oýf jujv atinosphegre, and to add color to the festive occasioni, red, white, alnd Mile buriting decorations .vill be hungý at the side of the club facing the lk alid il hedeck the pier. Thle holiday- fui v.ll comnicice ,aj 2 :30 oclock wii ice crcami coi.ieè;anI popcorn halls will be distrihuted t<o al chldren. Fifteen, minutes later everits f or'girls from. 3 to 15 years oàf age Will1 begin. events that wiIl iiîclude runinig. swimiilig,,and potato races, ' and pea- nt grabs, as well as gaines of - btmlco. Imediatecly after that thf_ lovs froni 4. 3 to 15,will corne in for their s'hare of entertainiment, with events of the saine kind, excepting bunco, arraiîged for then.- Prizes wvill be given for each event both for the boys and for the girls. The regatta i s sclieduîed for 4:15. with the North Shore Outboard M.\oto»r ýclul taking compilété charge of the event. A one miile oval course %wiI ' 1he laid out ini front of, the club, %itbh the. start and ýfiniish ' une. placed à.s close to shore as «possible directly in f roxît of t-he club. AIl judges, starters, jùtdg- es' boats, and buoys wiil be provided by the Outhoard 'Motor club. Six races are to be ,held, includiiig a special ski-board race and a free.- for-al handicap,. with silver eu 1ps * awarded as first prizes for eacth of -hie races, and second and':third'prizes giv- en. At the close 'of the races a table, of Èefreshments for -the contestanîts *will be placed on the esplanade wNliere, the prizes are t-o be awarded. Among the drivers entered are 1ol> Cocroft, Ken Hecht, Bill Park, Herb Philbrick, Ben Rawlitns, Clarexîce Zill- mer, joe Brubaker, Ken Brtubaker, *Randall Cook, A. B. Booth, W. L. Co- croft, -Art C-awford., R. and J. Mlichel- - mi, Art Specht, Bob) Walshawv, Gtur -.-Keefer. AIl drivers will run aM the lia%.dicap free-for-all.Il. At 6 o'clock a magician and Fralhk Bell anid his dogs,.are -to provide, el- [tertainment On the ,eslaàade. -At 7 a special Fourth of julv, dinnier wîill be served .in the diîîing roorn. At 8 :30 * balloons will be distributed to chli- dreni, and a fireworks display will coi- 1' mence at 9. .Other events on thie,.clis summier caleildar include a bridge'luicheo.to churchin Chicago at 7:30 o'clock. Mfiss, BeckxVith xvil be attended by lss Julia Wild as inaid of lioorandi Ge(orgý,e Stuart will serve. Mr. XXil(l as best mani. 'Mrs. Alfred Price anîd.lier dlatghiter, NîsRuth, of Baltinmore, d, anc~ Robert' Moniroe 1Petzoid , f Washling- to i,.D. Ç:, are ý-isitiiïg at the lhSîuie Of Nîr. and Nr.Freclrick .d,628' CrQLxlleaf avenue. cion furnish you Floor Coverings thàt wilI fu' your purse. ,WM.ý S-LATERI,J.R. Univ.3130 1616,Sherman Aven, Evansfon. ILLI .Are l'he sImçulders of l'h.e<oal' wel shaped: wrinkles? free f rom: 20 Are the lapels pressed to "roII"--nol' creased? 3.Is, the, collar reshap.d l'o fil' the neck correclIy? 4. *Are bol'h coat fronts shaped l'o lth. chesl'?, 5. Are pockel's free. from sag;, flaps pressec without Ieaving marks on the coal'? 6. Does l'h. coal' back bang smoothly? 7. Are t'he sleeves free from wrinkles, wil'h or wil'houl creasei as l'he wearer desires? 9. Is l'he ining wei1 pressed-; free from wrinkles? 9. Is bagginess al' the knees removed; does a firmi sharp crease run thhe Iengl'h of l'h.' lrouser-Ieg from mi-pockel' to cuff 7 1 O Are l'rouser-l'ops. pressed and wrinkl es remov.d? t 1. Are perspirat'ion odors r.moved? I 2.*'I s l'he clol'h sofl' and Iusl'rous; l'he nap rais.d?:- MIRACLEAN ANSWERS THE.-.. ABOVE. WITH A -YES! I The above specifications are rigidly ived u Mira- dinner and the awarding of prizes . ini the evening. Mrs. C. B. Burpee of Wilnette re- cently has been elected general chair- masi of the bridge committee for the I -J, *1 THIE-PRICE C-UTTINO , CLEANER. AýNSWE.RS .WITHA - NO!l ii il dean