Fishing Jliking Riding Dancing Boating PLEASURE derwved from a Smmer Cottage. for uonubal folk&, depends. Ou its conveftieùt location to thîngs they most enjoy and expect wlie, in the. Country. THERE ARE- PEOPLE wLo like tihe wilds; wash in, cold waters of spring1a; Cook biacon and beau$ over a camp, Are!, etc. We have no quarrel witb the individual of this type. We respect Lie inclinations, but' milate our appalthe larger group-ti faiîses-who o i.ath is oti.outyadtehanmof the - reat outdoors, but under a quite different condition. THE Nli»PERSINK.APPEAL is to ýFatherý who likes'to step off his porcli ente the golf links in- counpany with Lis friendly enemies, and, after Lis gaine, to enjoy thie luxury of a shower in is owu cottage- theu' to is easy chair sud the . daily papers, whicli;are, delivered niglit sud uoruigand aIl tdii within elle aud a kaif Loure of Lis office. THE NIPPERSINK APPEAL is te Mother, Who lovýes a cozy-place. lik. hiii llutratio. ,Witli hotand .eldrunang w.tér, gas, elecri. light, 'ireplace, ilowers, shade; a place wiieré she cai entertain lier friends (and in tuis instance they are Ler nelghblors). A place where the can cook, if the. ciooses, or take the faiuily to the Lodge diuing rooiu, as ber fancy iuay direct. THE NIPPERSINIC APPEAL is to Children and Young People no matter what their age. From *and pile te playgrouud, to poules, to tennis courts, te 'boats, to batiig pool dancing, and se on dowu the. lime. There is every popular form of wholesome recreation for tiieir enjoynt. Nippersink is truly a Siumer Capital for young folks and cildreu. No cliild Las ever been to Nippeosink Whio dld not immuedlately love au<I enjoy tiie place from the begniug. NIPPERSINK LODGE IGgI40A CITY Nlnth et a Sere Prlnted lu : tue Intereets WI SeoNS'N- of Ntpperslnk Lodge N S 'R r (Photo by Tolof) Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Richard Sclbaddelee (Dorothy Deté Dennian) who were married in Wilmette Friday iiight, june 20, will be at homne in. Grand Rapids, Mich., after Septeinher. 1, at 552 Canxbridge boulevard. Wilmette Nine Wins Tilt With Evanston Squad, 6-2 1By AI Schaefer -Tie., Evanston Tigers. a fiashy cnlored teamn, ls-t a twilight game to the local of Comimerce ng,-,gregàtiQn' last. Thutsday .evening at the Village Green-. 'llie final- restilt- w~as 6-2. S Phillips was ron the 1)i11 for \Výl- mette. He allowed * uniie blous lbut theY. wecre wvell scattered \vitl the exception ot the third inning wenthe visitors took. a two-rufl ways a brilliant season. The meet openis junle 30 and closes A.ugust' 2. Wornen of international prorninence have signiified their desire to be visi- tors at *Arlington. Plans for. the' eii- tértaiirnent of these visitors of rank andc - reilute are. well. under way. There is at present one vacanicv left on the board of directors. Rivalry, for tliis .appointinint is, keen. Five hundr.ëd .millions of -dollar's would scarcely cover. the personal holdings of the individual iniCnl)ers of the. directo rate i1ow in charge of the track and certain it is that the twenity-fifth mlan will l)e of equal rank f rom hoth a fipancial and a social standpoint. 111 e Post and Paddàck.cliib stands in a elass by itsèlf. Not. onl...y s the cutire. Arlington plant a prairie rose thaob bas suddenily been 'transniuted inito what calleda freshwater pearl., but it is one. of the, few great Ainerican institutions. mn by non-professionals - for sport alone. Arlington did niot corne iiito existence- until after the presenit la\\ nmade racing legal in Illin ois. If tbat law should suddenly be revoked or repealed, not a single dollar' of paid adi ission money would'ever pass the bounldaries . of Arlington'limiits. Pos- sibly it would be kept as private raciuigý course 'de luxe; or even turried into,. polo fields; golf links; or for lack. of; amiy otlier evenituality, into a skating rinik or an air-port. But it would posi- tively iever beconie anything but wlîat- it is i1w-a playground for méen of wea-Ith, power and prestige,. and an o otdloor temple of what is the )est ïi *finie. keeni sport, handled. i a roval fashion. A glance at- tbe (irectors of Arliing- ton T ark Jockey club, operating the track 'is the inost conivlncinig proof. Thlere is Sainuel Insull, the inan . who is putting grand opera on a paying' basis' for the first. tixue lin the hiistorv of this great mu-tsical:exp-ression;, liter- ally ra:slîlg opera froin thle, place of. a para4tic depeîîdcnt .to tbat: of a. seil- respecting, self -supporting. cultuiral. cidîc uit;, Villiam rileJr., 011e .of the first nen to realize the possi- bilities of civiè developmen 0on Cilii- cago's now famous nort-h side boule- vard nie. f the fa;i r Lyofzthrsr.of The Rev. E. Ashley Gýerhard, rectc'r avenue, Kenilworth, left yesterday for of Christ church, Winnetka, and Mrs.. Leland., Mich., where they will spend Oerhard, left last week for the east t he surnmer.. Sterling Smith of De- where they will join Colonel and Mrs. troit has been the guest of the fled- A. E. Peirce for a month's cmuise on ricks for the past week. He rnotored the yacht Quicksilver. They will cruise to Leland with theni- to spend a few iroiniNew London to Bermuda. days before,returning to Dtroit.