t 1 I *" *1 c F mette 468 or repo meeting, 9 :30 o'< inorning. t at the next class )ck; xext Tuesday 11011 andi phyl ti îaîîîxng supervisor ini thé XiJette schools, has fouid timeý to compile the following. statistics cor- cerning the athletic skill of Wiltnette, school children according to the, varn- ous age groups. The staîistics 'are' taken froni tlhe records of tests g.iiven the children ýat va.rious, tinies oltring thé vear and. vary- ixlg acéording to the.. seasonal sports. Only flic records of chlildrea. who were- c)f' the normual agie for their grades wcre, taken; thus elirninating thé fa- a cv ofaverages takeix froinih foirth, raewhen there are a numfbe of 'children older and consequently more developed than, a boy~ or girl of fine vears, w~hiclx is the normal- age for that grade. lIn this nianner,Mr Davis bas deter- wied that a boy of the fourth grade Should he able to kick a reg ulation vol1- ley bhail 48 feet, throwý it. 39 feet, and rI111 40 yards in sevea seconds. He should he ahle to chin hiniself at lcast tiwo limes do 4 feet 9 inches-ila the .sIanding h road ".uip, tlîrow a l 2-inclh 1playgrout>l d],aill71 feet,. and, hop.o orle foot for 30 yards in 9.4 seconds. A girl of the saine age, if shè has the normal develôpi.ieîit of a girl ber age1 should 'be -able to kick a v'olleyball 30 f cet, and throw it 22 feet. She also) illl( be able to chia ýherself t"w0 tnieF, and. run the 40, yard dash in only .3 of a second more lime îhan the-boys. In the stan1ding hroad jump she should be, ab)le to jump four feet seven inches, ard * sbe -should be able to throwv a 12-iic~h hall 37 feet. Tbe average tune for the fourtb grade girls'. hop is 9.5 seconds * for 30 yards. I the fifth grade, football skilis are _added to the boys' prograaî and, theý vollev hall skills elirninated. A fi f th grade boys ini order to cone up. 1 the standard. of the Wilmette scbools should .be able to puiiia àf ootball 16j yards, pass it 14 yards, chia hîinîseli three limes, lving-oa the: floor pul; biniseif to sitting position by' the ah-. dominai muscles. 50 limes, rux.i the 40 >yard dash in 6.8 seconds, nmake.a stand * *iag broad jump of 5 feel, 2 inches,' throw la'12-inch hall, 82, fet, ahd hop 30 yards in 8 seconds. * A fift.b grade girl nmust 1be able to *kick a volleyball 32 feet,, throw it 26 iH Ioraesheoes. Vil- *lage Green. Wednesday, Jul I2 7 :15 p. ni., Men's playground Bal leagite. Village Green. Thursday, July 3 3 :00 P.,ni., Women's swimrniigcl4ss>. Wjlniette Beach. 7:15 p., ni., Gramnmar School Girlsi Athietie Hour. Vattnîan Park. 7 :15 p. mi., Men's Hoprseshoes. Vil- lagé Green. * >iAYGROVINDS' CAILENDAIt Mondoy, Julie 30 9 :00 a. ni., Story tellinig for Juniors. Mrs. J.- R. Brown, leader. Vatt-. mnPark. 1:0a. m_. Story telling for Juniors. Mrs. J. R. Brown, leader. Village Green. il :00,a. ni., Story telling for Juniors. TVIrs. J.' R. Br omn, leader. Central Playgrounýd., 2 :00 p. rn., Xickball f or girls. Vil- la.ge pGreen vs. Central. At Central. 2:0 p. '. Begininers swvinimnxiu- class. Wil mette Beach. 3 -.00 p. m . Advanced swiîlii)iig class. Wiiniette Beach. 1 .Tuesdfty., JuIy l 2 :00 p. ni., Playground ball, foi- bo(ys.- Virlge Geenvs. Central., At Cenm tral. 2:00 p_. m., - Beginners Swýiiiiin1g clasa. Wilniiette. Beach. 3 :00 p. mi., Advanced swininifl.g class for children. Wilffiette c cx 4 :00 p).rni., Junior Life .Saving ani tests,. Wilinette- Beaeh. Weduesday, J44dy 2 9 :00 a. ni., Intermnediatè Dr-)ainatizat- tion cý lasS. Mrs. J. . BroW'xx. leader, Vattnfian Park.. 10:0a. ni., Draniatization clàss foi Interniediates. Mrs. J., R. Broii, leader. Village Green. 11:0(j a. M., DramiatizatiOn class f or Interniediates. Mrs. .. R. Brof)vn. leader. Central PlatygroinSd. 2:00 p. ni., Kickball for girls. %Til- lage Green vs. Vattman. VtttnimI Park. 2 :00 p. ni., Beginners swimirning class." Wilinette Beach. .3:0 . n..Advancegd swviininrg class. Wiiniette Beach. 4 :00 p. ni., .Junior Life Saving na sýwiniing tests. Wiliiette Beach. Tlîursday, Juiy 3 2:0 p. mi., Village .wiçle O'Leary conl- test. Vattnian Park. 2 :00 .P. f i., Beginners ,whnmix.ixg class. -Wilnette Beach. _ :00 P. nm.,Advanced swintining cas. Wilniette, Beach. 