Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1930, p. 28

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New York Sea Scout Mem ber of Crew of A merican Cu> Yacht Able Sea. Scout Richard* Clark, 19, Vi :Newburgh, N. Y., member ýof the" crew of the New YVork and New Jet- scv Regionaâl Sea Scout flagship), Con- sitinIVTl'ras l)een seiected from flie memlbership of the Sea*Scout divi- *sion of tbe Boy' Scouts Of Amierica *h> l)e, a miember of the crewv of the e WbN.iirlwiind, American cup yacht of the .Thorile-Hammoiid syndicate, ac-, ct,.rding fo Thomas J. Keane, natidna'l Sca Scout d irector. 'Sea Scout Clark ;s already at work. aboard. the Minas Princess, base-sbip for the Whirlwind. anchored off City. Island, N. Y. Paul Hanrmond's Invitation Participation of a Sea Scout iii the w%ýork of preparing, a yacht to, defend the historic. Amierican cup %was; made 1;.ossible through the invitation of. Paul- tram Mond- of theý Thorne -Hammond sy ndicate. -who is. regional Sea Scout *commuodore for the Sea Scouts. of Ne%York and New jersey. l'he Mi1nas Princess, 169-foot schoon- er ll.which i s Ieinigused as a b)ase s!iiip for the WVhirlwind. is owned lw. the Sea Scouts, of 'Manhattan -and was cbartered to the Thiortie-Haiiiioidý si-ndicate for the duration of the racçes. Participation ni the Aniericani Cu1) races is the third great adventure iii which, because of their excellent train-, ing, 'Sea Sýcouts have heen invited to particiliate duriiig the past few i'ears. As deck crew of the John-Bordeti Field Museum expedition to the Arctié in 1927, eighit Chicago Sea Scouts made for themnselves an enviable record. Noue of tiiese Sea Scouts were over twentv- one years of age. Then followed the preat adventure of Sea Scout Paul A. Siple of Erie. Pa.. in the Antarctic witbi the .Rvrd Expedition.7 and now, the selection of a Sea Scout, as a memý.' ber of the. Whirlwind's crew. Good Seainan Since, bécoinig a Sea Scout, Clark bas taken everyý advantage of broad- ening his experience on the wNater anîd with the handliing of water craft,, For the -pas.t vear hielias acted as enirineer. EF First in Uniform James Olin, soni of Mr and Mrs, Harry A. Oliti, 205 Warwick bopule-. vard, Kenilworth, is the, first norti shore boy to wear the o fficiai Cul& unniformi. James is a mnember of the ilevw Cul) pack ilu Keniiworth and bis* .Cub master, Robert Townley, -,as ale to borrow the suit in order that this. p icture might be taken. Lafç,r ail Cul.s wiii be able to secure the,,uniform.ý It, is blue with goid, stripeés ,anid.tbe cap and shIirt bear the Çubisina James appeared before the'execniIvc board of the, North Shore Area Boy Scout. council recenthlu iitheuifrî aid told the menmbèrs what, a bov s I * Troop 1 of Wihnette Ends Activities for the Season Thursday, june 19, Troop 1 held its Iast meeting of the season. The pa- trol contest was won. bv the Silver Fox patrol with *743 points. TheEagles were second with 57 points ýand. the Stags third with 50 points. Each mem- ber of the. Silver Fox patrol receive-d a red, white, and blue, bar. John Pear- son. and, ernon Brown were winners ofthe thotusanld point.badges. Vernon! BroWn and Pauil Hoffman each receiveý1- highest. inspçctiop medals., John Pear- .sonI received the Scoutinasters' awari. MNr. King is expecting the Scouts to iwass different tests af CampM-aJ- .Wan. -Paul Hoffmnan, Reporter Troop 1, \Vilmnette Conigregation cliurch Good Turn: Win& Scout Praise Froni Motorist Recently George Bersch, assistant scoutmaster of~ Troop 4, received a letter fromn a Chicago business man. t ran as follows : "About two week-. ago 1 was stuck i the mudic with M:% car. 