* îîwspaper Iteturewriter,-created itis story of the adventures. of a cavalier- bandit whos'e sentimental nature di- verts him f rom villany. - t first ap- peared as a storv in the Cosmopolit-ii magazine under thue titie "Strictly Busi- ness?'"'Smhith also, adapted it te the * likis.Doris Ketlvot sings beauti- fully ýand Rod gives a good aczcouifni *in, thée titie role. "Blaze ' Glory" is a dramnatic tale, of a young mai back. from. the wàr who sings bis way,,to faile in a singl-- performance on Broadway. Eddie' Dowing is, the yôurig man and he's Supported bv Betty Compsonî. Gôood entertaininent. joan Bennett is the "Queenl Bée" in hier set,- sornewbhat because she is not a "done man"r girl, 'in "Crazy That Way,.' I li the words of. the producer: t deals primarily witb -one ,debbie's, curious r slant-s on courtsbip, love and marriage" Kennetb Gard.ner plavs the opposinig !lead. It's a 'buhbling comnedy %witb a goodcat.ce with Jack Hoît and Dorotby Revier, c oncludes the week's billing. t melo4ramna with a decided supplys the drivé iun the productior. The story is well knit together and the. dialogue admirahly handled. Eternall triangle. Go and eijoy yourselves.ý "The Sophomore" Playing At the Community House Coýtnmunity Hotuse brings to its screeni today Eddie Quillani, faniiouý *comiedian, in' the titie role of "The Sophioniore." Eddie niav he very sînail, îudeed, b5ut lie akes binself very for- miidable .-týxôppoiients iiu tbe footbal! field. HLe imav e a "fresh wise-crack- ipg kid" but leý is adinired bv the stil- dent bodv! Eddie is a cut-up in. bis latest, picture and off ers extensive good funi. Sally O'Neil plays opposite bini, a s "Margie" wbo stands by hum in sffite of, tbe scrapes lie gets bimself into. There arc difficulties, plentyof thein. HootGibson iii "Trailing Trouble" is Tuesdays billinig. This' is Hloot's latest -Western picture and in 'it, we find ail tbe action,* riding and other- wise, we could possibly ask for. This, tne Hoot ventures into. Chinatown, 'Young Eagles" . 11..1. Evanston Sunday, Jue 22 "Blaze 0' Glory" . .-W,\iliete Monday, Jue 23 "Unider Texas Moon" .~. Varsity "Blaze O' Glory" Joc * Wlmette ".Cra'zy That XVay" .. Wilnmette "Under Texas Moon" . ....VarsitV 'Tr.ailiing Trouble".. C. Hotuse Wedne.day, Jun. 25 "'Crazy That Way" :7....Vilniette 'Ladies Love Brutes" .. Varsity Thursday, June 20 "Vengeance, ... .. Wilmetté ".Ladies LoveBrutes" . . Narsity .Friday, Jue 27 "Vengeance"........Wilmette T.,ipoli Trio,. Radio 'Stars, rOpen at Mîralago Saturday. The mtanagemeuit of -the Miralagé' dansant announced, this NÇeek that tbree entertainers known as the Tripoli tril will start an. unlinîited engagement ai the Miralago this Saturday, June 21. TIhe trio has appeareil on the R-K-O' circuit and bas been beard over the air on the WLS showboat. «THE SILVER HORDE" Evelyn Brent will play the feminine -ad A-in- Rex Beach's "The Silver Horde," opposite Joel McCrea. Friday' sud SaturdaYy Jue 20-21 HGHSOCIET Janet Gaynor- Charles Farrel Monday and Tuesday, chisel.heir way intobIigh society. Goocl songs/,nd plenty of laugbs. "Under a Texas Moon" is a dashing and gay Tecbnicolor singie witb 1Frank Fay and Arruida. It's a ligbt and pleas- iug- satire on, old-fasbioôned Mexican bôrder melodramas. George 'Bancroft is a crude, but w.talthy builder wbo, goes.iii for cul- tuire, under Mary Astor's'.influence,, n, "Ladies Loveý Brutes." I1t's, damn good entertainment. "!Iajpy Days" is a corking goôd -re-, view, cast from the pickc of :the Fox lot. An old "sbowman is about to lose his troupe and the enptertainers put on etitertainruent. that is entertaininent.- Go séecit. Rainia Opera and, Concerts lýune 81 t. Bextember 1 Box Office open 980 A. M. aoutil le Ilà.4 aI olSna Western Soundi Systeni T I onighl ~içtUtE Friday OnIy BUSTER KEATON "'FREE AND Saurdiky 'BUDDY ROGERS "dYOUNG I -Read the Want Ads 1120 CENTRAL AVE. Pon WILMETK'E Wilnîette Our Ventilating Sytern Nou> in Operation . 40« SATURDAT, SUNDAT, RQLIAYS ONLT ISophomore" I DIRECTION O0F PETER NM. KALLEI 's-' 't- v -Gloria $wanson ii F 66THE 1TRSPASSER" -]EXTRA-' Crto VitphpeAet . Oswald Talkhng Cto pathe. Sound News FrWay I i 4. 1. Satrda1,Jue 21 Ail-outaioor Dranmil Rod LaRocqu.,