.ltp I -~ Rate-l' cents a Unin one paper. 25-cents a line Inan two papers. Average of five words to the line. No blaoc face type used. 10% discount on ail cash wlth order. sdvertiuemeltà when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wllmette. or 661 Lincolfi Ave., Wlnnétka. Deadine or Isertons- e1 d advertisemente wlII bes- the WILMETTE LIFS or aIl three papers; Thuriay 6 o1clock for the WINNBTKA> TALK and Friday à o'clock, for the GLENC0JE N"~S.: Telephones: Wllmette 4300 or Wlnnetkà. 20004001. 4 F011S.ALE-AUTOS SEE THIS FIRST iF YOU ARE CONSIDER- ing a 4 or cheàp 6 cylindcer new car either, one of th§_ý faosNash "400", sedans% less than ten mnonths old Wil interest: you. -Guaranteed mech. sanie as a new car. Priced at $650 or $500 sav- ing to you.. EXAN STON NASH.CO. D. W. VOC.E DIN G. PRE.S 1735 Benson Ave., Cor. Vlark, St. ;1033 Davis St., Cor., Oak Ave. DON'T -COX1Fl'S E SE F -(NS W[TH T'HF, USI'AL USED) CAR 'ARGAINS EVERY CAR RECOND.'IITIO-NED) ,N-D A GENVINE VALUE TERMS TRADE 1929 Cadillac town sed ......... ..$40 1M7 Cadilîne 5 pass. sed.......... 975 *1927 Cadillac 7 pass. sed .........9. 1929 Essex 5. pasa...... ........... 425 * 1929 Hudson 5 pass. sport sed ... 950 1429 Cherle 5 pass. sed .........4 5 1928 Chrysier 7 pass. lino........ 1250 1928 WIllys Knight 5 pass. sed ... 750 * Lincoln 7 pass. sedan ............. 1850 Lincoln. 2 pass. Roadster......... 1850 * -Lincoin 5 pass. Sedan .............50 0 MANY OTHERS $100 AND 1-P * Snall D)oN\, Payment OPNSUNDAYS AND.EMENINGS, *AUTHORIZED LINCOL N, flALE-RS. *1822 Ridge -Ave. Greenleaf 1495 \'Vinletka 670 Schnizer's Greenhouse WEST ENI) 0FCENT RAL AVE. PETUNIAS, LARGE RUFFLE: AND double, -manyý diferent- colora, 10 and 15 cents.> Petunias, rosy miorn, 6 cents. Geranluùma, assorted colora, large bushy plants 15 and 20 cents.O-e until 8 evenings. PHONE ~1MTE4698 20L39-Ite SELLING OUT 50,000 PLANTS INCLUDING PERENNIiALS, ANNUAL8. Shrubs and Trees at prices far below any on the North Shore. JOHN OSTROWSKY 2343 W. Park Ave. Highlanld Park' Phone Highla.nd Park 49 20LTN32-tfe TREES TAKEN DOWN AND CUT up for firewood. Cail Winnetka 179>3. 2OLTN21-tfc 25 INSBTRUCTION PRIVATE SC HOOL TEACFIER VERSED ln Eastern school requirement$ would like, summer 'tutoring lu mathernatics. Winnetka 3264. 25LTN37-3tc Curtis--Pianlo Systeni ADULTS .CHILDREN Classes starting June 23, 1930 Wilniette 4223, Marjorle R. Bottomly Sumrner Rates 25L38-2tp $0 LOANS, Charles H. reh d lut and 3n4 roortgien Insurance 5 Main St., Wilnette Tel. 66 AL. G. RUTAR CARPEN4TER-CO14TRACTOR Good work for reas. price for estimationi -p!ease. eau after 6 P. M. Wlnnetka 2480 -0TN3-t> LOST-JUNE l2th; ON WILMETTE AVE. Gold Ring, red- stone setting and pearis on sides, in. blue ring case. Ph. WiI- mlette 481. L3-t LOST - DIAMOND AND SAPPHIRE circle pin. Reward. Cail Wlnnetkaý 2139. 55liTN39-l1tc LOST-TOY BOSTON BULL, FEMALE,' seal brown, weight about 10 Ibs. Re- ward. :Wlnnetka 1329. 