Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1930, p. 30

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Some, peope are apparentlY satisfied withl the same stereotyped gift sent over and *ov!.' On. that merges into the general outourngand càn't laim distincton, *But if you want a: gift ýtbat bolds'its own in any array ... onethaf b as faste and- selec- fli written il over it,., regardless o price- corne.and see us. There are deligthtful odd pleces in china or glais, prced uribetievably Iow. There :are service plates in designs exclusive. with us, and complets sets of ýglass, clear or, colored. They start .at whatever'- you wish.anci clirnb straght' up the price ladder.. There are small piecee of furniture. fthbrdé is,,a .casual 'acquaintance for 'whom you wish a mere reerembrance, or if shes a life lonig friend you particularly want to: honor-let us ofFer some suggestions. TAT-MAN 517 DAVIS STREET 625 N. MiHi-GAN AvE. EVAN~ttÔN CifnCAGO TEI FLANNEL' ~noiv and music apprec'iato o n 'Iiaiio.,: Several different groups will be organized f0 take care of the chl-' dren. TheiV the skipper, Miss Helen Lan- >don, \vill shiow the passengers' all the va riou.s inistrumienlts, in Mu sic Lànid and teli thêii things, they Aiever kilew; ab)out. the, rare 'oId violini madet in Creniona; how the ha ut-bois carne to bc knowvn as' the "be introduce evervone to the-drui fan.1ily' froii the ketlesandbasses to the snares. This "çruisc'" vill continue 'for six ~ves-the itii hfloor'of the.1, 1on & Healy îoopý store b)uilding. carry - ing on thle'work' of muiisic appreciation of, the schools . ithôut a. cent of éx- Penise. to pupils or their parents. 'If, there are children iii.your fainilv xvho xvoîl~ lketo .attenid.these, .Musical 'Voyages'? ,caci w'eek, hring .tlîem along. IRest roomris wil l)e provided for thie prnt accompany their Sh ildcre n. Registration cards nlay 1.e scirçcd at the loop personal service desk' fer those. wish'ng to eir'oli. NET MEET OPENS JULY 5 The University Clulb of Eývanistoni ii hold a tennis tournamrent wvhicli iopen to al members. Registration1 for the tournai-fent is going on now and1 Ithe matches wilI start July S. The \vinnier -will have his namne eng.raved on the club tropliv. The tournament is iii charge of Albert R Fl1ing-wýood, the clul) pro. Th'le nortlh shore aluinae (If Gammlua Phi 'Beta sororitv vill ineet for lunchi eon and bridge next oda' after- noon wî\ý-th Mrs. Oliver Wili )j o '. Franklin road, Glencoe. Forest avenuie, W\Ililmette,. have iov'ed tlo t.Rzooýk-wood apaàrtmien.its af 71 8 Noesstreet, Evanston. ILGAIR PARK- Touhy at Caldwel 7200 North, 6200 West L>FdiiL.I ti P i ev tie, in artillerv, tanks, air sen "tlers 1rovide a progra tertaîiliig-, educational lar. including. every' fantry, cavalry, 'vice and iaux'%.. -il at once enl- and spectacil- A\i ingriding and drills, bv. the. cavealrN,' charges, Romn ai1 ad roligi- ri(ling, high hurdle jlinping bv th fainous Olyînpic teain, Iîifantry (drilli.., display of equipiient past and 'pres- ent, sinloke screefls. reproduction o-f, 'West Coast Air - Maneuvers, grat. hieavier and'iîghter than air circus ever preseinted in, this, country are' some of theé 'splendid acts on the programi. Another gre-at. feature is the mna ture> warlike maîieuvers attackiîig a village, thiý reîïroductioîi, presented ium 'the nost realistic nliaîiier . is 1suipp)orte"!. Ibv a lavishi displav of fireworks. l'lie nmost tup-toý-date traîi.'por-t faIC':li- ties to andl froin the sta(litnn h av t licen made. There is saîu ak accommodations for cars, surface. elcý_ vated andI )1b5sService wîll l)C at lhand! for ail thiosç attending the shiow. Proce'ed's of -this gig'antic, niilitir' show xiii go to the Arinîv eli*ef.l- cuetv, anu orgaîuization thiatý asuSý1ts w'îdows and orîîh'i"n's-"of.Regular Ariinv personnel. Invité Summer Visitors, to Historical Society Iin cnitertaiing 'lvisitors froin cout-oI- fowvn, a trip to the Chicago Hi,ýtoricaýl societv w-dl prove l)oth eilncatiolial amIl enitertaining. it is stiggestedl. The 'l)uidilig is Open fro-m' 9 to 5occk w'èek (lavs, Saturdlay to 12, nîoon. "riere us n-)chrg o ("miremisattendants 'will he' glad to' explain. the exhibits. There are scveral. rooins clev0ted, to the initerestiîîg cex- hibitSý, snIcb as -the Chicago r ooiin. Marine.AcoeIiicoln ro<omi,.PioîleQr roomi, Colonial Gallery.,anld, a Civil, Wa.r roon, includiig, exhilits of. other xvarz in,,wicéh the U.' S. has be-en cngaged. Should the visitor care to delve bac'k into former history, the Chicago His- torical society 'maîitainS a ver,, fine - research librarv where trainied lib)rar-' ians are ready to assisi. An 'hour or mnore spent at the Chicago Historic-il Societvyxiii be-a 'pleasatnt memiory to the" visitor from out 'of town. 11I52 Cent.ral Avenue, Wilmette. Phone$- 320-321 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660 f VHair Mattresses and Springs Made to Orde H. G. LINDWALL Higbeat Grade Upholstering m<1 Oak Street Establiahed 1895 Ph, Winnetka 145

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