The Adams Family James Trusiow Adams American History is ail clutter- ed up with Adamses. Little, Brown î! Co......S$4.001 My:30 Years War Margaret -Anderson Covici Friede.......$4 00 Crucibles *Bernard Jaffe The lives and achievements of the great chemists. Simon and Schuster......$5.00 The Complete Opera -Book *Gustav Kobbe Putnàm............S6.oo The Personality of a House Ernily Post By the author of "Etiquette.". *Funk and Wagnalls....... $4-00 .What's Right With, America SilgHuddleston Lippincotc.,-250 Mary Gladstone Edited by * Lucy Masteiman A rich volume made up from the. diaries and letters of Mary Gladstone, daughter - of ,Eng-' *land's great Premier. Wm. Ê. Gladstone. E. P. Dutton f4 Co_, mc.. .$.' Humanity Uprooted Maurice Hindus Introduction by John Dewey. Jonathan Capee-Harrison Smith ... .. ... $. 3-50 Laments for the Living -Dorothy Pathet A. collectionI a poet of par The Viking Prg of short sto ri es b reSS.. .. . . ..2.50 and Secret ant Rosman t4 Ca....$2.00 il, the closing years. of the inineteeii nli a! vovea, -iii auiiaze ojjLirase.ý~ _century and first twQ decades of the As thi'S last book begins, Albertinle, weN'lticth, celitury. Proust draws to- thieswAeet cîteat," lias Ief-, her -lover, rether the threads of his great thecutls taopos ive, "Reileilnbranice of Thilngs Past," whichi lier lover gous througli (the wlîîhclî is already anit interniatiotiLI class- I)00k is ivritten Iin the ltrst i)erson.) are ic. "Th le Sweet, Cheat Gonie" is of ab- set down With great exactniess anîd sorbing iîîteresti and tliose -who have, poignan cv. AIl1hertiiie's , CIarture iniist> tiot read flic otiier îîovel htnae b e xplaiiie(lto à11 of.the "selves" that« tiil), the w1role narrative wilI find -it comnpose lus l)ersonality. \hl lie is '4ltîit.c.plet. crrymùg out plans It*)g ~lier l;ack, 'Tlhe style of Marcel Proust is cu- 5h i.s kiiled, anid.the series.of éniiot.1011 1sidered involved and (lifiCuIt to soute, aiid agonies that pervade hjm iare dç- bUIt to thiose .w'ho find tlîeinselvés en scribed-c. Tc) mitigate tlhe angtish lie rapport mihliu t.iet h . ftîe fels'. and the jealousy stili aroused, l! attention upon tîîe ýcliaracters about *hini bv coiîteiînplatiig .Alb)erti,îe's jfis- wchProust is talking.. T'flithor's dceds at those, periOds %vlelL she was passio,îate scrtitny of (letails of. lit not wtiliî,lie delves intolier past trospection, ilus marvelo-us ability to and b)rînigs to liglît incidlents ili hur turit over ]lis mniorv "likeý a shecal of: past .vith wliich lie lhad heezii uinfanîil- ~vîfenevdece" )roceeding froini(le- ir li epaîra i re ltiso (lucion toý(leducfioni until tinigs.NwhIicll lier inifidelîties,, is contrasted l ith tli th bia( ,ëéiedI of lio importtace andtl despaîr awakcned i iiihini over ricîiim-, wlîicli %vent iunremiarked (lw tlîev oc- lîraîices of îîîonients Aibertinie anîd hli curred, later l)Cconie clear and ean- liad spesît together. Gradualy bv vo ingfuil,. this initrospectioti auîd tivis ~lî-'], r3.iilîi h uviîi as.aî ty f0 give tf0 the reader l~itî likes tilie dyCoules Nw'hcn the meiory of Prost n iîfrgttaleand trenliin- '.eriîenlonger exists for liirni. 'It lotisly precioqs- experieiîce. A page of is hie tragedY (if othier f rçp i Prouist, espclallv il, the firs patoflys at tlîev are ho us :nîerel sl Ow- "lie Sw(eet Cheat Gonie," is f0 be cases for flic vers' l)erishialle collec- read slomwlv> and ablsorlhed into -on f ions Of our o-wn mîin 'd. For this -reasont t vers' being. It is to be )inered( over iwe base upon tiii pojcs hcl ave.