55LTN394ltp .56 HELP WANTED-1FEMALE WÂNTED-SCHOOL GIRL TO CARE1 for, children afternoons, 2. to .6. '285 Vernon ave.,.Glencoe. 56LýTN39-ltC' EXPERIENCED WHITE MAI» FOR general housework. Refera. required. Tel. Glencoe 909. 56LTN39-ltc WANTED SCHOOL GIRL TO HELP with housework. Small family. Home. nights. Ph. Wînnetka 306". 56LTN39-ltc EVERY MlORNINè, AND ALL DAY Thursday for second .work and ironing. Ph. Glencoe 1679. 56LTN394ltc GIRLS, WHITE 20 TO 35 YRS. REG- ister at once at this office for positions' now open for domestic help of ail kinds. Wages $18 te $25 per week. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 746 Elm St. Phono Winnetka 2662 56LT1N35-tfe GIRL WANTED GEN. IISWIC. HELP with 2,cbildrefl. Excellent place for. experienced energetlc girl. Ref. roic., Ph. Winnetka 1756. 56L39-ltp NORTH SHORE ,EMPLOYMENT AGEFNC Y UNDER SIUP1RVISION 0Fp MRS. HELEN CHRIMES A personal Interest taken in each.girl placed. "~The Best With The Best" 1616 Sherman Ave. University 0934 56L39-1tp 1 . f in THE~ EVANsToN I<EviE-w, reachlng 16<,000 rami- lies in Evanston. R.EVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m on Tuesday. Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000O j"! s,-itil r i u e t k & - 1 5 7 5 . ' pos. C. 61LTN3! EXPERIENCED) LAUNDRESS WANTS washlng and lro»ing to taire home. Will cail and deliver. Winnetka 2871. 60LTN39-ltp YOUNG -LADY JUST OUT 0F BU SI.. ness College cdesiessten.ogiaphic work. Write -Wlnnetka.Talk 'B-139. 60LTN39-11tp YOUNG WRITE-WOMAN WOULD LIKE, worik by day, clealiflg, cooklng, àerv- Ing., Ph. Glencoe 1594.. 60LTN39-ltc WANTED-CARING FOR CHILDREN, 4 ýyears experlence. Best references. Cali Highland, Park 4321. 60LTN3-ltp EXP. WOMANWANTS DAY WORK laundry pref. Ph. Wilmette 797 cal! evreningo. 60OLT9itl)' WOMAX WA14TS DAY WORK. Pli. Wllmette 3945. .60LTrN39-lte EXPERIENCED TEACHER DESIRE$ governessa position.~ Children between the ages of 2 and 8 pireferred. Cali Wilmette 1l6C 6OLTN39-ltp WANTED TYPEING TO DO AT HOME. Ph. Wilmette 2513. 6OLTN39-1 te MARRIMD WOMAN WýITH- 3 YR. GIRL, wants, pos. -as eQok, gen. hswk., or nurse. Refs. Winnetka :3413. 60LTN39-ltp PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 74ËLM S T. PH. WINNETKA 2662 Free to employer. We speclalize ln white domestlc help. Applicants reglstered, at this office have reference as to char- acter and ability to perform such dutieýs as applied for. Ma-y we a siat ln se- curlng that particular; klnd f help for you. 6O TN35..tfe YOUNCx WOMAN TAKES LA)ýNDRY home. Ph. University M943. 60L38- GIRL WIS$ES GENERAL IHSWIC GO homne nlghts. Ph. Wilmette 3945. 60L39-ltc MAID.. WHITE, EXPERIENCED, REF- erences. :Ph. Dlversey 2477. 60LTN39-ltp EXP. WHITE WOMAN TO CARE'FOR chlldren 'and. prePare 4inneror day wvork. Ph.. Untirerslty 3324J. 60LTN39-ltP ,EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS -WANTS day work, hand froning or cleanlnig. Ph. Willmette 3500. 60LTN43-tfp HIGU .SCHOOL GRAD. DESIRES F05. as steno. or'typist. Wllmette 621. 6OT lNTSSltC