4 :00 P. nM., Junior Life' Saving and swimmii-nng tests., Wilrnette Beach. Bobby Dorman, Miss Berry's rooni, 6.9 seconds;' 40 ya'rd dash, Boling Gordonx, organization, jias voflulLcvlcuci er ev- ices to the board for the promotion of storr telling and. draniatization. on the iilaygrourids during the sumimer,, xnionths. ýMrs. Brownalbas had wide experience iii dramnatics and since ber board ,niemyi- bership: has been zealous,in* promol- .ing the wor k in connection. with- the board.. Shie has sponsored a great mnany successful, activities along luis uine and last sunmmer was -in. chargeý of tbe work of the my sterious "Aunt Sanatby Ann," or'a"Mamniîy," as the, pîIayground cbildreii calied her, - Who' wenî around to each of the'playgrounds telling the folk lore of the. negro race ina the. Soutb. She anniounces that. "Manîmy" n.aV be avaïlable this, year also, altbouigh, sue lef t Chicago to reluiriato her b.onie. .ia Kentucky tluring. the cold wealher of 'winter. However, Mrs. Brown is! .oig everything she cari fo bring bher hack 'for a few visils -sornetimie this summiiier.. Mfrs. Brown is giving ,thr.ee nîornings9 -cach week to. ber draniiatizkation pro-, g rani on the playgroixds anxd w.111 visit the varions grounlds according to th- foi1owing scbedule: * Monday, Juiors 9-00 a. ni. Vattman Park" 10,00 a. rn. Village' Green 11l:00- a. ni. Central Playground Wediesday, Tnternxedlat4-s, 9:00 a.ini.,Vattman Park 10*:00 a. mi. Village Green 1-1:00 a. ni. Central PlaSgrbun! Frlday, Seniors. 9:00 a. mi. Vattman Parkz 10:010 a. mi. Vililage G'reen i11:00 a. mi. Central playground Playgrouncl Chilciren Will Compete in O'Leary Tilts The event 'of interest on dth frce Public playgrouiîds for n e 't wveek will b),e the vllage-wide O-leary conteste n. which> six representatives from each playground.wîil compete for thie.ch'1amp-r, ionsbip. Three repre sentalives frünf the interniediate group and'three frovi hie senior group are aLlowed each plaN ground. 'The, hàndicraft for the week willhe poster, rnaking and, training for the inter- playgrou nd track mcclt on Julv put, 18 LWet, 10 iflVflfs, ~1flcf bail tnrow, i 11feet.* o * Standardsfo the seventh grade girls are: volleyball kick, 48 feet, volleyball i *. thro.w,--40 feet, basketball distance throw,J ;s- Berry's sDrecer, il tumes n, 80 yard itral 6iA; Robert 's roorn, and Edw 'ove, missi ý tolp, AniEoxette ttuSSo, 7B o'. arie Booz, 7C Stolp, Julà Carir (Continued on page 53) 31 feet, basketball goal shooting, 1 out. of 5 >trials, running high, jump, 2 feet il1 Inche s, chinning. 1 tuie, 50 yard dash, 8 seconds, sta nding broad Junmp, -5 feét 7 Inches,. running broad jurnp, 9 feet lu inches, 12-.lnch bail throw. 56 feet., Eighth Grade boys' standards are: footd. bal punt, 25- yards,. football pass, 2à yards, drop kick, 21 yards, soc&êr dis- tance-kick 20 yards, soccer place kick, , goals out, of 5 triali, basketbail goal thr.ow, 2 goals out of 5 trials, chinning., 3 tumes, push up, 10 tumes, 50 yard dash 71.8 seconds, standing broad jump 6 'feet, 3 inches, runining broad jump, il feet,, 1 inchi, 'running high junip, 3 feet 5 inches, 8-lb.,shot put, 23 feet, 12-inch bail throw, 124 feet. Elghth Grade girls' standards are : vol-. leyball kick, 56 feet, volleyball throw, 43 feet, basketball thbow, 36 feet,, basket- bail goatl throw,1i'out- of à trials, running hlgh, junîp, 3 feet 3 inches, chinning 1 time,, 50 yard dash .8.1: seconds, stand- ing broad jurnp 5 feet 9 inches, running broad jump, 9,,feet 11 inches, 12-inch bal throw,' 62 feet. The standards are fixed by the generft average froni ail the 'records of last years grollps and ln many cases the averages were bettered by large mar-gins. In fact every age .group. Mr. Davis said that flot only the standards were exceeded but -that last year's Irecords were smashed in almost 'all, instan.ces. He. attributes this to the tPainàng the children, received dutrine tye year and finds that even one year's trtining has attained marvelous resuits;. The tests were given the first yvear with- oxt reiirninarvý training and the aver- ý é41taken for stadards, last yeai;., L yenr, the children ?-eceived oniy a, litti-, training before each tests were..given, the tiaining consisting in most cases of mere, demonstration of correçt forn;s. Th- averages were takenl and used for stand- .ard-s for the year just closed and the in- tensive training and drill in. the physical training classes this yea'r has attaineti great results, accordig to Mr. Davis, Who set aside two days each .week just fov drill in the fundameýntal athletic skiils upon which the entire history of plaýy and organized physical training is base'l. Children Who were the best of thÊir grades throughout the systern inclusive of the fourth through the eighth grades,. during the past yea'r are:-.> .; .Pourth Grade girls:* Volleyball kick, 6a feet, ,Patsy Lake, Miss Loag's. room;, volleyrball throw, 38 feet, Helen Menzei, Miss Hardick's room; 'chinning, 1,3 tumes Mary Horsting, Miss Hardick's roorn. sit up, 35 tumes, Josiephiné Russo, Virginii. Sommiers, Miss Loag's, rooni, and Eliz.1- beth Engllsh, Mrs. Cxlennon's room ; :30 yard. bop, Betty Todd, Miss Loftus' rooni, 7 tinies: 40. vard dgigh, Tu5gipISith.