ýI) and reread %vith that pecuil:ar deliglit ail the aidour .of our mmid: ibour and fascinated curiositv ini whicli'M' niinid grows tired., our meîcnorv cr iunî- prob)e ihio the îiîùîermnost secrets of. 11)le s."C humnait heiigs wlîo are like ourselVes tîhr-Hob an( wîohave suiffered ,tlirougli love FLAGS. (, raceC 'fii, )0,oË is a deliglitfil coîitrihtî- tioîi to a child's historical !ibrarv. Iii- <leed t l sotld prove of valute also w a refereiice boo0k ini getîgràaniiv studvl-somietliinig teacher.s will appreciate. It is îot only- a lnstorv of theé Hags of Al the %world,-biow% tliev camne ho tlieir 1)i es ett fohn anid color-biut it is. a storv book of légend anîd traditioni as ~ ~well. and, a stirring' record of wvhal n atriotisni ha:- meaîit tlîrougliout tut A - age s. Cliildrei!N ývll enjov, too', painting iii z 1(~~M,~, ,'the, correct colors on the black and -white 'illustrations of- the flags, -wbiclý ad1(etI attraction makesit ail especil' ha q# cc eptable g if t bok JANE'S FATHER By) Dorotlîv Alilis "1r1 1!t»Minton, Balch. 61 T "Cliildreîi's books that intend tw be ftuîînv are 'often verv liard to bear. * . tht sutlesornrbig Iorotliy Aldis, however, exhibits ;j that'Sut ' e smethn l)ul)llin-g sense 'of lîumor that carnie, wbich attracts others. . . usu aly lier straighit throughi the book. îes in the ee Dn" 1P ie- J. ane'ý father s;amos aiii-inç*ne- l)ronze cheeks, and a steel glance, very durable, also very lovable. His role i-s to act as Clhatt's life-preserver. No one can complain of lack of action in this campaign against the poachers. Eaclî chapter ends with a wliip-crack of suspnsethat goads one on. But, Nr. Righter's first book wvas l)etter; it* la([ -the advantage of. being *Ieéss*excîting anîd more credible., JUNIPER GREEN.. By Mary Willa rd -K eys. loîîgnans, 'Green. lucre arc few extremnely good. lbooks ïOr bovs writf en by -bonen anîd tliis> i.s flot one of them. If is a 'îîild tale of a iiiî,steriôus and s'triking old mni \.lîo sticltleiilyap)pears in a New Eng- land vi.llage.. His pride aid aléofness_ anidbs refutsai to niake knownv bis past inake inii thée focal point of éoîîflictiîig gossil). But his fascinating1 stories of life ii far pÎlaces anîd at differen .t tinres, his kîiowledge of woodcraft, .aîî.d lis' hi gli -itials of honor.,antI of courage hîave miade hiîn a favorite amnong flie )ov, of* the tw ith whon;. lie is lesSý reserved and who in return defend hlmi .oyMlIIv against ail unsavorNv ruiors. P'iec reatler is at leîîgfl made a party o(- thîe trag.edy of Capt'aiîi HOratio ,s: pasf anîd tlirough the efforts of lus (Ie- yoted v'oig followers lie is tjîîallv es- ablished in, the. good graces of the commuifity. 'fli bo00k'5 sself-ciîc 'u.inî sIî)fS, and, le .av'es, a sonîlewliat con 'fused u- pre,.sîoîî; if lacks thîe etilpliasi s. vlîîcl xould niake it well. -rounided aiidlclear- THE FAT CAMEL 0F BAGDAD. 1,v -Kos". (Baroîîcss Katliarina vonl Dombrowski),. Abdallah,; flicStiîigyv vgetal)le nier- chlaît. of Bagdad: lie. is, fricked f ar, ùuIt0:tle flcdesert. Ruisihde icdon kev ie :keîpsý liolise: until lus mastler returnis. Zulleinia., flic beatiifuil fatn ife of Ah)dallalî «sie isclîaîged int itoa. catiiel. To describe flic hîîmiorous e asteriî tales f "KOS" is impossible f0 1give sînl pllOaragralîls froîn thein is uinfair. Hlom lier hutnior rinîgs truc f0th le ha-: zaars andI caravans, anv traveler will tell' you. Boys anîd girls of natiy ages elîijov it, not for fliis eastern flavo r so intcli as for flic coîîtintioîs exciting accidents, flic rare fricks thîe artist l)lays on bier people, sucb as tyiîîg tli l)y tlic sasb f0 bher initial letters. ci Lorràa-FisgFloot Jasat Inuide t&e Watt Davis Street Door -iL mmylES" il --- 11 niirenare Out of schoI tIiey have strikingly aixd effectively. "Chatt Ro-. many things to amuse them ouf 'of land" eînploys.tbe sanie sefting and t wo doors but for the .rainy day at book or of the oIder characters. Chatt himiself two, helps to pass he time. Among the ia newcomer. As a game warden he many new books put out 'for children turns ouf to bc a boy mnarvel with are , sotue wif b illustrations and de-. superlative nerve, ability, morals, -and lightfully whimsical stories published command of science, flot to. mention, by Macmillan.