LLegion - Coimnittee and Recrea- P tion Board to Conduct Field Events at Village Green Plans, for Wilinette's annual coin- munity. Fourth 'of 'July celebratior, sponsored hv Wilmette, Post. No. 46. *American egionwere ai rounced this week bv David C. Leach,,chairiiati of the patriotic ceiel)ratjons Êonmmitte of the L.egion. l'le. celeb ration wil start at 1 :30 o'clock ini the. afternooni at the Vit- v lage Green, w'1en the (ruin'and bugle corlÉs of Mihnet te post wiii play. A prograiniof races and- corltest's *for youilg and old is scheduled to start at that time on the Village Green, con- tiniuinig untitil 4 o'clock, when the Wii- 'm.ette Chamber of Commerce base- bail team iii i mert the Rogers Parkz finie i ii, a retuin gaie. The first bat- tic i)etvceell tiese two teanis sev-eral weeks ago 'went eleve'n intigs aii(d resuilted in a 10 to 7 victory for Rogers, Park. Merchaits Cooperate Prizes' will be offered Ihy Wilinette iiierchants to tle wiinners of the varions, races and. contests, which %vill incl-urie l)etween thirtv and fortv events for chiidren and adults. Thé j)rizes ý\Ti! flot be awarded on the Fourthlî, ho- ever. The winners wiil receive ticket~ witiî instructions to present theni at WIiette business houses ini exchiange f or certain articles on. sale 'there. Daniel M. 'Davis, director 'of' recrea- tion.iilbcli starter for the races -and lie will be assistefldby menberof th *Chilren will' be groupèd according t,'> agle for the various events. A iium- 1)b er .of noveity cotests,- sucb as a fat iiien's'racle and a fat %woùlen'sracc. are beiig plannied. Magitan Comiig For the special entertainnieîit of t'lie clilidreni the Legion committee - ii *charge of the celebration has arranged to have'a magicialn on hand to enter- taini.'The entire commiunity lias been *invited to turîl out at the Village Green. aiid to participate' in the celel)ration. the sixth annual Short Course on 1 Prevention on june .17, 18, 19 and Fire cbiefg 'from ail sections of' nois were in attendance.- Presenting Two Ne»' Features IN this issue, WLLMLETTE LIFE presents :the inaugural numbers of two new featutes; one concernied exclu- sively with Aviation, the ýother, devoted to. Boating. Thbey will in the future form regular news divisions of each issue. Aviation has lknown an exceptionally rapid developmnent on the, nortb shore. inrecenit months.;. Two airports have located here. Under the stimulus of air maneuvers,. residents of this area have, become acu tely air conscious.. Events to cornewill accentuate this interest in stili g reat er proportioni. Bobating, likewise, is being accorde& a greatly «epanded popularity,' is 'asceniding to new levels of endeavor. Non- participants as well as those engaged: in this spo rt are show- in eninterest in the various activities. In entering these two fields of news service,: thien, WVILMETTE LIFE is keeping7pace with a co ncurrent growth in interests' on' the part of its readers. It is particularly concerned with the part these readers play in these activities. Lt sanxiQ)us'-to make its report of their affairs as representa- tive1 as possible., Comment are cordiall'y solicited.ý and contributions, therefore, I 'I Worthless Check Artista: Busy Here, Police Wam~ ~Worthless checks aimounitingb to a total of eighty-'five dollars. have beenî passed on two Wilinette stores recent- ly, and thepolice have issued a warn- i ng to business mîen of' the village to beware of check forgers. The newest. "igaine",, to be tried lu Wilmiette is somIething like t h is.1 The check forger. calis up the store andl says he is "Mr. Snith." "Mr. Snîith" being a wealthy3 and 'prominent resident of the village and one of thîe store's ctistomners. "Mr. Smnith" states. that. he is' sending hi'ý manx to 'the store to cash the check for The early 'deadlile is tated by the Fourth of Ji day. WIL.M 1~Ln'Msoli cooperation of our friends l plying with this change. COM- No Sprinling Allowed Between 4 and 8 P. M.- Superintendent of Public Works'C C. Schultz called upon' Wilmette 'resi- dents this 'week to observe the Village ordinance which prohi bits sprinkling of lawns and gardens between 4 o"clock in the afternoon -and 8 o'ciock at niight." Between those hours the demnand for wNater is the greates t and the supply is the weakest, -Mr.1 Schultz states fil asking the cooperation- of villagers. Person.s who violate the ordinance regulating sprinkIingý are subject' tc-' ~-A 4ý tioii department of mer address. Circula- Ur sum- Chamber ol Counnrce Curioui Abou*t Grade SeParat*onAp- propriation of 1928 An item of, a mere' $10,000 created co nsiderable disturbance in the ranks of, *the Wilmette Chamber of Com- mierce. this week. The :sum in question represents an appropriation: made by the Wilmette Village board in the summer of 1928 .'for the cost of preliminary, surveys. and engineering and legal expenses pertaining'to railroad grade separa- tion in- th'e Village." The item (No.,21) underwhich the.sum was appropriated comprised a part. of the annual approý- priation bill adopted by the village board in 1928. Now the question going the rounds of the Chamber of Commerce meni- bership is: Was money in tl'at amoUnt spent 'for the, purpose indicated in ac- cordance with the provisionis of the appropriations bill? If so, in view of the fact that the Village of Wilmette bas not. joined with other north 'shore ,vilages-Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glen- coe-a.i(l Highland Park-in the pimove- ment to comfpel grade separation for. the north shore-how was the money spent? 1On the other baud, if the, moàey appropriated was flot spent as indi- cated ini item 21, was the sum ap- plied to some' other item---or items of the appropriations bill, or, if not spent at all, bas it been allowed. to reinain intact and accumulate interest? ChambeBill Unpaiul The attention of the Cliamber .of Commerce became focused upon theý $1OO00 item recently ini vieçw of thd f actthat a bi,1 rendered the, Village of Wilmette by the Chamber.of, Com- mnerce was left -unpaid. This bill, it was explained, covered the cost of making a.-traffic survey of- grade crossings in the. village at the.1 request of the North Shore Grade Separatin crniflitteë as necessarv evi.- est on the $IC 8 (provided tI nt) would ta' csurvey bill, u1 apjFo- sm bas' care of