'in the. Gîenview Forest Préserve whenf Scout Oscar Anderson of- voui troop stopJ)ed bis car anid.heipcd pull me. ottt.' After a lonig time of pull ing and boosting hie suceceedel., and *as a true Scout wvould . not take any tbing for bis services. "I ani sure the Scouts of -the 111orti- shore may feel proud of the serviceý whiclh Scout Anderson performied." -Editor-ini-Chief Bill Lehle. \Viirettt, Wigmore Returns From Law Studv in Moro-cco Pr-of. joilîi H. \Vigmore, dean ernie ri- tus..of the Nortbwestern. universitv law. school. rft tiriecl this week. after five, nionthis ini Europe.' to teachb in the law~ scbooi*s*suniertermi. Dean Xigmo re ivn bra rmiarilv to. nake- a fir.st baund studv 'of IM ohiaiil'edlancourtsrune, laws. For the last tvô. vears lie, lias Ibeen studvilig the Arabic lanlilage that lie niglît read original dncumnenIts pertaining to the N-ohlatmedan leg.11 svtn.Hi, spent more tli.n a nionth, i Ïi Morocco iivestiiqatiigf thé law courts and schoois of law. mer is ahn iit te nlitrw w Nvhave !xlricn, Morton Iraub, jr., Grant Her- and Judge Ri f-r otîr trailning as otherseasons are man, 'Edward 'Cazel, ieft last Friday the Kentucký n-t suitable for Sea Scouting. We ail and another zroup Saturdav. to pre- Approximal ho-we to hie together on the cruise pare -camp. These are junior' and sen- Evanston car wvith the Pinta and to be together dur- ; or officers. When the boyvs arrive Sat- Kiuiock can.î i.w the. summer3. uidav morning the camp wiil be ready the uies --Cbar'es Tavlar, Yeoitman, S. 'S.. S.43 j or them. eight weeks. UdVUl rîst LJietzman. of Science .textbook, "Science and 1-eain, court of appeals., with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary iy 2,000 students on the ae dy ine reveais onl.iY pus and 600 on tht, Mc- onue Mind, and this one, shining bY it-i is enrolled this week fo, vcwn light and.governing the universC. 'summer, session Ofincluding man, in perfect har onlv Troop 8. Wilmette, Re-Registers. With Blaylock as Leader Troop .8 of the Wiimette i3aptist church re-reg istered with John C.,Bia - iock as scoutmaster, and members of the troop committee as foliows : the' Rev. George! D. Allison, chairmauwî; S. C..I3ennet, John ýDavis, and Henirv Beach. The Scouts re-registering witil the troop are: Tom Allisoni, Lte Blay- i-ock,- John E. Dernehi, Elmer Eric- son,, Martin Hierberholtz, Fred Leason., David Haas, Ludwig Skog, Edward. Kunz, Jr, Chester Hlanson and HO%%- atrd Jones. Troop 9 of ýthe -St. Joseph's. Romia; ('atholic church, Wilmette, re-regis- tcred with Peter J. Braun as..,couit- master. The mrembers of the t.roo)i, cGmmittee are as follows: J. W. Selzer, citirmn;J. B. Hoffman, C. CBeîî- inecker, .the Rev. J. Newman, and Il. Wick.' There are twventy-o ne Scoif>'. re-reg-isterilg with the troop. James J. Muench re-registered aý scotmaster of Tiroop 11, WVilmettce. <Note-The Wilimette Press Staff i, planniing to run a weekly diary.omtl happenings at camnp.. It %vill l)e.ptb- lished -on. the scout page. The, Ne\\vs v-iiilie rec'eived direct by radio.)> David Riddie Assistant -ScoiWmastèr of Troop 18 Troop 18 inow, bas another assIsta"'t sroutmaster in the person of, David Riddle. Mr. Riddle has been active iin Scoutinç-, for five vears and. hoids t1îe -aik.-of a Life Scout., An ~iportaint business engagement will keep 'M;,r. Ridrile from having charge of the grot.p- of boys who go to Ma-Ka-Ja-W\an.,tWi.e. seconidper'iod. Dr..Terryis triing.toget sc.nieon e to takehi place 'and kinow- , 'n'w Dr. Terry we are sure, we (lit h ave to worry about: having a good Chrietian ScienceI ChurchesI

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