I JUNE ZYe 19MU Subject: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM-1 150 Wil erre Ave., First National Bank Bldg. Open Daily (except Wednesday and.Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9, A.M.. to 7:'45, P. M.; Saturday 9 A M., to 9 P. M. The Bible *nd Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other autborized Christian Science Literature,*may be, read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading, Roomn. - THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH, SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM, PA TRONIZkE OUR ADVERTIS ERSI Yeatmnan served iss .Goulua a ato of honor; the Misses Geraldine Burke, CharILornt~Pricilla $a,ford'.fle bride's Alpha Phi sorority , isters aï Northwestérn utiiversity, wvere brides- maids.' Little Jean. Tucker, niece of the bride, Nvas. lower girl. Philip Gould, brother of the bride, acted as best mani for th *e groom and the ushers included Dr. O. B. X eatnîiai,. George Craini Ernest Dunu, Thomnas Singleton.. and Hlassel Taylor. After a wvedding tnip Mr. anîd Mrs.' Abbott willI be ýat borne in' Akron.- Miss Shirley, Ross, daughter of Mr. anid Mrs.2 Clvde P. Ross, 1321 Chestnut avenue, Kenilworth., is IeaviiÏgJuly 1, for Peoria where she wi,11 be the guest of. M.\iss Barbara Allen for two weeks'. i _________________________________________________ _______________________il TRADE 5th ýANNUAL AND GREATEST 0F A.L.L JDUAL BALLOON. I THE BLOWfOUT, PROOFIIRE £~~~~ AND THE 6-PLY BALLOON SUPER QUAITY-RATHER THAN.-MbERE PRICE IS OUR FIRST CONSIDE RATION Seil Your "Baldheaded" Mi1eage Let your thin, riskyr old tires make the payment on safe ne, Generals.. TIRE bridesnmaids also carried white flowers, huge arinfuls, of stock and, sweet peas. Their gowns were of net, made.%N-itit t4glht bodices an-d long,'fuil skirts.' The rnaid of honor, Miss Madeline '.\lc- Master of Chicago, wore bline net. and the l>ridesniaids, Mis s Margaret M'eg- ner of' Wilrnlette, ý Miss; Wilina, Copiper of Evanston, Mrs: Edwini A. Robson of Chicago (Leah Kinne of Wiliiette), and MNrs. Robert Kimbeli (Virginia M.uniford) of XVilnette, were dressed in, pink. 'Two snall ýflower girls, Bar- bara a"nd. Elizabeth Gregg, wore w hité frocks. niodeled.after those of the ýother attendants.' Dr. '.Edwin, A. Wegner was bis brother's best 'man. and the, usherS were Fred Schroeder, Jr., Robeet Kfim- bell, ýof Wilmette. Carl Gode, Jr., of ýX,7innietka. and Edwin '.Ro'bsono Chicago. Dr. Horace G. Sinith, pastorof the W\,îhuiettfe Methodist cbiurchi, read ýhe. service.at 8,:.30 o'clock l>efore a largc niurnler of guests. The cburcb w-is (lecorlatel. witb . vhite peon-ies, ihues* and pains. The service was foilowe4c, 1)v a reception given at \Vesttnoreland Counîtry club,. Mr. and Ms Arthur .... Fuller of \'fh iette. parents of the bride. ThelsfOe parties for the b)ride inclu(e(I a imîsc11lleo.ussbowcr given Wednsda of last week 1w.MsRo, son at ber borne in Clhicago. a trous- seau tea beld Satürdav- at the bride'S li1oiiie. and thebelridai dinner, g ixen Mondv cenin1g at the Orrington ho te I. The bride and bieroihx left for a t.rip to Glacier Park, and. ulpoil their. return, vwill occripv the WVe 'ner hoine for the reniainder of the suiniliel during Mrs. XVegner's absence jil Europe.. ENTERTAIN AT LUNCHEON Nirs. John Hartinan of Minmette and! NfrS. -Thornas- Wleatley f\i ta eiitertained at luiicheon iandlrdg n a. miscetflanieous shower Tuesdav. at WVestiioreland. Country cîlbin hono*r of Miss Lorraine Thomns of Winnitetkat. whose marriage to Cierald S.: Bean of VNe ork is to take place Septeniber Il. An orch'id and green color scherne tvas carried ont in the table decora- tioris. Twenty eight guests wvere pres- W Cnt. ] Miss liiez Virzinia Webster. a2uy-h- street, 'Evanston, for the sunimcr.- Mrs.. Hal M. Schooley of 736 Twelfth street is entertaining ber Sis- ter, Miss Joan Rosenhan. of Boston,. who i0ilI be here for a montb.. SA L,.,,,E