7-4 gamie. The so u t'hpaw really deserved a Sshut-out. He kept wthe eneny's hits ~< well scattered but Ssmates, blew 'up in the fi fth and do- nated, the quartet of tallies to the t. * Lef t" had a close ruii for the Kenneoy' hero honors. in Ru- (lolffi wh o cele- hrated, bis return to the local lineup ith a trio of singe,(rvn three markers homewvard. Besides-,bis efforts' at the plate, the ôutfielder grahhed seven flues, one of which was a particularly brilliant affair in the third. stanza. IKassel atoned for bis fatal error. in, the fifth wvith.a.brace ofsingles and aý thircee-baggerý. Xitliers led :the Cyreat aesassauit %with a 'trio of one-base niacks. 'Fle runtning accouint 0ftl.ie pastiîue First Inning -*--atLakes Blahir .was eout, Chrimra t(>15t. î $fainied. Ken nedyý tossted Out Boyle. o runs, no hits. Wilmtte:Bak&r ,trolled. Kse' l-unt Nvnt -for a hit and Baker ,stoj)j)é at s*~cnn-. hristnian s-crfid. oU iriinn*rs iadvaniclng. ]3orre ,fouled lto Firpo. .Rludolph si nglod,.pas:t eod Sctring Bakei- and Kas.,4l. Rudoili w'as fuùt stéaling, -Firpo to) Blair. Two runs, hw its. Secondi' Innlng 11r(eIt Lake-,: Rudolh captured Hed- rt-n's ly, Kayser whiffed. Withiers sin- gled over short. Kendricks lofted t4) Rudfolph. No runs, one bit. Wilnétte: Schroeder and Budack pop>I)d tc, Withers. Rbno was set ý1w o trikes. No runs, no hits.. *Tblrd Inu.lng y Great Lakes: Firpo -fa.nned. Rudolpli IlMade a p)retty catch of BtÉzko'.;s sort fly. Blair whiffed. No runs,, no bits.' W-iilmette: Kennedy was ýout, Blair to Xassel. Boyle tbirew out Baker. Kassel. * singled to ?ýight,. Christman foul'ed to WVitbers. No,,runs. one hit., Fou rth Innlflg, *(rea t Lakes: Guess singled to left and stolt .eecond., l iidt udack. * Hedren ,ýtruck out. Guess swiped third. * S(hoedernabbed Kay4er's fly. No runs, (Priee bit. -wilmette: Borre flied tu Kayser. nu;- llied ti ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Dr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Oison, 630 Walden rbad, Winnetka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred- Elizabeth,* to Harrv Pearson, son of Mr. and Mrs.,Swan Pearson of Clii- cago.. Miss'.Oison is a gradufate of Northwvestern -university, oôbtaining her Bachelor of: Science degree, in coi-, nierce this vear. She is' a niember.ofý Alpha Chi Ômega sorority. Mr. Pear- son also is a graduate of the same universityotinn is d egree in the school of engineering in the class oif 1929 He s a plember of Phi. Kappa P.sI fraternitv. No. date has been s e t for the, wedding. WHY, FsFIREPROF AE PACKLINO MOVINO ÇChairs and tablesi for rent for aidcasions. 521, MAIN ST. PAýY ERMINE. CLEANERS' guaranteed service for less. cleaning price war1 as far as the ERMINE Modemr economnic conditions dema nd lower WILMETTE 32 MOR E. -when you can have This, is flot a, dry CLEANERS 'is concerned. prices.. Increased facilities in our modern plant bave" enable s. rdc h price and maintain the quality of work and service as heretofore. Garinents entrusied to our care are' handled by an organization of fif ty contented, thoroughly trained employes in the art of dry, cleaning. People, who appreciate' extra good cleaning twill find, ours the best obtainable. NEW LOWER'PRIC.E:s MEN'S SUITS and TOPCOATS, cleaned and presseci......... LADIES'ý' cleaned i .$1000, DRESSES and COATS, $12 and lpressed................. *5Up ns, fanabits.. - ruI s, no a i. 1Wilmette: Robinson again Iofted to Kayser. Kennedy whiffed. Firpo. got Baker's pop-up. No runs, no hits. EIghth InuingI GreatLakes: Boyle was Iont, Kennedy ta, Kassel. He4ren ski ed toi Schrôéeder.I Main Office FSPlantm-WAUKEGAN FS WEBSTER AVES., HIGHWOOD, ILL. Phone H-ighland Park 3710 M