Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1930, p. 8

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SALE!9 Note the splendid Se valvues ofered by A&P Food Stores ithis unusual'sale!1 GRANDMOTH ER'S Bread.., LOAF 5 c TOMATOES, lonia Band, No. I ca Domestic SARDINES, packed in oïl, No. ¼/4tin. Edelweiss BEVERAGE, Lght or Dark, boffli... (Plus bttte depos1t) Rajah SALAD -DRESSING, 31 oz jar. .. ..... .. .. .. Pure Béee Sugar, per 1b... . .5c (Od only luI 10-lb', lots) .5c 5c IoldrfPapr .RLLSC year have been enrolled for tis ses- sioni in ordcr that they miay have an opportunitv of enjoying this prograi during the sumnmer terni. Ini addition to the regular classes, a special afternoon class, for boys fromn 7 to. 12 will be conducted by Viggo Bovbjer g, of the children's school staff.. The program for this group Will nii- clude, manual training, playground gaines, excursions and swimming. Ai eW featuretisyear- is-the spe- cial roorniWhere individual ainstruction will be given to children Who, throughi illness, winter vacations or otiier causes, have dropped behlind their classes. Tests to deterniîjue thé child's standing and ability and the cause of any special dificulties, will be given by* Miss Martha Fink, assisted by Miss Vera Larson.. Miss Agnès Adains:.will giv e the group special supervision and Miss Violet Rush. director of the rooni, will be assisted by a group of experi- enced student teachers so that individ- ual work with the children nîùay be ar- ranged without difficulty. The staff of the Children's achool for' the suimmer is as follows :1 Director. Miss Clara Belle Baker; nursery school, Miss Miriani Brubaker; junior kindergarten, Miss Amie DeBlois; Senior kindergarten, Miss WilImina Townes; flrst grade. Miss Nellie Bail; second grade, Miss Dorothy Weller; third and fourth grades. Miss Mary Gonner- mian; fifth and sixth grades. Miss Edith Ford; physical education, Viggo -Bovb- jerg; music, Mrs. Jean 1{lstop Rumry. Two Women Were talking at their club; one, withb-abeautil said: "I had -seer Pe rmanents: f r o, CAYR2- LEEN and thbey were lo if ui wave n several mthe- SALON 'Vely-soD 1 bad ',m'ine there.. iwâs and y surprised when only t wo hours ýn't hurt at al. Mns. F. A. i i 16 7 Wilmette Phone Wilmette. Ave. 4598 ini open warfare, the Battie of Cha- teau-TIierr will bic re-enacted at Dyche. stadiumn during the dayliglit i show- of teEaso North End Fourth of july celebration. A spectacle such as iihost of the 40,000 spectators \vho will be in the stadium that nig t 4 have, neyer seen before will be stalged by platoons of the 2nd. batta.lion, 2ndi U. S. infantry, and. 150 local men who, will be, the "enemy."' Neyer before hâs the Fourth ýcor- -oration- put es nîuch stress and money on the daylight show,. according til Roy. L. Davis, president. It will begliî at 8 P. ni. wit h a, milit ary paradi- around the arenia by the drurn anidf huizle corps of Evaniston and Wilmette legion posts,. and men representing soldiers ofý the Revolutionary, Civil, Spanish-American -and World wars. At 8:25 when folk'dancers of Haven and Bent playgrounds will depict the spirit of Ïevelry in the village of Chateau-Thierry, the slîam battie will begin.I To Blow Up Marne Bridge Three hundred and fifty dago bonîbs will be exploded at the blp)wing of the Marne bridge, and the word "vicd- tory" with" a portrait of General- Pershing will blazeý forth in pyro- technics,- marking the, beginning. of the firew*orks display.' On the da.- light show and the firewvorks. display.V the planners are spending about $6,0w0. More aerial displays andi fewer set pieces than in the past, ail especially designed for this show, wi11 feature the display which the comrnitteei head.ed by William L. McKay, has planned. A pyrotechnical Mardi Gras, scores of r.çpeating. shells, a fountaiîî diýplay, golden air castles. a rainhlow' ', curtain, Niagara Falls and 6inally the firinç,' 6f,300 bonibshells simultaneouis- ]y. will be amiong the many features., Thousands Attend Opening of R. D. Cunningham 'In. Ail dav Saturday and evening nortli- shiore residents streamed to the ne%%- R. D. Cunningham Inc. buil din'g at 1033 Chicago, avenue, Evanston, visited the varions departnients of the bigges'. Ford service station between LawrenIct avenue and Waukrgan, and inspecte(' the. îiew Model A :cars, ail styles of which were exhibited on the showY floors of the building., found the balloon while plowing in 11;s field, and wrote the corporation to, let it know how far it had traveled froin home. 44

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