v Thirty-seven: pupils were graduated fromn the St.. Francis Xavi er sc hool in Wilmette thi s year. The c om- niencement exercises were' held on Thùrsdaynight, June,12, at St. Francis Xavier church. Ail of the 1930 graduates appear. in this picture with, the exception of, joseph Mannebach, who was in the hospital when the photograph was made. Those ini the picture are, reading f rom Ieft to right:; Front row-Gerald Seng, Frederick Krammen, William Lynlch, John Smith, Jack Puis and Richard Mooney. Second row-Virgiriia Browning, Edith Coyne, Agnles Steffens, Mary Turley,. Mary Adams, Catherine Ber,- Miinghan, t'Isabelle Fitzpatrick, Margaret Bell, Dorothy Byrne and Lois Lechner. Third row-Jamnes Tarleton, James Hall, joseph Lynch, Norbert McDaniel, John Byrne, the Rev. Bernardi -Brady, Arthur Zech, Thomas McCann, Alva Chubb and Gerald Kolb. Back roiv-Clara Ludwig, Ellen Hein, Helen Koenig, Betty Harrison, Eulalia Barker, Frances H-offmàln, Loretta Steiner, Hazel WVhite. Dorot hy Hammes, Nancy Butler, and Agnes Steffens. Sororities Hold Conventions in' Various Parts of Country A number of women, students and aluininae of Northwestern. sororities holding conventions this summer, will attend the conventions to be held ini ,different parts' of. the UJnited States and Canada.. The Kappa Kappa Gamn- mea convention wil be f rom Julv 18 to 25,. at Mackinac Island. Chi- Omega will convene in Del Monte, Cal. today-. Kappa Alpha Theta will meet Julv 6 in, Toronto, Alpha Xi Delta on. Monday at White Sulphur Springs, West Va'.,. and Zeta Tau Alpha met vesterdav at' West Baden, Imd. Miss 'Estelle Engelhardt of. Wilmnette rep- resénted the active chapter at North.- western at the Chi Omnega conventioni this week at Hot Springs, Ark. and Delta Gamma met this week at Ashe- ville, N. C. Mrs. avenue, Tuesday Country eon and GIVES LUNCH£EON Mr. and1 Mrs. F. .C. Teich with their George. Benson, 210 Melrose s,,,, Frederick, Jr., inoved this spring Kenilworth, entertained ô tt-ronm Chicago to 88 Rob sart road, of this week at Indian Hille'iwoth club. The aff air was a lunch- 1bridge party. Preston Farley,. son of the J. K. Farleys of 300 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, sailed last Saturday f row. Boston on the battleship Wyoming fo'- a three' weeks' cruise. The ship arrives at Horta, in the Azores, this Saturda>, remaining there four days>. The return trip to Boston will start July 2. Ted Burgess of Kenilworth also made thc trip. The Harry Harrisons of 307 Abbotts- fod road, Kenilworth, have gone to their -summer home at .Leland, Micb., Ridge Avenue Near L.ake Avenue Legs of Genuine 3 Spring Lamb, lb. 3 d Stewapg 34c -m% il - - x Get lu The Swinu - BUTFRT Get a $Io: Permanent for $800 Keep your hair curIy and Iovely in. spite of the rigors of, summiee sports.. This. special lastu until, the Fourth Of JuIy. B eaut y work-of ai kinds Moudar sud Tiu.sdy SPECIAL Shamspoo-Finger Wave.....$. Manicure .... For Appointmemt Phone Wilmette 1911 Entrance Winberg's Drug Store 417 LINDEN AVENUE The Drug Store in the Afiddfe of the Block Phones Wdimette 113-114 Black Label Pi$1.0 apple, 3 cans ... O10 Sw.et Heart Grape Juiçe, qt . .......39c Bulk Cofféee$10 3 Iba . ........ 1 0 Interlor aud SIECIAL Worik. leplione Welllngton 0210':(ILevers Charges)- 1 Large Double 'Purpo.. Pau 1 Chipso 1 lvory Flakes 4 P& GSoap 2Zlvo'y Sùap leago SPECIAL "9c, * Grade Groce ries and 702. We 'l-1