The foregoing sales wvere niade by L. C. Ode of the Frank A. Reid sales staff. Miss Margaret Diettrich of the sanie office sold No. 1275 Scott avenue, Hub- bard Woods, for F. R. :Alexander to Frank J. Brady. Miss Elsie Oppenhei. also. of the Reid office,, soid No., 1356. Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, for H. W. Burnhamn toGeorge L. Enirick,. Jr., and 1427 Tower.: road, Winnctka, for Walter \Murphy to E. C. Van Homie. Five Winnetka Permits is Total ýJune Record * Onfly five building perrniits wverc îsudduring. the past thirty days*, one for a residence costing $11.500;.t: for, jobs amiounting to $3200 and two for private' garag es * costing $900, a total of $15.600. The permit for the new ýresidence wvas, takeil out by'Mrs. Ruth, Glennon, who is building a two -story frame and brick -veneer residence at 442 Sunse& road.v TAKE NEW OFFICES Kr oll and Smiith, north. shore reai. tors, have moved their offices mb otlhe -iden Crest'building 'at--Fiitl4ý street and Linden, avenue, -Wilffiette, and. have assumed management 'of theLn .L. M.lUt lUs ?t 2Aortflwesterî1 universitv. Ile polInts r)t that -tfhe construc-1 tionl of the Michigan avenue 'iink' bridge and boulevards iniprovements neIrth (if it, \\e have frequently been todCoSt th1e citv sixteen. million do--I larsbut added one litundred mil lion dols- lars to the value of sites, north of the river. therebv repavigis otsix times over. .And stî wlen a newx subw%ýav-, rapid tranOsit ext ension, or lioghay ,systeni roakes new territory accessible to the (lVflon districts or adds a new residenitial section' to the *city, it is C01n1în10nlv asst1irnecl tliat it therebv auds a correslotiig ainount to the aggregaîe, real estate, values of the citv or reigion." 1 1il his studv D)r. Simpson asserts, "If Nortli -.Michigan avenue hiad ffer.ely kept pace with -the-general movement cf land values ini Chicago, it shouki have a ppreciated 462 per cent froîn the '191W leveL. If it had kept. pace also with the accelerated inicrease ot the North slide, it should have appre- 'ciated1 149 per cent more, or a total al)preciation of 611l per cent." The actual increase w-as 969 iper cent. "The difference, then," 'the professor 1h.nsout, 'between 611 per cent and 9(i9 per cent wvhich is 359, per cent a-nd amounits to, $104.290.000,ma rcasonablv be ascril)ed tothe influence nf nblîcinorovemients.", estate activity for the year 1926 is taker. as the base year iý.x computing t!c' nonthly figure. Buys Vacant Property for Future Investment, John S. Burchmoreof Evanston,,bas purchased the vacant property 80 by 1.45, located at the northwest corner of Grey avenue and Payne street, Evans- toni,,from iLco. S., Sainuels of Chicago. The pîropérty wvaspurchaseéd for'future, investment' through -the Evanston of- fice ,of E. E. Stults Realty. company w~ho r epresented ail parties in the transaction., Kenilworth Permits in June Approxixnate $28,500 Building, permits totalling. $28,5a0 Nvere issuedini Kenilworth during the, past thirty days. One of, the permits wvas for:a new réesidence costing $22,500 and three were for remodeling job.; c stin.g a total of $6,000. Trhe new resi- denlce isi eing huiilt hv C. A. Heni'i at 538 Coventry r AT cob R .Anidersoin insàpector, is in week attendingz - lamiers. --on houses, apatments and business properties for 5, 10 or 15 year terms. CODY- TRUST- COMPANY, 105 South La Salle Street .Randolph 660Q: CHICAGO MORTGAGE Construction LoansN ois Grove st Gruuaf 50 'oad. k NVENTION'I OL Uo n -Winnetka buildig- ene, Colo, this aconvention of cîty 5 ENE - r- etýý CHICAGO Yards University 7700 HIUI&DRW"oo jEVANSTON Residence of MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH H. McNABEI 940 HILL, ROAI, WINNETKA wilmette .289, DRBRFIEL WiLLIAM > B. LUCKE Plutnbing and fHeatingf Manufacturer. of. Lucke Leakproof Bathtub Hangers-Patented BUILDERS' MILLW ORK & SUPPLY, COMPANY' General Millwork 2131 DEwEY AvE. EVANSTON Phono Oreenleaf 6040 JOHNSON BRos. HBATiNG COMPANY Heating - Veuiating Rotigeratilo Wiuaette 4200 Greenleat 4200 Our Filstones Make Beautif ni Walks Phone Wilmette 1664 1115 OÀK S University1 EVANSTON Wilmette 4200 * t.