WILL ELAVN- deýr every other Thur. or Fr1, %Vill llp haîtf days, good eook, can serve. 1Jiest Wimteref. Ph. WVeîltworth 2S56, HIGH OIAI)E L)OMESTIc HELi MXC'ELL1ENT N. _s. I1EFEREx(*E Cook, Gertuan, lst class ('ook & lst FI. Finnishi 2nd mald, aboVe average, Swedislh $teyand nurse, cxc. ref. Germian 4Gnmaids with exe. ref. froin formner tien. nur C'ouple withi thé, best of ref. The alove help are available at once.. L'AUiANE'S EMPLOYAI1ENT A;IN~ Phi. Winetka 2662 746 E'm nst. * il S. GIRL WIHSTo cUa>J4E Fo t. ehcildren, 25c p)er hr. Pli. Wilniette 4S27 POSITION AS CO(--K, EXPERIENC'IAU America.n Protestant wonian, ref. g i ' criu. Phi. Etta J3onharn, C(.taeanfl )!iS7. .WT).WAHI(;ANM'I> IRONING T taike .home. WIiieall for andi Pi. P. Wilniette '3'246. .ILN<-t ('01L0RED )G IRI, WAN'rS GEN. i-iSWK. Exp. Ph. Glencoe 2 -4 t; G1OLIrN 111- 1t 1 p art Urne hswk. thilrciuglî dinner hir. Ref. Ph. reenleatf 2542. ;oL1T4- tp %V 1,L1,CAltE F011 Homîi WlI ownur is absent far sunÏimizr or viiii- .61 SITUAT[ON WANTED-MAl.,k EX\I. GARDENER WVILL WOR D lamr or nvtnth. Pli. Glenviww f-V2 <f 3 yrýs. bevause of uifloyr's'duath. Wiling to dIo other workç. (. Parusîm. 718- EIm st., Wnnetka .180 or 107!4. (ýBAI-FFI-t-IlttOR flatn, experienve.dl; e.i4 Northà Shr * ref. Germiari an, Ph. jHigliland PVk. .3:~779. IT4-t REIABLE IàýCOLORI'll)STUI)EN'r A ;î, 24 %vishes work. A. $itewart. Plh.lUni- versity 5061. 6ILTN4t-ltl) WANTED BY YO)UN(I WRýI-fTEMAN, tetflporary work, 'house or mdd jis, reijable and] handy. Elîner Julian, 2 N. Clarernont Ave., Chicago. FURN. UNFURN. Mrs. Fuller. Evan 4300 't Our cIassified- advertising department is prepared to accept adver-, tisements for the current issue of WILmETTE LiFE every eveiniflg uftiI [ 9 P.-M.. WEDNESDAY 62 SIT. .WANTED-IMALE, & FEMALE C. VL3.WISH PF05: E-XPEJU1ENUEL>) 64r) FOR RENT-ItOOMS F"o ) . 1 YAI ',tS' 2ROM w'uîh exi~'use eof kitehî,1a, g iter,,eie<1 iri -u .~var<i .andi garage. ('ail Wilitit kIt S. ti LiN<- l.AH;iJ >.ALSAN'I i 01,OtI i 2:as r i with si agie bed. 7:2 i .~ç J'N~~j AL1I< TIEL. i214 MAIN TE" 1) % l hyday <.'.we.kail otî tsîd, rooins, steain hluatoed. 1ht[or eîid ur 3 UNF't'U 1),,sIII)11< a m.Iw VT $1,t11lii111. !lut watr:1'.ge siîadY yard. or 2. n.îvvflielt ti,~ lulS> '.~hîit hcu,.keiif -5 . A iso lar'ge biî.iofiii lt(OM WI'IHI iUAi':lA'l1. 2 11SIN- gît romîis at ~5and $t; a wieek,nai LidnAve. . AIl A. M. Wiinottu. 1~ FOR ETAkT E LINDEN CREST APTS. 2WILMETTE 23, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS feei.Wlmette's most convenlent and excrusiv.~ location, you will flnd Weil- arranged apartments.. All apartmenti- haeouteide rooms whlch prcilde an abundance of lght and air'. Ample closet space. Schools. churehes, and shopping facililties withln lmedilate access. See these apartrnents today. Agent on premises. QUJNLAN & TYSON, INC. REALTORS 124 Linden Ave. Wllmette 460 67LTN1-tfc 2 R1ýoO-M 1KITCHENE,'TTE APARTMENT, steamn i eat, janitor service, near trans- lrttn.Pli. Wil.nette 1800. 6 7L30-tfec MOIERN5 RM, --'PT. IN HUB3BARD Woods. Phone- ' innetka 1055. FOR RENT 4_ ROOM DOWNSTAIRS aimatrtnalent on Happand Harding: ftds, Nuîthied.Ras ruflning water. Withi gar. $25. mnont h. Write owner, F. Seizer, 250Simnpson St., EasoIi C67LTN40-Itlp FOR RIEIIT-FURNi APTS. MV FOR RE'i-II$±. ILUSJErS FOR lIENT FOR JULY AND: AUGUSTý two furnislhed bedroorns ln unoccupled, 'house wlth, extra large kitchen, nice yard, screefied porch, with swing, etc. Gýaragé.'Close to transportgtion and, golf coursýe. Winnetka 168q. 7OLTNý4Oltc 73 FOR R1±.T-STOBES & OFFICES Giencoe 'State . Bank Bldg. IN SUITES 0F 1-2 OP. 3 ROOAIS, SUIT- able for Doctor, Dentisti Architect or any business requiring office' space. Low rent. 73LIÉ28-tfe 77, FOR S8ALE-HOII SES 7 roorn English. Brick 4 bedrrn.s., 2 baths, built 1928 Lot 53 x149. ft., garage Breakfktst nook, butier's pantry Hot, water heat, price. $21,000 Ex.ceptiunaii.y attractivé home. 528 Davis ý t. 77LTlN40-1te' ATTRACTIVE, 7 Roomr Bungalow. WOODE D GROUNDS 84x170 ON RIA-. vine, possessing country beauty, etc., without. forfelting advantages of con- venient transp. and sehools. Large liv.. rm. with fireplace, 3 ,bdrrns., slpg. porch, bath, dinlng rm. ai-i kitchen, closets, storeroom and garage. Com- fortabile all-year-round hone -or a lovély surnmer one. Priced very littleJ above ground value. WALTER P. SMITH &C. 37Park Ave. Ph. Glencoe 702 77LTN40-lte SUCH ABARGAIIN 8 ROOM STTJCCO HOUSE INPERFECT Co ndition. ýTo be.moved from 1109 Cen- trai Ave., WilJnette.. Reasonaibiypriced, ivill consider offers. 'Martin Corcoran,'. 209Pratt CtL, Evanstoni, Uniyersity, ANDAUGU-S-T- cor. P-rots. ref. $80. W inne W. H.. CLARIS, Merrili St., Hubbard Woods, Ili., 6 RM. BUNGALOW. SC pli. Winnetka 3380 - porch, nice yard. 1010 Ash,1 67LTNIft-lte 691 t 4' Agency. 81,16. CHAUFFIEUR, HOUSIEMAN, man. Colored, married. Wife ' as mald, good ref. Call Dougli -Av. 6: I1099' t, 1 ý .4