Ano ther French opera, "Romeo and juliet," will be given on Saturday nlight, July 5, with Lucrezia Bori and Edward John-son in the title noies. De-' sire Defrere will be Mercutio and Leon Rothien, will be Frian Laurent. Others in the cast of.this work are Margery Maxwell,- Mr. )'Angielo, Miss Paggi, Mr. Cavadore, Mr. Winidleinî,, Mr. Cehaniovsky.and Mr. Ananian. Louis Hasseinians will conduct. Otto Kah.nPooh-Pôohs .S.perior Peo ple .Who Declare Opera Groggy Otto H. Kahn, finanicier, and. patroi, of Opera, miade b is eighth annual tri') to Ravinia for the openling' night o01 opera as a guest of LouisEcksteiii. He taledon hefuture Of opera at h behest Of Mn. Eckstein, and poôh- poohed the "intelligentsia" who tbj.iI opera lis becoming groggýý.. The or- chestra,;gneeted him with .a fanfare, and bis nany friends gave hini somcý- thirrg ,of an ovation in. applause. "It bas becoie. the faslion among the .intelligentsia to say that opera is groggy"ý he said, but this is the atti- tude of superior persons~ superior be- calase they-no loiiger feel tlieeniotioiis that' affect youi and nme.' People aL large feel differently. The real test i wb 'etber opera cau convey feelings of beautv and emotion., Opera in its wide and potent appeal stands absolutelv' V-indicated." Superion persons say that the su]) - ject.s of opera are antiquated,. Mr. Kahn .contintied. "The religious paint- ings of the fifteeuth céntuny are ahti- quated too,, but their glony remiainis," was h is reply to this c.ontention. He- f elt that tbe..atistic effeécts, of opera are as stroug. today, as -they ever were. "The talk ofopera being Ibe talk of people witbout.iaia tion," said Mn. Kahn. He- continued l)v saying that tht-ne are those of littlc faitb who think that the radio, 'televi- *Sion and moving pictuires wilI ont- day 'knock out opena, but he feels that Commencing continuing for Monday next, June 3Oth and .Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This establishment will close ail day Friday,.July 4 and Saturday, july 5' Our Greate t. oRAlA ml Jul Clarance Sle A STORE WIDE EVENT in whichî eve.ry department contribute's wanted, fashion- able items., at astounding savings.. The Final Drastic Reductions are the niost iniresiveeve ofere ondisincive Stevens Fashions. luMaycassP.ices Are LESS .TRAN MANUFACTURERS' COS? Neyer Be fore, Neyer A gain such reductions, such savingi as in this year's event Sizes in the various groups range f romi 14 to 2 Also some Junior sizes. Iîîcluded ini t he sale: Women's and Misses' Ready-t o-Wear Hats-Sjlk Under -wear-Corsetu---Hosiery-- Bathing Suits--Gl.oves--Hankies-Costume Je welry-,Hand,,.Bags-Silks--.Giftu--Neckwear 4fje w-of the many values aàre as follows-,. Dresses and 511k Ensembles Farmerly te -$25.0 Former/y to $29-50 Styles for,.daytime, afternoon,- sports,, dinner and evening wear in pastelsi, medium and dark. shades to provide f or every preference. Plaini A number of, our exclusive, one-of- a-kind F r o cks, Gowns, - Ensembles and printed j 10 Stwaw q$2110 Former/y t. $59-00 georgettes and chiffons, Plain or figured' fiat crepes. The printed designs are those neat,. well-spaced patterns that one finds only in the higher type ensembles. tai Fur. 9- dresses and -Trýimmed 's 1 spend the «ii supnirer lands located on Pluni ner, Wis. Paul Wîlliar camp foir bis third ye-ý are going to Highlani are,: Howard Culver, berg, Jr., ànd Edward fis sunuuer bur Young- mas, Jr. Plain crepes,, short or long, Printed and plain crepesè, sort Dresses and ensemblies; plain aleeves; smorn re cleverly tria'- siseves and cape off ectà; a.1.0 'and printed êrepes a l chiffons med with attractive lace. long sleevea. i a variety of ýstyles.' Up.. request, purchases made Monday, lune », wil/ibe piaced on Jas/y accoant payable in Angust. AiL sales finai!