area b)etween'Hqward street and Main street. and Chicago avenue and Mc- Corick boulevard. As evidenced by many. thousands of wrigglers' in t!'e barrels, there were enouigh potent;al miosquitoes to inflict vigorous bites o11 a large part of the population. An old iron boat.was foundl in oie, i)ack yard mihich ' as teeming with mosquito larvae., Larvae were a130o founid in nany tubs, huckets and even ini an old. concrete ;mixer. In the Lincolnwood district, the c hief offender *as the garbage can. 'In one block, four canls with anl inch of water im the bottom were producing hundreds of mos quitoes. The stagnant water. ~vas literallv alive with the littie brow-n larvàe-, Two barrels and quite a nutin- ber of titi cans were fountd. Because1 inspectors repeateëdlv. find sanie spots on private. property, the trustees of: the district- respectfully urge citizen s generaly tri cooperate in mosquito control bv nof pertiitting any snîall quantity of water to remain in receptacles where the fe- maleeinosquito mnay deposit hier -eggs. A very sinall quantity of water, ev'en anl eighth of an inch if allowved to re- main for seven or fourteen days in-a garbage can, tincati, water l)ucket. or' milk bottle, can easilv produce enough mosquitoes to annov. ail the residéfnts in a block square area. SatUrday, June 2', Bringaý More North Shore Weddmngs, Saturday, June 28. is to be the occa- sion of several weddings of interest on t he north shore, announcenment o; -which aiready bias been given. Miss Paisley Bal, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Sidney Bail of Winuïetka, iil become the bride of Dr. Stuyves- ant Peabody Butler, son of Mrs. Her- mon Butler, also of Wiiinetka, at 4 -3O o'clock in the afternoon, at Chrk church, before a slll group of.frie)nds and relatives. Aý large reception, will be held at theý Bail residence, immiie- diatel.y after the ceremionv.-. ] 1 At 4:30 ýo'clock ini the af >1on a the Wilrnette Parish 'Methodist church, the mnarriage, of Miss Elizabeth Dreýv Fowler to Dr. Robert Moore Jlopes i taking place with a reception follo- THE VALUE of sound design, gooci materials xnd careful craftà- manship is especially apparent in the. new Ford after the first twety.iv thu8ad ile. ongcninuous service emphasizes its mechanical reliability, and econouay of operation ànd up-keep. Ayou dive theFr hough many months and yearsyo will, develop, an increasing pride in- its appearance andi a .growing respect for the. substantial worth that has been built into it. From evey tanponnverythng that goes to make gooci- auto- mobile-y-ou will know that you.-have made a far-seeing, satisfactory purchase. Wherever you go, you hear enthusiastic pra'ise of the car anti tSgnicat of t-repeated. phrase-"' glad 1 I bought a Ford." A FORD owner' la New Yok'lelis of a 131,OOOqùile trip across the United States and back in sixty days and gays "4the cear was extremely economical to operate, com* fortable and spçedy." A grateful father tells how the Triplex shatter:-proof glass wmndshield saved bis wifc and children fron ser us inry. To test tires, a large company drove a new Ford day and nlght, for an avrerage of 500 niiles every twenty.four liours. It was stili giying satisfactory service after 105,000 miles. AFord car that, had fallen into Feruax. Lakeý was submerged for twelve days IN.- f ore being raised.' After a new battec ýcarburetor bowlwere inetg4llýfa8 run, from Copmthagen4o-ParlM-o-Espeum' hagea, three gold medals in Eugland, firai ranking in the durability test o*er the tortuous Amancas rogd in1eru, and firai place mi the1930 reliabiluty rua conducted by the Royal Automobile Club of Swedene. ï1is, contest was, an eceptionaliy se. ver. test of endurance and sturdy con- struction because it was held hn the dead of winter and covered 600 mies of seeady running over snow-covered country roade and mouâtainous bills.- en E L*W FORD PIRICES ff$45 Coupe .'.$495 *440 Tudor Sedan 495 upe. . . *. . . 525 coupe . . . 54 Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Carleton have nioved into their home at 707 Brier place, Kenilworth. Their son, John, is at the Purdue university camp for civil engineers on the Wabash river. He wil l ie a sophomore next year. 1~RDMOTOR COMPANTY I